Answer the game Cross the IQ River, update the latest answer

Answer the latest 35 IQ game Cross river, help you play the game Through IQ river through the screen quickly. Not a new IQ game, but IQ River is an IQ game that attracts players because of its difficulty and twist. Questions It may take up to 35 steps to solve the problem through the most difficult IQ river.

Not a new IQ game, but IQ River is an IQ game that attracts players because of its difficulty and "brain twist". Questions It may take up to 35 steps to solve the problem through the most difficult IQ river. Here is the latest synthesized game answers 35 River IQ game, help you play the game Through IQ River through the screen quickly.

Cross River IQ game is available on Android, iOS and Windows Phone. If you haven't downloaded the game to your phone, click on the corresponding link below to install the game before viewing the answer.

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  1. How to install the Rules Of Survival game on PC

Answer the game Cross the river IQ 35 sentences

  1. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 1
  2. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 2
  3. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 3
  4. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 4
  5. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 5
  6. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 6
  7. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 7
  8. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 8
  9. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 9
  10. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 10
  11. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 11
  12. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 12
  13. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 13
  14. Answer project Game Cross river IQ sentence 14
  15. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 15
  16. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 16
  17. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 17
  18. Answer game Game Cross river IQ sentence 18
  19. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 19
  20. Answer project Game Cross river IQ sentence 20
  21. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 21
  22. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 22
  23. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 23
  24. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 24
  25. Answer project Game Cross river IQ sentence 25
  26. Answer project Game Cross river IQ sentence 26
  27. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 27
  28. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 28
  29. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 29
  30. Answer project Game Cross river IQ sentence 30
  31. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 31
  32. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 32
  33. Answer project Game Cross river IQ sentence 33
  34. Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 34
  35. Answer the game Cross-river IQ sentence 35

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 1

Help the man in the boat move wolves, sheep and cabbage across the river. Note: Only one animal or object can be moved at a time. When there is no man nearby wolf will eat sheep, sheep will eat cabbage.


Step 1: We move sheep, then transfer the cabbage, and return sheep.

Step 2: When you bring the sheep back you continue to bring the wolf across the river with cabbage.

Step 3: The final step returns and takes the sheep note and completes stage 1.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 2

Help 3 cannibals and 3 missionaries move to the other side of the lake. Note: If there are more cannibals on one side than the missionaries, the missionary will be eaten.


Step 1: We transfer 2 cannibals, to where we bring a cannibal back.

Step 2: Continue to send 2 murderers and then give 1 killer to the missionaries at the same time.

Step 3: We give 1 cannibal + 1 missionary.

Step 4: Move 2 evangelists and transfer a cannibal.

Step 5: Move 2 cannibals to a cannibal.

Step 6: Take the remaining 2 cannibals and finish screen 2.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 3

Help a 5-person family cross the river by boat and boat only carrying up to 2 people. Travel time of each person is 1s, 3s, 6s, 8s, 12s. If two people go on the boat, the boat will go at a slower pace. In 30s, take the whole family across the river.


Step 1: We transfer people at 1s speed and 6s across the river, then let the 1s return.

Step 2: Next we move people at 1s + 3s, then bring the 3s back.

Step 3: Then transfer people at 8s + 12s, then return 1s.

Step 4: Transfer people at 1s + 3s speed to and end.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 4

Three couples go out on a picnic together. They have to cross a river while only one boat can carry two people there. Help them cross the river. Note: The husband will not allow his wife to stay with another man without his presence there.


Step 1: Bring the red wife + the blue wife over the river and the red wife returns.

Step 2: Red wife + yellow wife crossing the river, red wife returns.

Step 3: Green husband + yellow husband cross the river.

Step 4: The golden husband + golden wife comes back.

Step 5: The husband of the yellow + red husband crossing the river is all three husbands who cross the river.

Step 6: Bring the green wife back to the red wife, then the green wife returns to take the wife to the river and finish stage 4.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 5

There are 6 frogs and 7 columns, swapped 6 frogs, knowing that the frog cannot jump back, 2 frogs cannot share the same column, the longest distance jumps to 2 columns.


Step 1: Move frog to move column 3 to column 4.

Step 2: Move yellow frog column 5 to column 3.

Step 3: Move frog column 6 to column 5.

Step 4: Move frog column 4 to column 6.

Step 5: Move frog column 2 to column 4.

Step 6: Move frog column 1 to column 2.

Step 7: Move frog column 3 to column 1.

Step 8: Move frog column 5 to column 3.

Step 9: Move frogs column 7 to column 5.

Step 10: Move the frog column 6 to column 7.

Step 11: Move frog from column 4 to 6.

Step 12: Move frog from column 2 to 4.

Step 13: Move frog from column 3 to 2.

Step 14: Move frog from column 5 to 3.

Step 15: Move frog from column 4 to 5 and finish.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 6

There are 3 cups of 8l, 5l and 3l, an 8l cup full of beer, pour 4l of beer in 10 pourings.


Step 1: Pour 8L cup into 5L cup.

Step 2: Pour the 5L cup into a 3L cup.

Step 3: Take the 3L cup and pour it into 8L cup.

Step 4: Take the 5L cup to pour into 3L cup.

Step 5: Pour 8L cup into 5L cup.

Step 6: Pour the 5L cup into a 3L cup.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 7

There is a policeman, a bandit, a blonde woman and two children, a red-haired woman with two children. The boat on the river can carry 2 people. Only adults can drive a boat, children cannot drive. Let everyone go across the river to know: If the police are not available, the bandit will kill all the people there. Without the blonde woman, the red-haired woman would beat the blonde woman's child and vice versa.


Step 1: Transfer police + robbers to -> Police return.

Step 2: Transfer police + children of blonde women to -> Police + Robbers return.

Step 3: Transfer their blonde + children to -> Blonde women return.

Step 4: Blonde women + red-haired women come -> Red-haired women return.

Step 5: Transfer police + bandits to -> Blonde women return.

Step 6: Switch blonde women with red hair to -> Redhead women return.

Step 7: Transfer the red-haired women + their children to -> Police + bandits return.

Step 8: Transfer police + child boy of red-haired women to -> Police return.

Step 9: Transfer police and robbers to and complete sentence 7.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 8

Move all the left column numbers to the right column in 33 moves. Know that in the process of moving large rings, it is not allowed to lie on small rings.


Step 1: Move small circle 1 to column 3 -> Move round 2 to column 2.

Step 2: Move round 1 from column 3 to column 2 -> Move round 3 to column 3.

Step 3: Move round 1 to column 1 -> Move round 2 to column 3.

Step 4: Move round 1 to column 3 -> Move round 4 to column 2.

Step 5: Move round 1 to column 2 -> Move round 2 to column 1.

Step 6: Move round 1 to column 1 -> Move round 3 to column 2.

Step 7: Move round 1 to column 3 -> Move round 2 to column 2.

Step 8: Move round 1 to column 2 -> Move round 5 from column 1 to column 3.

Step 9: Move round 1 from column 2 to column 1 -> Move round 2 from column 2 to column 3.

Step 10: Move round 1 from column 1 to column 3 -> Move round 3 from column 2 to column 1.

Step 11: Move round 1 from column 3 to column 2 -> Move round 2 to column 1.

Step 12: Move round 1 to column 1 -> Move round 4 from column 2 to column 3.

Step 13: Move round 1 to column 3 -> Move round 2 to column 2.

Step 14: Move round 1 to column 2 -> Move round 3 to column 3.

Step 15: Move round 1 to column 1 -> Move round 2 to column 3.

Step 16: Move round 1 to column 3 and finish.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 9

Please answer the question below: 1 + 4 =?, Below is 7 squares to enter the word.


This addition will result in 5, also known as the five. You will notice a familiar word that is "enlisted". Click on the crossword to appear INPUT to finish.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 10

You will have to enter the password to open the door through screen 10.

Pay attention to the small peel in the upper left corner of the scholar's picture E = mc2, click on it to create the Binladen picture with HOPE and the number 19001957. H is 4, O is 6, P is 7, E is 3 (key on the phone keypad press the number key).

Join me with 467319001957, it's the code through the door, please enter this number and press Enter to pass the screen.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 11

Help 3 men along with their respective 3 pockets of money across the river. Note: If at any river bank the total amount in the pockets is greater than the total value of the money owned by the men there, the men there will steal the money and escape. .


Step 1: Transfer gold man + gold pocket to -> The golden man returned.

Step 2: Transfer the red man + green money bag -> The red man returns.

Step 3: Transfer the green + yellow man to -> The golden man + the gold bag back

Step 4: Transfer the red-and-red man to the red -> The green man and the green bag return

Step 5: Switch the green + yellow man to -> The red man returns.

Step 6: Transfer the red man + green bag to -> The golden man returns.

Step 7: Transfer gold man + gold pocket to and end.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 12

Take mother and 5 sons across the river. Knowing that the boat can carry up to 3 people, only a mother can sail. When the mother is not present, the 1-year-old inferior children will fight.


Step 1: Transfer the 7T + 9T child.

Step 2: Move the 6T + 8T child to -> Return the child 7T + 8T.

Step 3: Give the child 8T + 10 T -> Bring the 9T child back.

Step 4: Give the child 7T + 9T and end.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 13

13.1: A flock of sheep has 7 children preparing to cross the river. There was a wolf mixed in there, with two measurements on the bridge. Find the wolf, knowing that wolves are lighter than sheep.

For 1, 2, 3 left weight 5, 6, 7 on the right:

  1. If equal, weigh 4 and 8, which is lighter than Wolf.
  2. If one side is heavy, one side is light: proceed to weigh 3 light sides together -> weigh 2 children together, the light one is wolf

13.2: A flock of 11 sheep is preparing to cross the river. There is another animal mixed in there. With 3 measurements on the bridge, find out that animal knows that the animal has a different weight than the sheep.

You mark 12 sheep in order from 1-> 12.

  1. Balance of 1: 1, 2, 3, 4 with 5, 6, 7, 8
  2. Weights 2: 9, 10, 11, 5 with 1, 2, 7, 8

Notation notes to represent weight results:

  1. >: means weight on the left side is heavier.
  2. =: means that both sides' weight is equal.

Case 1: times 1 and 2 are =

=> the sheep is the 12th child.

Case 2: 1st time =, 2nd time <

=> fake sheep in 9, 10, 11 and lighter imitation sheep

=> Balance of 3: 9 with 10

  1. If
  2. If>: fake sheep is a child of 10
  3. If =: fake sheep is a child 11

Case 3: 1st time =, 2nd time>

=> fake sheep in 9,10,11 and heavier fake sheep

=> Balance of 3: 9 with 10

  1. If
  2. If>: fake sheep is a child 9.
  3. If =: fake sheep is a child 11.

Case 4: 1st time <, second time =

=> fake sheep in 3, 4, 6.

=> 3rd weighted 3: 3 with 4.

  1. If the fake sheep is a child 3.
  2. If>: the fake sheep is 3 or 4 and the lighter imitation sheep => the fake sheep is the 4th child.
  3. If =: the sheep is fake 6.

Case 5: Times 1>, 2nd time =

=> fake sheep in 3, 4, 6.

=> 3rd weighted 3: 3 with 4.

  1. If the fake sheep is a child 4.
  2. If>: fake sheep is 3 or 4 and heavier fake sheep => fake sheep is 3.
  3. If =: the sheep is fake 6.

Answer project Game Cross river IQ sentence 14

Help the horse move across the riverbank. Know that there is a special bridge between the banks of the river. To cross the river, the horse must pass all the squares on that bridge. Each square can only jump once. Note: Each horse's jump will be the same as the Ma's step on the chessboard.


We numbered the following in the squares and made the horse (which is the code in the chess) jumping in the following number:


Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 15

Help the man cross the river by finding the right security code of the bridge (1-49). The correct code in the range (21-25). Every time I change the code, I have to reverse 2 numbers. Only 2 options are +8 or -13. You have 9 turns to find the answer.


Hint: We place the cells on the bridge from left to right, respectively: A, B, C, D, E and we must arrange the increase and decrease so that the numbers on the bridge are from 21-25.

Step 1: B and E decrease 13.

Steps 2: A and B increase by 8.

Step 3: D and E increase 8.

Step 4: D and E increase 8.

Step 5: D and E decrease by 13.

Step 6: B and C increase 8.

Steps 7: B and C increase by 8.

Steps 8: B and C decrease 13.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 16

Four couples go out on a picnic together. They have to cross a river while only 1 boat can carry 2 people. Help them cross the river. Note: Husbands will not allow their wives to stay with another man when they are not there.

We named the river bank from left to right respectively A, B, C corresponding to 3 river banks. We need to bring 4 couples from the banks of river C to the bank of river A

Step 1: Let the Red shirt couple go to shore A, the Red shirt husband goes back to shore C.

Step 2: Blue-shirted couples go to the B-shore, the blue-green blouse goes back to shore C.

Step 3: Overlay the blue shirt and the red shirt to the B edge, the red shirt back to C.

Step 4: Couple in yellow shirt to shore B.

Step 5: Yellow shirt wife and Green shirt wife to shore A, wife of Vang shirt go back to shore B, husband's blue shirt back to shore C.

Step 6: Overlay the blue shirt and stack the red shirt to the shore A, the couple red shirt to shore B.

Step 7: Husband of Red shirt and Yellow husband go to shore A, Blue Lam's wife goes to shore B.

Step 8: Blue wife and wife of Red shirt to shore A, stack yellow shirt to bank B, Golden couple to shore C.

Step 9: Overlay the Yellow shirt and Green stack to the shore A.

Step 10: Red shirt wife makes a boatman to bring the remaining wives to shore A.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 17

Take 2 dogs, 3 sheep, a snake and a bunch of grass across the river. The requirements of the rules are as follows: Sheep will eat grass, dogs will eat sheep, snakes will eat sheep and dogs, but if two sheep are together, the dog will not eat. Therefore, find a way to bring the animals and grass above the river, so that the animals or bundles of grass above are not together, to get them all across the river safely.


Place the river banks from right to left: River banks of river A, bank of river B and bank of river C.

At River bank A: Give snakes and grass bundles to the boat to go to the banks of River B.

At River B: for snakes and grass bundles, the boat returns to the bank of River A.

In the river bank A: Give a dog and a sheep to the boat to the Riverbank B.

In River B: Put dogs ashore, send snakes to boats with sheep to go to the banks of the C. River.

At C river bank: For sheep to go ashore, boats carrying snakes return to the banks of River B.

At the bank of river B: For snake to shore, dogs come back to the river bank A.

At the bank of River A: Put the dog ashore, and let the two sheep take a boat to the C River bank.

At C river bank: For 2 sheep to go ashore, turn the boat back to the bank of River A.

In River A: Put two dogs on the boat to the River C.

At River bank C: Put two dogs on the shore, turn the boat back to the Riverbank B.

In River B: Put grass and snakes into the boat to go to the River C.

In C river bank: Put grass and solid bundles on shore. Ending the challenge through the river No. 17.

Answer game Game Cross river IQ sentence 18

Take a dog, two sheep, a snake and a wolf across the river. The rules of the rules are as follows: The wolf eats the snake, the dog eats the sheep, the snake eats the sheep and the dog, but if the two sheep are together, the dog will not eat. Find a way to get the animals above the river, so that the animals that follow the upper bound are not together, to get them all across the river safely.


Set the corresponding river banks from right to left: River banks of River A, River B and Bank of River C. At this challenge, there was a sheep in Bank of River B and a dog in the River Bank C.

In the river bank of A: For snakes and sheep to take boats to the banks of River B.

At River B: Put solid on the shore, sheep go down to the boat with the other sheep to the Riverbank C.

At C river bank: For 2 sheep to go ashore, the boat returned to the bank of River A.

In the river bank of A: For wolves to sail to the banks of the C. River

At River bank C: For wolves to go ashore, the boat returns to the bank of River B.

At B river bank: Put snakes into the boat to the river bank C. Finish the challenge No. 18.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 19

Take 2 buffaloes, 2 tigers, 1 sheep and a bunch of grass across the river. The requirements of the rules of the game are as follows: The sheep will eat the grass, the dog will eat the sheep, the buffalo will eat the grass, but if two tigers are together, it will eat the buffalo. Find ways to put the animals and grass above the river, so that the animals or bundles of grass above are not together, to get them all across the river safely.


Place the river banks from right to left: River banks of river A, bank of river B and bank of river C.

Send sheep and bunch of grass to the C Riverbank.

At River bank C: For sheep to go ashore, boats take bundles of grass back to the banks of River B.

At River B: For a bundle of grass on the shore, the boat returns to the bank of River A.

In River A bank: For 2 buffaloes to sail to the C river bank.

At C river bank: For 2 buffaloes to go ashore, the boat returns to the bank of River A.

At the bank of River A: For 2 tigers to take a boat to the C River bank.

At Riverbank C: Put two tigers on the shore, let the sheep go back to the boat to B.

In River B: Put a bunch of grass in the boat with sheep to the river bank C. Finish the challenge No. 19.

Answer project Game Cross river IQ sentence 20

Take 3 tigers, 1 sheep and 2 bundles of grass across the river. The requirements of the rules of the game are as follows: Sheep will be able to eat grass and sheep. Find ways to put the animals and grass above the river, so that the animals or bundles of grass above are not together, to get them all across the river safely.


Place the river banks from right to left: River banks of river A, bank of river B and bank of river C.

In the river bank of A: Put sheep and grass on the boat to the C River bank.

At C river bank: For a bundle of grass on the shore, the boat back to the sheep to return to the bank of River B.

In the River B: For sheep to go ashore, grass and tigers get on the boat to the C River bank.

At River bank C: Put tigers and grass bundles on the shore, the boat returns to the bank of River A.

At the bank of River A: Put the tiger into the boat to B River bank, take the sheep to the river bank C. Finish the challenge No. 20.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 21

Take a tiger, 2 sheep, a snake and a dog across the river. The requirements of the rules of the game are as follows: Dogs eat sheep, tigers eat sheep, 2 sheep are together, dogs cannot eat, snakes can eat sheep - dogs - tigers. Find ways to bring animals across the river, so that the animals that follow the upper bound are not together, to get them all across the river safely.


Place the river banks from right to left: River banks of river A, bank of river B and bank of river C.

In the river bank A: For snakes and tigers to get on the boat to the banks of River B.

In River B: For tigers to shore, solid boats return to River A.

At River A bank: Dogs get on boats with snakes to the banks of River B.

At River bank B: Snake ashore, tiger gets into boat with dog to C river bank.

At River bank C: Tiger and dogs go ashore, the boat returns to the bank of River A.

In the river bank of A: For 2 sheep to take a boat to the C river bank.

At River bank C: 2 sheep go ashore, tigers come back to the river bank B.

In River B: Snake down boat with tiger to C riverbank.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 22

Take a snake, 2 tigers, a sheep and 2 bundles of grass across the river. Setting the river banks from right to left are: River A river, Bank of river B and river bank C. The requirements of the rules of the game are as follows: Sheep will be able to eat grass, snakes can eat sheep - tigers, tigers eat sheep. Find ways to put animals and grass on the river, so that the animals or bundles of grass above are not together, to get them all across the river safely. Snakes are currently in the banks of river B, tigers are in C riverbank.


In River A bank: Boats will carry grass and sheep bundles to the Riverbank C.

At C river bank: For a bundle of grass on the shore, the boat carrying sheep back to the bank of River A.

In the river bank of A: For sheep to go ashore, bundles of grass and tigers to the boat to the Riverbank C.

At C river bank: Put grass and tigers on the shore, the boat returns to the bank of River A.

At the bank of River A: Sheep get into a boat through the B River bank to take a snake to the river bank C. Finish the challenge No. 22.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 23

Take two sheep, a dog, a snake, a tiger and a bunch of grass across the river. Place the river banks from right to left are: Bank of River A, Bank of River B and River Bank C. The requirements of the rules are as follows: Sheep - dogs - snakes - tigers will eat cheese first, sheep will eat the grass, snakes eat sheep - tigers - dogs, tigers eat sheep, dogs eat sheep, but when 2 sheep are together they cannot eat. Find ways to put animals and grass on the river, so that the animals or bundles of grass above are not together, to get them all across the river safely. The grass bundle is currently in River B, cheese is on the Riverbank C.


In River A bank: For snakes and tigers to get on a boat across the banks of River B.

At River bank B: Snake ashore, boats carrying tigers to Riverbank A.

At River A bank: Dog gets into a boat with a tiger to the C River bank.

At River bank C: Tiger and dogs go ashore, cheese on the boat back to the bank of River A.

At River bank A: Cheese on the shore, for 2 sheep down to the banks of River C.

In C river bank: For 2 sheep to go ashore, the tiger came back to the river bank A.

At the river bank A: Cheese to the boat with tigers to the C River bank.

At the river bank C: For tigers and cheese on the shore, the boat returns to the banks of River B. Now, in order, the sheep will eat the cheese first, so it is not the turn of the tiger to eat sheep.

At River B: Snake and bundle grass to River C. At the end of challenge No. 23.

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 24

Take 2 sheep, 2 dogs, 2 snakes across the river. Setting the river banks from right to left are: River A river, Bank of River B and River C river. The requirements of the rules of the game are as follows: Sheep - dogs - snakes will eat cheese first, sheep will eat grass, eating snakes Be sheep - dogs, dogs eat sheep, but when 2 sheep stay together the dog cannot eat. Find a way to get the animals across the river, so that the animals that follow the upper bound are not together, to get them all across the river safely. Cheese is currently in the Riverbank C.


At River bank A: For dogs and snakes to get into boats on the banks of River B.

At River B bank: For snake to shore, boat carrying dog back to River bank A.

In River A bank: Dogs go ashore, let 2 sheep boat down to C river bank.

In the river bank C: 2 sheep go ashore, cheese comes back to the river bank A.

In River A bank: Dog gets into a boat with cheese to the C river bank.

At River bank C: Dog ashore, boat carrying cheese to the bank of River A.

In River A bank: Dog gets into a boat with cheese to the C river bank.

At River bank C: Dogs and cheese on the shore, boats return to the banks of River B.

At River B bank: Pick up 2 snakes to the river bank C. Finish the challenge No. 24.

Answer project Game Cross river IQ sentence 25

Calculate the time for the boy to go to the river just in time for the boatman to come. Know that there are two watches (5 minutes, 7 minutes). And the next 16 minutes the boat will arrive.


We set the clock 5 minutes to A and 7 minutes to B.

Step 1: Take a boat A = 5, B = 7 then A = 0, B = 2 (Go through 5 minutes)

Step 2: Reverse A then A = 5, B = 2

Step 3: Take the next boat and A = 3, B = 0 (Take 2 minutes)

Step 4: Reverse A then A = 2, B = 0

Step 5: Take a boat then A = 0, B = 0 (Take 2 minutes)

Step 6: Turn over B then A = 0, B = 7.

Step 7: Go to the boat we get A = 0, B = 0 (Go all 7 minutes).

Answer project Game Cross river IQ sentence 26

Calculate the time for the boy to go to the river just in time for the boatman to come. Know that there are 2 hourglass (7 minutes, 11 minutes). And 24 minutes later the boat will arrive.


Calling the watch 7 minutes is A, 11 minutes is B.

Step 1: Take A = 7, B = 11 then A = 0, B = 4 (7 minutes to complete)

Step 2: Reversible A we get A = 7, B = 4

Step 3: Take the boat we get A = 3, B = 0 (Take all 4 minutes)

Step 4: Turn over B we get A = 3, B = 11

Step 5: Take the boat to get A = 0, B = 8 (Take all 3 minutes)

Step 6: Reverse B we get A = 0, B = 3

Step 7: Take the boat we get A = 0, B = 0 (Take all 3 minutes)

Step 8: Reverse A we get A = 7, B = 0

Step 9: Take the boat we get A = 0, B = 0

Answer the game Cross the river IQ sentence 27

There are 3 cups 16L, 11L, 6L. 16L cup full of beer. Pour out 8L of beer in 14 times.


Step 1: Pour the 16L cup into a 6L cup (10,0,6)

Step 2: Take the 6L cup to pour into the 11L cup (10,6,0)

Step 3: Take the 16L cup and pour it into a 6L cup (4,6,6)

Step 4: Take the 6L cup to pour into the 11L (4,11.1) cup

Step 5: Take the 11L cup and pour it into a 16L cup (15,0,1)

Step 6: Take the 6L cup to pour into the 11L (15.1,0) cup

Step 7: Take the 16L cup and pour it into a 6L cup (9.1,6)

Step 8: Take the 6L cup and pour it into the 11L (9,7,0) cup

Step 9: Take the 16L cup and pour it into a 6L cup (3,7,6)

Step 10: Take the 6L cup to pour into 11L cup (3,11,2)

Step 11: Take the pouring 11L cup into the 16L cup (14,0,2)

Step 12: Pour the 6L cup into the 11L cup (14,2,0)

Bước 13: Lấy cốc 16L rót sang cốc 6L (8,2,6)

Đáp án game Qua sông IQ câu 28

Có 8 hộp kẹo. Trong đó có 1 hộp chứa toàn những viên kẹo hỏng. Mỗi viên kẹo thường nặng 20g. Mỗi viên kẹo hỏng nặng 15g. Hãy tìm ra hộp kẹo hỏng trong 1 lần cân.


Bấm vào hộp kẹo để xuất hiện 2 mũi tên trên các gói kẹo, bạn nhấn vào mũi tên lên để lấy kẹo ra cân nhé.

Hộp 1 lấy 1 viên kẹo ra

Hộp 2 lấy 2 viên kẹo ra

Hộp 3 lấy 3 viên kẹo ra

Hộp 4 lấy 4 viên kẹo ra

Hộp 5 lấy 5 viên kẹo ra

Hộp 6 lấy 6 viên kẹo ra

Hộp 7 lấy 7 viên kẹo ra

Hộp 8 lấy 8 viên kẹo ra

Nhấn Let's Go để cân.

Trọng lượng cân được là 705g.

Lấy (720 – khối lượng cân) : 5 = số hộp kẹo hỏng, tức là (720-705)/5=3.

Số của hộp kẹo hỏng là 3.

Đáp án game Qua sông IQ câu 29

Hãy đưa 1 con trâu, 1 con hổ, 1 bó cỏ, 2 miếng phô mai vàng và 1 miếng phô mai tím qua sông. Đặt các bờ sông từ phải qua trái là: Bờ sông A, Bờ sông B và Bờ sông C. Yêu cầu của luật chơi như sau: Trâu sẽ ăn được bó cỏ, Trâu và hổ ăn phô mai trước, phô mai tím có độc, ăn phô mai tím sẽ chết. Bạn hãy tìm cách để đưa các con vật và bó cỏ trên qua sông, sao cho những con vật hoặc bó cỏ theo ràng buộc phía trên không ở cùng với nhau, để đưa được tất cả qua sông an toàn. Hiện tại 2 miếng phô mai vàng đang ở Bờ sông B, trâu đang ở Bờ sông C.


Tại Bờ sông A: Phô mai tím xuống thuyền sang Bờ sông C.

Tại Bờ sông C: Phô mai tím lên bờ, trâu xuống thuyền quay trở về Bờ sông A.

Tại Bờ sông A: Trâu lên bờ, bó cỏ xuống thuyền sang Bờ sông C.

Tại Bờ sông C: Bó cỏ lên bờ, thuyền quay về Bờ sông B.

Tại Bờ sông B: lần lượt đưa 2 miếng phô mai vàng sang Bờ sông C. Thuyền quay trở về Bờ sông A.

Tại Bờ sông A: Trâu xuống thuyền sang Bờ sông B

Tại Bờ sông B: Trâu lên bờ, thuyền quay về Bờ sông A.

Tại Bờ sông A: Hổ xuống thuyền sang Bờ sông C.

Tại Bờ sông C: Hổ lên bờ, phô mai tím xuống thuyền quay trở về Bờ sông B (lúc này, hổ sẽ ăn 1 miếng phô mai vàng).

Tại Bờ sông B: Phô mai tím lên bờ, trâu xuống thuyền sang Bờ sông C.

Tại Bờ sông C: Trâu lên bờ, thuyền quay trở về Bờ sông B.

Tại Bờ sông B: Phô mai tím xuống thuyền sang Bờ sông C.

Đáp án game Qua sông IQ câu 30

Hãy tìm ra mật mã đúng. Bạn có 10 lần thử để tìm ra mật mã đúng bằng cách sử dụng những quả trứng với màu sắc khác nhau.

  1. Nút "Let's Go" sẽ giúp bạn kiểm tra kết quả trong mỗi lần thử.
  2. Nếu chấm tròn màu xanh xuất hiện: Có một quả trứng đúng vị trí và đúng màu.
  3. Nếu chấm tròn màu trắng xuất hiện: Có một quả trứng đúng màu sắc, tuy nhiên nó ở sai vị trí.


Bước 1: Chọn tất cả các quả ở cột thứ nhất đều màu xanh lá cây, sau đó nhấp vào Let's go. Xuất hiện 2 chấm tròn màu xanh --> có 2 quả trứng đúng màu và đúng vị trí.

Bước 2: Vì biết chắc chắc có 2 quả màu xanh lá cây đúng vị trí, nên ta giả sử là 2 quả ở dòng 1 và dòng 2 đúng vị trí, còn dòng 3 - 4 chọn màu đen --> có 1 chấm tròn xanh và 1 chấm tròn màu trắng --> chỉ 1 vị trí đúng, 1 vị trí sai và không có quả nào màu đen. Loại màu đen ra khỏi danh sách lựa chọn màu.

Bước 3: Chọn dòng 1 - 4 là màu đỏ, 2 màu xanh lá cây ở dòng 2 - 3 --> có 2 chấm tròn trắng --> vẫn là 2 quả đúng màu và sai vị trí --> 2 quả màu xanh lá cây vẫn sai vị trí và không có quả nào màu đỏ --> loại màu đỏ ra khỏi danh sách lựa chọn màu.

Bước 4: Chọn dòng thứ 1 - 2 là màu ghi, dòng 3 - 4 là màu xanh lá cây --> có 2 chấm tròn trắng, 2 chấm tròn xanh. Nên ra chắc chắc 4 quả đều đúng màu, bây giờ nhiệm vụ của chúng ta sắp xếp sao cho đúng vị trí của các quả trứng màu ghi và màu xanh.

Bước 5: Chọn dòng 1 - 3 là màu ghi, dòng 2 - 4 là màu xanh lá cây. Vẫn xuất hiện 2 chấm tròn trắng, 2 chấm tròn xanh.

Bước 6: Đổi vị trí dòng 1 - 2 là màu xanh, dòng 3 - 4 là màu ghi. Vẫn xuất hiện 2 chấm tròn trắng, 2 chấm tròn xanh.

Bước 7: Đổi vị trí 1 - 4 là màu xanh lá cây, dòng 2 - 3 là màu ghi. Xuất hiện 4 chấm tròn xanh --> Đúng màu và vị trí của trứng. Kết thúc thử thách số 30.

Đáp án game Qua sông IQ câu 31

Hãy di chuyển những quả trứng trong bảng sao cho chỉ còn lại một quả duy nhất.

Hướng dẫn cách đi:

Mỗi lần đi phải nhảy qua 1 quả trứng, không được nhảy sang vị trí có trứng, mà phải nhảy sang vị trí đang trống. Và khi nhảy qua, quả trứng ở giữa sẽ mất đi. Tìm cách đi sao cho khi thời gian kết thúc chỉ còn duy nhất một quả trứng.

Đặt các quả trứng theo chiều từ trái qua phải, từ trên xuống dưới lần lượt từ 1 đến 33.


Di chuyển các quả trứng theo thứ tự di chuyển sau:

Bước 1: Di chuyển quả trứng số 13 lên 11.
Bước 2: Di chuyển quả trứng số 24 sang 12.
Bước 3: Di chuyển quả trứng số 21 sang 19.
Bước 4: Di chuyển quả trứng số 7 sang 21.
Bước 5: Di chuyển quả trứng số 12 sang 24.
Bước 6: Di chuyển quả trứng số 27 sang 19.
Bước 7: Di chuyển quả trứng số 5 sang 7.
Bước 8: Di chuyển quả trứng số 33 sang 5.
Bước 9: Di chuyển quả trứng số 18 sang 20.
Bước 10: Di chuyển quả trứng số 21 sang 19.
Bước 11: Di chuyển quả trứng số 26 sang 18.
Bước 12: Di chuyển quả trứng số 18 sang 20.
Bước 13: Di chuyển quả trứng số 4 sang 6.
Bước 14: Di chuyển quả trứng số 7 sang 5.
Bước 15: Di chuyển quả trứng số 32 sang 4.
Bước 16: Di chuyển quả trứng số 4 sang 6.
Bước 17: Di chuyển quả trứng số 16 sang 18.
Bước 18: Di chuyển quả trứng số 25 sang 17.
Bước 19: Di chuyển quả trứng số 17 sang 19.
Bước 20: Di chuyển quả trứng số 20 sang 18.
Bước 21: Di chuyển quả trứng số 18 sang 4.
Bước 22: Di chuyển quả trứng số 3 sang 5.
Bước 23: Di chuyển quả trứng số 6 sang 4.
Bước 24: Di chuyển quả trứng số 31 sang 3.
Bước 25: Di chuyển quả trứng số 10 sang 28.
Bước 26: Di chuyển quả trứng số 1 sang 3.
Bước 27: Di chuyển quả trứng số 4 sang 2.
Bước 28: Di chuyển quả trứng số 15 sang 1.
Bước 29: Di chuyển quả trứng số 1 sang 3.
Bước 30: Di chuyển quả trứng số 28 sang 10.
Bước 31: Cuối cùng di chuyển quả trứng số 10 sang 8.

Đáp án game Qua sông IQ câu 32

Yêu cầu tương tự như câu 31, khác hình thôi.


Bước 1: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 21 sang 7.

Bước 2: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 12 sang 14.

Bước 3: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 34 sang 13.

Bước 4: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 14 sang 12.

Bước 5: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 26 sang 13.

Bước 6: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 12 sang 14.

Bước 7: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 7 sang 21.

Bước 8: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 18 sang 20.

Bước 9: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 21 sang 19.

Bước 10: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 28 sang 18.

Bước 11: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 18 sang 20.

Bước 12: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 29 sang 19.

Bước 13: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 20 sang 18.

Bước 14: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 4 sang 6.

Bước 15: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 37 sang 5.

Bước 16: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 6 sang 4.

Bước 17: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 3 sang 5.

Bước 18: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 36 sang 4.

Bước 19: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 5 sang 3.

Bước 20: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 2 sang 4.

Bước 21: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 35 sang 3.

Bước 22: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 4 sang 2.

Bước 23: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 18 sang 4.

Bước 24: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 16 sang 18.

Bước 25: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 27 sang 17.

Bước 26: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 18 sang 16.

Bước 27: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 15 sang 17.

Bước 28: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 2 sang 16.

Bước 29: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 17 sang 3.

Bước 30: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 4 sang 2.

Bước 31: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 22 sang 9.

Bước 32: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 8 sang 10.

Bước 33: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 1 sang 3.

Bước 34: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 10 sang 31.

Bước 35: Chuyển quả trứng từ vị trí 30 sang 32.

Đáp án game Qua sông IQ câu 33

Di chuyển khối vuông màu cam ra khỏi khung hình.


Bạn di chuyển theo hình từ trái qua phải, từ trên xuống dưới nhé.

Answer the game Cross the IQ River, update the latest answer Picture 1Answer the game Cross the IQ River, update the latest answer Picture 1

Đáp án game Qua sông IQ câu 34

Hãy chuyển tất cả các ô vuông đen thành ô vuông vàng. Gợi ý đáp án: Nếu nhấn vào ô bất kỳ thì những ô đối xứng theo chiều ngang và dọc sẽ chuyển sang màu ngược lại. Để chiến thắng thắng được dễ dàng bạn nên chơi theo hàng. Các bạn hãy đánh số thứ tự 9 hàng và 9 cột như trong hình để dễ hình dung nhé.

Answer the game Cross the IQ River, update the latest answer Picture 2Answer the game Cross the IQ River, update the latest answer Picture 2


Các bước di chuyển chi tiết:

Hàng 2: Nhấn vào ô số 6.

Hàng 3: Nhấn vào ô số 1 và 6.

Hàng 4: Nhấn vào ô số 1, 2, 3, 4.

Hàng 5: Nhấn vào ô số 9, 1.

Hàng 6: Nhấn vào ô số 1, 2, 4, 5, 7.

Hàng 7: Nhấn vào ô số 1, 2, 3, 5.

Hàng 8: Nhấn vào ô số 2, 4, 7.

Hàng 9: Nhấn vào ô số 2, 4, 5, 7, 8.

Đáp án game Qua sông IQ câu 35

Hãy xóa hết những con số trong bảng. Quy tắc: Nối hai số giống nhau theo hàng ngang hoặc cột dọc, những số nằm giữa chúng sẽ biến mất.


Đầu tiên hãy đánh số thứ tự từ 1 đến 9 cho hàng và cột, sau đó di lần lượt theo các bước như sau:

Answer the game Cross the IQ River, update the latest answer Picture 3Answer the game Cross the IQ River, update the latest answer Picture 3

Hàng 2: Di từ ô số 1 đến ô số 8.

Hàng 7: Di từ ô số 2 đến ô số 8.

Cột 8: Di từ ô số 6 đến ô số 8.

Hàng 8: Di từ ô số 3 đến ô số 8.

Cột 3: Di từ ô số 4 đến ô số 9.

Hàng 6: Di từ ô số 6 đến ô số 8, di tiếp từ ô số 1 đến ô số 5.

Cột 2: Di từ ô số 5 đến ô số 8.

Hàng 4: Di từ ô số 2 đến ô số 4.

Cột 4: Di từ ô số 3 đến ô số 5.

Hàng 5: Di từ ô số 5 đến ô số 8.

Hàng 4: Di từ ô số 5 đến ô số 8.

Hàng 3: Di từ ô số 2 đến ô số 8.

Hàng 1: Di từ ô số 2 đến ô số 8.

Cột 1: Di từ ô số 1 đến ô số 8.

Hàng 9: Di từ ô số 1 đến ô số 8.

Cột 9: Di từ ô số 1 đến ô số 2, rồi di tiếp từ ô số 3 đến ô số 9

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