Adobe Flash Player has a serious zero-day vulnerability

Recently, another zero-day vulnerability was discovered by South Korea's CERT in Adobe Flash Player to allow Remote Code Execution (RCE), remote code execution behavior on different platforms.

Recently, another zero-day vulnerability was discovered by South Korea's CERT in Adobe Flash Player to allow Remote Code Execution (RCE), remote code execution behavior on different platforms. According to Adobe, this vulnerability only appears to certain Windows users.

According to security researchers, exploitation is done by embedding Flash SWF files into Microsoft Excel documents. when the victim opens the file, Flash will automatically download ROKRAT, the remote administration tool used on cloud platforms to retrieve documents, from malicious websites into memory and execute it.

Adobe Flash Player has a serious zero-day vulnerability Picture 1Adobe Flash Player has a serious zero-day vulnerability Picture 1

The culprit of ROKRAT is a group called "Group 123". This group of hackers has very deep expertise and quite sophisticated tricks. They used the zero-day vulnerability to attack.

Adobe has acknowledged, if exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker could control the entire system.

Adobe Flash Player has a serious zero-day vulnerability Picture 2Adobe Flash Player has a serious zero-day vulnerability Picture 2
The platforms affected by the Zero-day vulnerability in Flash Player.

Adobe said it will release the patch for the zero-day vulnerability. During that time, to avoid being attacked by this vulnerability, Adobe suggested that administrators use Protected View for Office and change the corresponding Flash Player settings on Internet Explorer to Windows 7 and earlier.

Over the past few years, Adobe's Flash Player has raised security concerns with numerous security holes that can be exploited remotely by hackers such as a Microsoft Word vulnerability discovered by Kaspersky Lab several months ago. .

See more:

  1. Discover two important zero-day vulnerabilities in Foxit PDF Reader
  2. Instructions for troubleshooting Flash Player crash (crash) in the browser
  3. How to check the Adobe Flash Player version in the browser
  4. How to clear the cache and set up Adobe Flash Player?
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