A close-up of the 1-pound 24K gold-molded hydraulic press machine

The close-up video of a bar of 1kg of 24k gold, worth up to 30,000-40,000 USD, is easily shaped or compressed by the hydraulic press many times but its value remains unchanged.

Due to the nature of 24K gold (considered pure gold, 99.99% is pure gold), it is quite soft so it easily surrenders under the strong attack of hydraulic presses.

  1. Watch the thick book "explode" under the pressure of a hydraulic compressor
  2. Find your heart with a slow turn when the guy jumps into 1000 mousetrap

The close-up video of a bar of 1kg of 24k gold, worth up to 30,000-40,000 USD, is easily shaped or compressed by the hydraulic press many times but its value remains unchanged.

Check out the 1kg of 1kg gold bullion video against the "giant" named hydraulic press.

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