Stroke: Causes, identification signs and emergency 'golden time'

Anyone, of any age, gender, occupation, or health condition, can suddenly have a stroke without warning signs.

Stroke (stroke) is the disease of the most common nervous system that now occurs when blood supply to a part of the brain stops suddenly.

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Anyone, of any age, gender, occupation, or health condition, can suddenly have a stroke without warning signs.

People with stroke left behind a lot of sequelae such as paralysis, loss of ability to control urination, loss of communication ability, even deep coma and death.

Stroke: Causes, identification signs and emergency 'golden time' Picture 1Stroke: Causes, identification signs and emergency 'golden time' Picture 1

People at high risk of stroke are elderly. But now, the proportion of people under 45 who have a stroke is increasing, accounting for about 30%.

3 causes of stroke

Stroke has many causes, but there are three most common causes:

  1. Hypertension causes vascular degeneration or cracks in cerebral vessels.
  2. Atherosclerosis causes narrowing and obstruction of the brain artery.
  3. Atrial fibrillation causes blood clots to float and block the brain.

In addition, people with diabetes, heart disease, coronary artery disease, dyslipidemia, leg atherosclerosis, obesity, lack of exercise, drinking a lot of alcohol, smoking have a higher risk of stroke. .

Stroke: Causes, identification signs and emergency 'golden time' Picture 2Stroke: Causes, identification signs and emergency 'golden time' Picture 2

How to prevent stroke?

  1. Annual health checks, especially those over 50 years old to detect and treat early diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis . if any.
  2. Control your blood pressure (if you have hypertension) by taking a low-salt diet, losing weight, reducing stress and taking medication for continuous treatment.
  3. Control of cardiovascular disease .
  4. Reduce alcohol consumption, stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke.
  5. Maintaining a balanced weight and regular exercise will improve cardiovascular conditions and improve cardiovascular risk factors such as dyslipidemia, obesity, and hypertension . thereby reducing risk. stroke.
  6. Control blood sugar and blood cholesterol with the right diet and medicines as directed by your doctor.
  7. Avoid stress in life.

Stroke: Causes, identification signs and emergency 'golden time' Picture 3Stroke: Causes, identification signs and emergency 'golden time' Picture 3

Signs of stroke.

  1. Visual acuity is reduced, both eyes and eyes are blurred.
  2. The mouth is distorted, the central core slightly deviates to one side compared to normal, the face is disproportionate.
  3. Numbness in hands, difficulty in movement, difficulty in manipulation, difficulty walking, not lifting your feet.
  4. Abnormal lisp, mouth open hard, tongue lips are numb, you have to exert effort to speak.
  5. Memory disorders, unaware, blurred vision, unconscious ears
  6. Severe headache.


Stroke: Causes, identification signs and emergency 'golden time' Picture 4Stroke: Causes, identification signs and emergency 'golden time' Picture 4

What to do when a stroke occurs?

  1. Help the sick person not to fall into injury.
  2. Place the patient in a well-ventilated area.
  3. If the patient is vomiting, place the side on one side, and remove the mucus from the patient for easy breathing.
  4. Immediately send the patient to the nearest medical facility so that he or she can save timely the parts of the brain that are not dead but who are suffering from anemia, are swollen, or are pinched.
  5. Do not arbitrarily give any medicine.

'Golden time' rescues victims of stroke

If the emergency is timely given in the 'golden time', the chances of recovering a stroke victim are very high. Specifically, the first 3 hours since the onset of illness is the time of 'diamond', 6 hours later is the golden time.

For patients with strokes, every second counts, being treated as soon as possible will be even better.

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