3 simple ways to curb anxiety with natural food

Please join us in 3 simple ways to curb anxiety by natural foods below!
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Many foods are now proven to improve or help manage anxiety symptoms. Besides, some foods can make you feel more anxious. Although treatment for anxiety disorders requires specific treatments or drugs, but mild anxiety cases can be treated and controlled by changing the diet . Therefore, some simple changes in diet and lifestyle can help you manage your anxiety naturally. Please join us in 3 simple ways to curb anxiety by natural foods below!

Part 1: Use food to control anxiety

1. Increase the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in your body

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Omega-3 fatty acids help counteract stimulation and have been shown to improve mood, help curb stress and counteract drug habits.

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in oily fish such as tuna, mackerel and salmon. In addition, walnuts, olive oil and avocado are also good sources of fat. Therefore, you should load 1 serving per day.

2. Load complex carbohydrates

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This complex carbohydrate is thought to increase serotonin levels in the brain. This neurotransmitter helps balance the mood. The higher the level of serotonin, the more calm you will be.

  1. Complex carbohydrates include foods like quinoa, whole-grain oats, brown rice, 100% whole wheat bread and pasta.
  2. Complex carbohydrates also contain more fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals than single or refined carbohydrates.

3. Drink chrysanthemum tea

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Recent research proves that chamomile can relieve anxiety symptoms . Most people who experience anxiety disorders find modest results after drinking chrysanthemum tea on a regular basis.

  1. Chrysanthemum is sold in many forms, including: tea, oil, tablets, essences and dried flowers.
  2. If you choose to drink chrysanthemum tea, take 3-4 glasses a day to get the effect although relatively modest.

4. Eat tryptophan-rich foods

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This is an essential amino acid found in your daily diet - you can only get it from food, but your body cannot make it.Tryptophan is a precursor of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps balance the mood .

  1. Besides, tryptophan also reduces anxiety by helping you sleep better.
  2. Tryptophan-rich foods include cheese, chicken, fish, milk, soy products, eggs, tofu, turkey, nuts, peanuts and peanut butter, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds.
  3. To efficiently prepare a meal rich in tryptophan, use a complex carbohydrate food. Carbohydrates make tryptophan form in the brain to make serotonin.

5. Digest foods high in vitamin B

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Vitamins ( usually folate, B12 and B1 ) are thought to be able to fight anxiety by affecting brain neurotransmitter production like serotonin . So, eat a variety of foods that contain vitamin B every meal.

  1. B vitamins include folate, B12 and B1 found in many foods. However, they are found mainly in animal foods ( such as poultry, eggs, meat and fish ), dairy products, whole grains and cereals, dark green vegetables.
  2. Older adults, vegetarians and Crohn's disease ( a disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract, can cause ulcers anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus , but most are concentrated in the small intestine and large intestine ) or Celiac disease ( an intestinal disease caused by gluten sensitivity, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. , resulting in inflammation and aplasia of the small intestine mucosa ) are often at higher risk of vitamin B deficiency. This will cause anxiety symptoms, so you will need more vitamin B supplements.

6. Add protein to breakfast

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Adding energy to breakfast can help fight the effects of anxiety throughout the day. A protein-rich breakfast helps you feel fuller longer and keeps your blood sugar levels stable. Food sources provide protein for breakfast, including: yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, whole-grain oats and other cereals and lean meats.

7. Drink plenty of water

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Mild water loss can also negatively affect the mood and energy balance in the body. Drinking enough water throughout the day can help you maintain the amount of water your body needs.

  1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day . The amount of water depends on the specific needs but 8 cups or 2 liters of water is the general rule that you should comply with.

Part 2: Avoid food that increases anxiety

1. Reduce foods that contain omega-6 fats

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Omega-6 fats are found in vegetable oils, which increase irritation in the brain and are associated with mood imbalance.

  1. Popular sources of omega-6 fats include: safflower oil, corn oil, sesame oil and soybean oil.
  2. Use olive oil or canola oil when cooking and prepare food instead of using oils that are high in omega-6 fats.

2. Avoid alcohol

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Although alcohol creates an immediate mood stabilizing effect, it can really make you feel irritable and sleepless. Besides, alcohol is also proven to cause anxiety or fear.

  1. Women should only drink at most 1 cup of beer or wine, while men have 2 cups. A beer is usually 0.5 liters or 1 glass of wine is 150ml. However, you should completely quit drinking alcohol to better control anxiety.

3. Avoid caffeine

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In addition to increasing anxiety by making you feel restless, the stimulating effect of caffeine can last up to 8 hours and interrupt your body's rest.

  1. Like alcohol, caffeine can cause or lead to anxiety and fear.
  2. Caffeine is often found in coffee and tea but also in some sports drinks, energy drinks and supplements.
  3. Choose caffeine-free drinks, coffee and tea.

4. Avoid single carbohydrates and simple sugars

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Refined carbohydrates and simple sugars are thought to have negative side effects affecting mood, energy and anxiety. Reduce this group of foods as much as possible.

  1. Single carbohydrates and simple sugars should be avoided: soft drinks, sweets such as sweets or cakes and white flour-based foods such as bread or regular pasta.

5. Control food sensitivity

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Some foods and additives ( such as preservatives ) can cause problems for people who are sensitive to it. Many people experience changes in mood, discomfort and anxiety after digesting those foods. Foods that are often offensive include: wheat, milk, eggs, tobacco, smoke and sugar.

Part 3: Add activities to help control anxiety naturally

1. Use tonic

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Some herbal supplements are thought to be effective against natural anxiety. However, before using herbal supplements, seek medical advice to ensure your safety and suitability.

  1. Using the roots of the langur . Many studies show that langur plants have a soothing effect on mood, so they are often used as sleeping pills. Other studies also show that it has the ability to control stress and anxiety.
  2. Use peanut flower essence . Research shows that passion fruit can reduce anxiety.
  3. Use lemon balm . Lemon balm has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress symptoms.

2. Exercise

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Exercising can help control and face anxiety. Research has also shown that exercise has immediate and long-term positive effects on anxiety management.

  1. Exercise at a moderate level for 150 minutes a week or spend 75 minutes a week with intense exercises.
  2. Finding friends or people who practice will help you feel more interesting and practice more often.

3. Get enough sleep

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When your body is stressed, tired or experiencing high anxiety, you need to rest and sleep more. You should sleep at least 7-9 hours per night. If possible, sleep early and get up early. Note to turn off lights and electrical equipment before going to bed. Ideally, leave them outside the bedroom.

4. Go to the doctor

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Sometimes anxiety or anxiety disorders need to be treated and evaluated in addition to lifestyle changes, daily diet. Seek advice from a doctor or a mental health professional if symptoms become severe, disrupt daily life or cause a negative mood.

  1. Common symptoms of anxiety include: restlessness, fear, heart palpitations, sweating, trembling, and loss of concentration.
  2. More serious anxiety symptoms that require seeing a doctor include: feeling anxious to interrupt work, personal life or suicidal behavior.

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