How to 'stop' heart palpitations within a minute?

You often experience symptoms of rapid heart palpitations due to stress, anxiety, anxiety or no origin. Please refer to the following article!

You often experience symptoms of rapid heart palpitations due to stress, anxiety, anxiety or no origin. Please refer to the following article!

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Fast heartbeat is a common phenomenon that can occur in any object, this feeling is often very uncomfortable and one of us also wants to stop it quickly.

Many people often feel when their heart starts beating faster than normal. On the Bright Side page reveals two simple but very effective methods that will help you cope with a heartbeat in less than 1 minute.

So how to "stop" symptoms of heart palpitations in just one minute? Read carefully and keep yourself healthy!

Face against the water

How to 'stop' heart palpitations within a minute? Picture 1How to 'stop' heart palpitations within a minute? Picture 1

By reducing the temperature in your body quickly, your heart rate will slow. This is how the nervous system adapts to the new state of the body. The heart will " react " the fastest to face cooling because it is closer to other parts of the body.

Therefore, when the heart rate starts to beat quickly, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare a water bath, as cold as possible, add a little ice.
  2. Take a long breath and put your face in the water, until you can't stand it, stop. If necessary, cover your nose with your hand.
  3. In case there is no water container, take water into the palm of your hand and put it in it. In addition, you can massage your face skin with stones, paying special attention to the temples.

You probably won't believe it, but this method helps stimulate blood circulation of nerves. When immersing the face in cold water, the body sends a signal to slow down metabolism, thus, restraining the heartbeat.

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Valsalva Maneuver method

How to 'stop' heart palpitations within a minute? Picture 2How to 'stop' heart palpitations within a minute? Picture 2
Valsalva Maneuver is a method used to help reduce abnormal tachycardia. This technique is named after a surgeon of the 17th century who studied and gave useful methods below.

  1. Taking a deep breath, at this time, the chest is expanding, the belly is holding back, staying in this position.
  2. Quickly use your thumb and forefinger to close your nose, while closing your eyes and closing your mouth, tightening your abdomen and chest muscles.
  3. Hold until you hear the ' poop ' in your ears and then exhale for 10-15 seconds.

You may feel dizzy but don't worry, only a few seconds later will return to normal.This way you can do it in every position, repeating it repeatedly to maintain the stability of your heart rate.

Both of these methods are for everyone who has a heart rhythm disorder but if your heart is constantly beating rapidly for more than 20 minutes, there is more fainting, pain, difficulty breathing and other symptoms, the only way to Escape from that situation is to call an ambulance to prevent potentially dangerous complications.

In addition, an increased heart rate from being affected by a certain cause - such as intense excitement or exercising high-speed exercise - is the body's normal response. If your heart is beating fast without any cause from the outside, this may be a serious sign, you need to see a doctor right away to find it in time.

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