3 note when naming startup

Naming startup is one of the easiest tasks when starting a business. Not really.

Naming startup is one of the easiest tasks when starting a business. Not really.

When naming your company, you will need to consider a lot of things: Is the name overlapped with the name of another active business? Does that name sound interesting? Is it impressive and easy to remember? Is it possible to use it for a long time or will it have to be changed by another name later? Is it suitable when displayed on the email header? There are also many other questions that you need to have a clear answer before making a decision about the name you like best.

Recent trends also suggest that many companies choose names that are between 5 and 10 characters long and that at least one has a very consonant sound (such as C or G). Google, Starbucks or Verizon are good examples of such naming.

Obviously, there is no principle of any immunity when naming businesses. However, according to Southeast Asian startups, there are still some considerations that anyone who has an intention to start a business should care about if he wants to choose the best name for his "brainchild".

1. Aim for the target

The founding team of job search website Kalibrr (Philippines) selects this name for its startup because they use a platform that focuses on skills for people who hunt for their site use."[We focus on] the competencies of the candidates, not the networks or the level of education alone," said Daniel Olivan, the content marketing manager of the website.

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Olivan shared that they developed their business around this goal: "Public skills are consistent with the way our algorithms work with job applicants and candidates with home. We emphasize the point that users get when they do online reviews. "

The name of startup will reflect what your product or service is: "Make it simple for anyone to instantly connect ideas related to the name you have chosen."

Ashwin Jeyapalasingam, operations director and co-founder of CatchThatBus - Malaysia's bus ticket service also agrees."We want a name that can explain what we do clearly and that name will be in the branding system later, when we expand the service chain, such as CatchThatTrain or CatchThatPlane . "

2. Unique

Olivan said that the important thing here is that the startup name needs to be different from other companies and ensure that the name can also be used to name the site."Although there are many creative ways to find the best name for a website when the domain name has been duplicated, it will be easier if you can get a name that only belongs to you."

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Jeyapalasingam really liked the name "CatchTheBus.com" but unfortunately it was used by another company. "We want .com domain name, not just .my, .co or anything like that."

3. There is an association

The name of the business needs to be as compelling as possible so that customers can easily remember it. The name containing the noun will create the association, reminiscent.

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When considering the factors that create reminiscence for customers, it is best to start with a startup name so it is a little different.

"The name CatchThatBus is not for English speakers in a country that is not an official language and although there is a pronoun in such a name, it will often make people remember us in a Catch style. The Bus or Catch A Bus . We once intended to use another name when extending the service to a new country but until now CatchThatBus has remained the same even when we have face in Malaysia or Singapore ".

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