25 bad habits related to technology

Today the technology world has been developing constantly, along with the user's knowledge of use and management also increased. But there is one thing people can hardly change is their daily routine ...

QuanTriMang.com - Today the world of technology has been and continues to grow, accompanied by increased user knowledge and management . But there is one thing that people can hardly change is their daily routine.

In this area of ​​technology, habits give us many benefits, but besides there are troubles if not adjusted and changed in time. In the following article, TipsMake.com will list a list of 25 bad habits related to technology and how to fix them.

1. 'Avoid' using security security programs

Do you think security programs are not necessary, just pay attention when accessing the web and browsing emails? Do these programs do nothing besides the "ability" to slow the computer down? Change this habit, because you cannot be sure who, or what is waiting in the Internet world - where everything is possible. Just like normal applications, when installing into the system and operating, the operating system must allocate the antivirus program with a certain amount of memory, this level depends on the operating mode and current status. time of the system. Take the following example, between goals that have adequate protection methods and nothing at all, which criminals will choose?

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2. Do not apply data backup methods

The 'interesting' thing of admitting about never backing up data is always starting with a familiar saying: ' I know it's bad, but . '. Listening and looking around you, the problems that occur with the hard drive often occur, are you sure that the hard drive in use will not be damaged? Please refer to the following article for the best backup plan for the system.

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3. Backup on peripheral devices

A thief can break into your office or living room, take away the laptop that is using the same data in it. No problem is too big because you backed up the previous time. But, the data storage drive has also been 'wingless' because you leave it with the laptop. Apply a method of backing up data on a variety of devices and platforms, setting an automatic schedule, and most importantly, preparing a method to deal with the worst case scenario:

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4. Reply back to spam messages and emails

Why are spammers doing such a dirty job? Because there are a large number of users who often respond to those spam emails, if the address is from a company or individual . or something like that and is reputable, you Please keep an eye on it. If not, remove them directly from the mailbox. To overcome, you can equip yourself with basic knowledge of spam - spam by the following article.

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5. Move with the computer still active

Do you bring your computer from the living room to the kitchen while you are operating? No problem. Do you bring your computer from home to the office, on the train, while walking, or simply go upstairs? It's a bad idea, simply because the hard drive is working and reading data on the move will easily break the circuit, and the internal temperature will increase when you bring it to cramped places. The best way is to turn off the computer completely, Windows often recommends that users adjust the power button function on the laptop when you fold the screen.

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6. Use a computer in bed

The laptop never leaves you, and you bring it on the bed to work, chat, watch movies or listen to music. And this is also the time when problems start to happen. When you put your laptop on the bed, with the bedspread underneath, you feel warm, gentle and smooth, and the laptop is getting hotter, because all the bottom vents are covered. Using a small table or laptop or coffee table will help you overcome this. Besides, the posture of lying down on the bed and manipulating the computer will make the joints and contact areas such as the abdomen, shoulders, and back pain, fatigue.

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7. Print everything

You already have a convenient and suitable data storage device, so why print out documents and documents to paper? Even for forms that require digital signatures created with Microsoft Paint. Save these document files in PDF format, both convenient for backup, move and send with email.

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8. Bring the camera to the beach

Just one grain of sand or dust can greatly affect the zoom capability of the camera. If you have to take photos on the beach, put the camera in a dustproof bag or bag. If you have conditions, buy yourself a waterproof camera.

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9. Leave the laptop in the car

Thieves are always stalking at car parks, shops or anywhere. If you or someone accidentally left a laptop or phone in the car, they will quickly "evaporate" after only a few minutes. Professional '2-fingers' names only need 10 seconds to open the glass door and get what they need. In other cases, you think that leaving these devices together with a mess of stuff will make the thieves wonder, but it's also wrong. Instead of getting the right thing, they will 'populate' all your stuff. Why don't you bring a laptop with you or buy a different key?

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10. Store all emails

All emails you receive are stored in the inbox in chronological order. But you store them all for what? When you need information from any email, how do you find them? Sort and categorize them separately, and remember to delete everything that isn't really needed.

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11. Do not know the operating system shortcuts

Did you know that many people don't even know how to use Ctrl + C to copy and Ctrl + V to paste? People do not need to remember all the key combinations Alt + Ctrl + Shift and any one key, but the basic combinations should also be known to improve work performance and not rely too much on children. computer mouse. Please refer to the ebook - full file shortcut in Windows or this article.

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12. Install too many applications in the system

Why is Windows so slow? Do you install up to 3 chat programs and 7 browser-supported toolbars on Windows? Do not "hug" too much software, utilities and support tools that you think are necessary to your computer. Remember that only the parts that are really necessary for your job and entertainment needs should be installed, as the quantity is not always synonymous with quality.

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13. Throw away the relevant papers

1 of the most common cases, people never keep the documents that came with the packaged product, namely the manual, genuine warranty card .

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14. Long queues just to own the latest technology products

There are people who can line up for days or sleep in a makeshift tent to become the first customer to own a PS3. Why don't you use the online ordering and payment functions? That waiting time for other things will be much more useful.

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15. 'Pouring anger' on the computer

Are you in anger and can't control it? Sometimes the cryptic errors of Windows also make many people fall into the same situation. But remember that it is possible to buy bandages, red pills and medical supplies for us, but breaking a computer will not help calm down somewhat. Having to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars to buy a new machine will make many people suffer for a long time. Try to control no matter what situation you are in, and you will not have to spend a lot of money on those short, hot moments.

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16. Save data anywhere

When they receive their electricity bill, many people will put on the table with other papers and continue with their unfinished work. Continuing so until you need to find the bill again, they will take about 20 to 60 seconds to find the right paperwork in the messy papers. Likewise with work related to text, sorting and sorting folders by specific dates and purposes, will help you a lot to manage and make the most of your performance, not to save too many documents in common places like My Documents, Desktop or C .

17. Quote from Wikipedia

When you need an example to prove your reasoning, a lot of people have chosen Wikipedia - a massive, complete and varied informational website, but here everyone can adjust the information according to their knowledge. This information is quite accurate and reliable, but not all are correct.

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18. Upload funny pictures to the Internet

Sometimes for the sake of entertainment and to help people relieve themselves after a stressful day of work, you or someone intends to post funny pictures and share them with others. But what happens when the main character in that picture is you? Certainly there will be many good and bad comments, leave comments on your Facebook page, edit, and collage . Pay more attention to Facebook's security settings (avoid the pictures that will do it) directly affect you) and other social networking and sharing services.

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19. Too trusting the seller

A misconception of most current buyers is to just listen to what the salesperson advises. Take the time, search carefully, review review articles, introduce or experience the technology user community, compare prices and quality of service at different stores, and Consider before withdrawing to buy a device.

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20. Ignore specific descriptive information

A new trend of today's technology product lines is the classification of products by 3 classes: the most basic, advanced and high-end products with different prices. But the problem is, the most advanced products with 'heavenly' features are sometimes not much different from the basic line, according to each user, but why they still give up. 1 difference to buy them? Simple, because they will not read and refer to the manufacturer's specific information sheet. Sometimes this process will take a lot of time to consult and learn, find out what is the most important and appropriate feature, but not everyone has the time and expertise to learn them.

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21. Use 1 common password for all accounts

This is also a 'dangerous' habit of many computer users today, for them the password is something that is easy to remember, familiar and unforgettable. So they chose the name, date of birth, phone number, address . as a common password for all online accounts. And the cyber criminals have successfully exploited this psychology, just by detecting this habit, users will lose all account information, bank transactions . and many things. other importance. Change this concept, so use a combination of letters, numbers, uppercase letters and different characters.

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22. Do not use an existing email address

Don't upload your primary email address to news sites, dating websites and things that aren't really necessary. In this case, one-time emails are the most appropriate solution, and this is why Gmail was born.

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23. Do not lock your smartphone

When someone picks up your phone, the first thing they will do is check the account, then use up the money in it. Next is the process of collecting and synthesizing data in the phone, maybe they will find 'lucrative' information such as bank accounts, credit cards . Basic and important method is to apply Using PIN protection access, with smartphones, this process does not take too much time and still ensure personal data.

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24. Join online comment

This is no longer strange to many people today, most people participate in activities in one or more forums. The views and ways of speaking of many people are also varied and different, when commenting on a certain topic, arguing, agreeing or disagreeing is inevitable. Keep your views and calm, wise in the comments, and at least, be polite.

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25. Use the services provided based on the user's location

There are a number of useful services on the market that allow users to access their current address, like social networking sites sharing Foursquare. These services will really be useful when users want to find information about famous places, such as Mount Fuji, Castle of Versailles, or the famous Chernobyl town . Also, there are Other applications have similar functionality, including Gowalla and Facebook Places.

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