20 extreme tips or 'fly' hiccups right away

If you often get hiccups or feel uncomfortable every time you get it, you should probably try 20 extreme tips or get rid of the hiccup immediately below.

In everyday life, people often have symptoms of hiccups at different times of the day, which is perfectly normal. But if you often get hiccups or feel uncomfortable every time you get it, you should probably try 20 extreme tips or " fly " the hiccup immediately below.

1. Squeeze the nose and drink a glass of water

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An effective method of hiccups is to squeeze your nose, hold your breath and drink a cup of water. It also works if you swallow a large amount of food like rice at once. If the first time is not finished, you should repeat the steps again. Usually, the symptoms of hiccups will disappear after 2-3 times.

2. Drink a spoonful of honey

Add one tablespoon of honey to a cup of water, stir well before drinking. Honey has the ability to stimulate vagus nerves, helping you cure hiccups symptoms.

3. Use two straws to drink water

Pour a full cup of water and place two straws in the cup. After that, drink water with those two straws. When drinking, try to drink as much water as possible.

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4. Sip a spoonful of spicy sauce

Some people often treat hiccups by sipping a few spoons of spicy sauce such as chili sauce. Spicy sauce will make you feel hot in your mouth, then temporarily forget the symptoms of hiccups but only focus on your tongue being blistered because of the spicy.

5. Cover your ears with both hands and hold your breath

First, you have to breathe in and out. After exhaling, take a deep breath to get enough air until the next inhalation. Cover your ears with both hands and hold your breath.

6. Eat cocoa powder

Swallowing a tablespoon of cocoa powder may also help eliminate hiccups. Also, you can use other chocolate powders like Milo.

7. Stick your tongue out for a while

You can apply tongue sticking out to stimulate vagus nerves. Besides, sticking out your tongue can also reduce contractions on the diaphragm. Doing so can help you " get rid of " the reflex problems in your mouth.

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8. Bend down to drink water

Place a cup of water on the table, do not use the hand to hold the cup up to your mouth but bend down to drink. Each time, try to drink as much water as possible.

9. Eat sweets

Eat sweets to remove hiccups. For example, you can eat a spoonful of sugar. Sugar will stimulate the esophagus in your throat. When the esophagus is stimulated, the phrenic nerve will become active and hiccups will disappear.

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10. Eat sour food

In addition to sweets, you can eat pickles like a lemon slice . If you can't tolerate the acidity of a lemon, add a little sugar to the lemon. If you don't want to eat lemon, you can drink a small spoon of vinegar .

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11. Cough and belching

You can try to cough or burp to prevent hiccups symptoms. When coughing or belching, your diaphragm will be reluctant to interrupt the hiccup process.

12. Eat peanuts

The traditional method of hiccups is to eat peanuts. Peanuts require you to chew a lot. When chewing peanuts will interrupt breathing and prevent hiccups.

13. Use paper bags to breathe in and out

You can also stop hiccups by breathing out and inhaling into the paper bag. Paper bags must be placed near the mouth and tightly sealed around. Next, take a deep breath and exhale at least 10 times. The faster you breathe out and breathe in, the higher the effect.

14. Drink small sips of water

Drinking small sips of water can help reduce symptoms of hiccups. You should try to breathe in when taking small sips of water.

15. Gargle with cold water

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Many doctors recommend that contact with cold water to prevent hiccups. You can add ice in the water for cold. When gargling, remember not to swallow ice or it will increase the symptoms of hiccups.

16. Smell a strong scent

Smelling a strong scent can also cure hiccups. For example, smelling salt can alter your breathing or smell lemon and vinegar can also help you stop hiccups.

17. Massage around the mouth

Massage around the mouth helps stimulate vagus nerves and stops contractions on the diaphragm. Use a cotton swab to cool your mouth!

18. Hold your breath and walk around

Cover your nose, hold your breath, then walk around in an anticlockwise direction. You can sing a certain tune while walking around. If you don't reduce the symptoms of hiccups, don't give up, repeat, at least make you less anxious.

19. Cover your ears and drink water

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Use the right hand to hold the left and left ears to hold the right ear. Hands hold lightly on the earlobe but avoid holding for too long. After that, ask someone to bring a cup of water to your mouth so you can drink it. This method needs support from others, it's better to tell them in advance to avoid fear when you hiccup.

20. Drink water on the floor

Put a cup of water on the floor and bend down to drink. You should drink water in such a position until symptoms of hiccups disappear. If after drinking the clear water, symptoms of hiccups are still present, you can pour more water into the cup and continue to do it again.

Here are some basic methods to help you immediately eliminate symptoms of hiccups at home. However, hiccups can cause health problems if they occur over a long period of time. In this case, you should go to a health examination at local hospitals to find out the cause.

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