The secret to beautifying the skin from a scientific perspective
Today, there are many different types of beauty cosmetics on the market, which sometimes takes a lot of time to research on make-up cosmetics - and especially, support from Internet. The Bright Side newspaper has conducted research on beauty issues from a scientific perspective and offers extremely useful information from physicists. Here are the beauty tips from a scientific perspective .
6 things to stop doing with your skin right away
1. Wash your face with soap
The secret to beautifying the skin from a scientific perspective Picture 1 © DEPOSITPHOTOS © lemongrasshouse89 /
Soap will make your skin dry and if used regularly will damage the skin protection layer, causing acne. In addition, you should also stop using cleansers that contain strong cleansers SLS ( Sodium Laureth Sulfate ). Choose a foam cleanser or a facial cleanser created by a gentle cleanser to protect your skin.
2. Exfoliating
The secret to beautifying the skin from a scientific perspective Picture 2 © shiny_cosmetics / © DEPOSITPHOTOS
Vigorous rubbing can damage your skin and make the skin dry . While the effects are quite obvious, the skin has a very short " lifespan " so you should exfoliate more often on your face. Skin peeling and skin cleansing with acid-containing products are the most effective way.
3. Extreme care for oily skin and skin problems
The secret to beautifying the skin from a scientific perspective Picture 3 © DEPOSITPHOTOS © DEPOSITPHOTOS
If your skin is an oily skin , the more care you have, the worse your condition will become. Choose a number of ways to support your skin, follow the basic steps and you'll see the effect. If you have some serious problems like acne , it's better to consult with a dermatologist and cosmetologist to start treatment.
4. Tanned skin
The secret to beautifying the skin from a scientific perspective Picture 4 © © DEPOSITPHOTOS
The sun is not good for the skin as people often think. Sun rays from the sun will cause a lot of damage to the skin and will gradually show dark spots . That is why it is important to protect your skin from the sun all year round, especially your face. If you still want to own a brown skin , use artificial tanning products ( spray tan ).
5. Turn the refrigerator into a makeup bag
The secret to beautifying the skin from a scientific perspective Picture 5 © DEPOSITPHOTOS © pimduckweed /
Traditional cosmetics are all natural and very good products, but if you look frankly, " they may be outdated ". There is a difference between making homemade sour cream on your face with the use of a self-fermented skin care product. It is true that vitamin C is really good for the skin but it will be counterproductive when you combine it with a skin care cream.
6. Believe "suggestions" from the Internet
The secret to beautifying the skin from a scientific perspective Picture 6 © DEPOSITPHOTOS © DEPOSITPHOTOS
Failure to hear suggestions from those around you can ruin your beauty "work". Of course, we can all find the " symptoms " of the same skin, but how our skin is definitely the one who knows best. There are also a lot of bad tips on the Internet, which can make your skin worse.
Keep an eye on your skin's reaction when using different cosmetics, try many reputable products, you will find the best products for your skin.
4 steps of daily skin care
1. Clean
The secret to beautifying the skin from a scientific perspective Picture 7 © 4freshclub
Currently there are many types of cleanser , so choosing a cleanser for your skin is also quite difficult. First, you should not choose a cleanser that makes your face feel dry , shiny and clean after use. Secondly, a good cleanser for your skin will bring about the following good effects: cleansing the skin but not causing the feeling of dryness but still smooth and moist. If your skin is not oily or combination skin, do not buy a foaming cleanser, try an ice cream, milk or non-foaming cleanser. Your skin will not be removed from the oil, so it will not dry out.
Also, if makeup or sunscreen is used, the first thing is to remove the makeup and cream with special makeup remover , micron makeup remover or oil makeup remover ( cleansing oil ), then It just washes the face because they both work to clean makeup, not to cause dry skin.
2. Toner - rose water
The secret to beautifying the skin from a scientific perspective Picture 8 © DEPOSITPHOTOS
Toner - " Water balance " ( Vietnam or "rose water" ) - helps us remove all the stains left after cleansing and balancing the moisture to the skin, helping moisturizer to promote Better efficiency. Besides, toner also helps skin regain the necessary moisture after cleansing. Therefore, toner is indispensable, your skin will be better if you use acid toner - use for all skin types, cleanse your skin, tighten pores and make face care easy. than.
Look for products that contain salicylic acid (an organic beta hydroxy acid, an extract of willow bark, which acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory, acne scars treatment ) available in virtually all existing pharmacies. It fits perfectly with oily skin like AHA acids.
3. Moisturize
The secret to beautifying the skin from a scientific perspective Picture 9 © DEPOSITPHOTOS
The main task of moisturizers is to retain water on the skin, balance the amount of oil and water needed, protect the skin from environmental impacts. When your skin is moisturized well, the skin will have better elasticity, so the aging process can take place more slowly.
There are many different types of moisturizers but choosing moisturizers depends on many skin types, noting that there is no other " magic " solution if you want a beautiful skin. Moisturizer is just an outer layer of protection, providing extra moisture and skin care. So, if you want to take better care of your skin, you can buy an intensive skin care serum and apply it before applying moisturizer.
4. Sunscreen
The secret to beautifying the skin from a scientific perspective Picture 10 ©
This is a picture of two twin sisters. One person lives in the northern United States - no smoking, the other lives in California - smoking for 16 years. Whether or not to use sunscreen is up to your choice, but it can be clearly seen how effective SPF- containing cosmetics protect skin and anti-energy creams.
A few small tips on skin care:
- To avoid dark spots on your skin, use cosmetics that contain salicylic acid or moisturizer like olive oil.Apply a small amount to the nose and other affected areas, then gently massage the entire face before washing your face with water.Skin stains will disappear or at least fade.
- Skin " clogging " problems can also be solved with cosmetics containing salicylic acid.
- The best way to take care of your skin and help with antibacterial treatment is to use benzoyl peroxide - an acne killer ( like Desquam ), and also the most effective way to make greasy. Antibiotics work very well but bacteria can quickly resist them.
- Acne will leave scars and increase pigmentation, so it's best to treat them with acid and vitamin C.However, acid does not help you get rid of acne-induced dents, so see a beauty specialist or beauty salon for treatment soon!
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