11 Apple computers have the most impressive design

Over time, the design of Macs is constantly improving but there are 'live forever' designs with Apple's name.

Over time, the design of Macs is constantly improving but there are 'live forever' designs with Apple's name .

1. Original Apple : This is the first Apple computer to be released on April April (April 1) in 1976. Apple sold about 200 computers in its first year of launch.

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2. Apple II : Launched in April 1977, is considered the first computer for personal consumers. Earlier Apple models were only available to technology professionals and businesses.

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3. Apple Lisa : Launched in 1981, it was a beautifully designed product at the time but costing $ 10,000 and was considered one of Apple's most disastrous products.

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4. Apple Macintosh : This is the first Macintosh series of Apple computers released in 1984, called Mac 128K (called by Ram to use the device). This product made a strong impression on the market at the time. Apple has sold a large number of these computers within the first 100 days.

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5. Mac II : Steve Jobs kept it a secret during the development of the Mac II computer model. When it was launched in March 1987, it was considered a "revolution" in the computer industry and received enthusiastic support from consumers.

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6. Macintosh Color Classic : Launched in 1993, many collectors consider the computer line as the most favorite Mac because it represents the integration of two eras. This is the last computer of the old computer line designed for small cubes and at the same time the first computer with a color screen.

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7. Mac Portable : With a weight of 15 Pounds, a scientifically designed keyboard and a trackball mouse, this line of computers allows users to be easy to use and special. battery life up to 10 hours. However, the price is quite expensive to USD 6,500. The next generation MacBook notebooks are lighter in weight, only about 2kg, 6-hour batteries and cheaper prices, about $ 1,299.

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8. Apple TAM : This model was released by Apple on the 20th anniversary of the Mac line. Tam has the same design as the previous Apple models, but has integrated Bose sound system and sold a remote control.

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9. iMac : A year after Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, the company launched the iMac model. Immediately after the market launch, the iMac has a great support from customers and has contributed most to increase revenue for Apple.

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10. Mac Mini : The compact size of 2 inches tall and 6.5 inches wide, Mac Mini emphasizes the ability to move for users. It was released in 2005 and is priced at 499 USD at that time.

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11. MacBook Air : At the launch of 1/2008, MacBook Air is considered the world's thinnest notebook. Beautiful design, light weight, but MacBook Air 'slows down' other MacBooks and cannot replace batteries is another drawback of this model.

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