10 signs of mobile phone addiction

Forget about fast food, video games and reality TV. The worst disaster that sweeps the world these days is smartphone addiction. Here are 10 signs to help you test yourself if you are addicted to smartphones.

Forget about fast food, video games and reality TV. The worst disaster that sweeps the world these days is smartphone addiction.

10 signs of mobile phone addiction Picture 110 signs of mobile phone addiction Picture 1

Here are 10 signs to help you test yourself if you are addicted to smartphones.

10. You spend more money on phone accessories

Start with something as harmless as a car charger in a car, but as you continue shopping with armbands, extra batteries, screen protectors, Bluetooth stereo devices, wireless speakers and even charging, . will you realize that it's not just a phone? And so you got 'bitten', rushed to upgrade accessories because accessory makers gave you the feeling that no accessories worked well without upgrading to the new version in 6 months from now.

9. You install 30 different applications and use them all

We probably all went through the process of installing some applications on our phones. After that, or we find out that it is not useful and delete it, or leave it to be compressed in memory. The worrying sign is that you install too many applications that we take a limit of 30 and use all applications. Try asking, with 30 frequently used applications, how much time do you spend each day just looking at the phone screen?

8. There are all kinds of reminders of things you must do in your life

Meetings, doctor appointments, group meetings . All events are stored in your phone. But when your life relies on the reminder of your cell phone, at some point you may be turned into a machine and completely dependent on it.

7. Read about your phone on your phone

Not content with having it in your pocket all day, enjoying it every time you have a chance to use it, you really invest time in discovering more about it when you use it. You visit websites and forums to see what their members say about their phones, their new discoveries about it and maybe you share your experience. Being caught up in it means you have less chance to step out, because there are countless things about your cell phone that you have never discovered.

6. Reduce essential spending because of mobile bills

OK, lunch is extremely important. You can skip a few lunches for some reason but it will be serious if you think about saving lunch to use more phones, or even change more economical vehicles, or move to an apartment. cheaper . If so, you really fall into the smartphone addiction disaster.

5. A full charge is not enough to last the day

After brushing your teeth, washing your face, your last job before going to bed is to plug in the phone charger. Because if you don't do that, the phone will not last for the entire working day. This is also a sign that you use your phone too much, even though phone batteries are always a problem for smartphones, but not so much every day if they are used in moderation.

4. You break your phone and feel like losing a friend

While careless, you slide the phone down to the ground, worse than being pulled over by the car, or worse, not knowing where it is "evaporated". Regardless of the situation, you can't help but blame yourself, worrying about losing irreplaceable digital content in your phone, unable to remember whose contact number, the preset event reminded in phone . Even, you wish you could reunite with your beloved mobile phone as with a close friend who has been separated for many years. If you continue like this, you will be in a state of stress and even mental turmoil.

3. When meeting people with the same phone, you can only talk about the phone

If you can only talk about the phone when you meet people who use the same phone as you, you should review your smartphone addiction and your social life.

2. You feel panic for a moment when you reach into your pocket (or grop for the bottom of your wallet) and find the smartphone gone.

We are not talking about the lost cell phone here, but suppose you forgot it at home, and the feeling of fleeting panic was because:

'If someone tries to call me?'

'If I can't find the nearest Starbucks, don't ask anyone to visit someone?'

'What will people who follow me on Twitter think?'

Take a deep breath before you need an iDefibrillator app and pretend there is no support of that loyal digital device. Life will be fine.

1. You use smartphones in the bathroom

This is only a mistake, but not for hygiene reasons like a suspect. If you use the smarphone in the toilet, you may avoid interruption, but instead, you are pulling yourself into loneliness. Can't you live without a 5-minute email? Really?

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