Wisdom words of philosopher Socrates

Socrates' standards, arguments, and humanities helped him become an inspiration to many people, though they were only randomly told to listen to his lectures and were also what caused him to be accused, later being executed.

Socrates is a Greek philosopher, an enigmatic giant who brings completely new norms to Western philosophy. The standards, arguments, and humanities he gave him became an inspiration for many people although they were only randomly listening to his lectures and were also the things that led him to be accused, later. being executed.

Socrates was born in Athens, Greece around the year 470. His father was a stone carver and a sculptor, and his mother was a midwife. Being the original Athenian, he received the basic education of Greece. For many years, Socrates also worked as a stone carver before devoting his life to philosophy. He married and had 3 children but none of them made him really care. Socrates devoted his whole life to teaching young people about life and intellectual development. He believed in true knowledge , not merely winning his opponent.

Wisdom words of philosopher Socrates Picture 1Wisdom words of philosopher Socrates Picture 1
The Socrates statue is thinking at the Athens academy

Socrates is famous for always asking questions about everything about life and the world . He never accepted vague answers but always sought the nature of the problem. Socrates lived a very poor life. Although Socrates is a great figure of philosophy, it does not directly leave any word. Everything we know about him is mediated. Most of them come from the conversations of Plato and Xenophon with Aristophanes' play . Plato's recorded conversations are thought to be quite accurate because Xenophone also became a philosopher and tended to put his theories into conversations.

Wisdom words of philosopher Socrates Picture 2Wisdom words of philosopher Socrates Picture 2
Much of what we know about Socrates is through Plato - student of Socrates

Socrates was charged and executed in 399 BC, when he was 70 years old. This trial came about because according to his accusers, Socrates " refused to accept the government-approved gods " and " spoiled the youth ", because he had an anti-democratic position and hated people. he argued that Socrates was introducing young men to new gods. He had 3 hours to argue and defend himself, but instead, Socrates gave a presentation on philosophical ideas that 500 members of the trial panel refused to accept. He was also chosen to expel from Athens but he refused. Socrates then executed himself with a glass of poison. Here are his 20 famous and intellectual sentences.

Wisdom words of philosopher Socrates Picture 3Wisdom words of philosopher Socrates Picture 3
Visualize Socrates by itself with a poison glass before the disciples' pity

1. Wisdom begins in wonder.

Wisdom stems from miracles.

2. Chỉ chỉ thực hiện là đúng trong biết biết bạn không biết.

True knowledge is knowing that you don't know anything.

3. To know, là biết biết bạn không biết. That's the meaning of true knowledge.

Understanding is for you to realize that you don't know anything. That is the meaning of true understanding.

4. Be as you wish to seem.

You will become the person you want.

5. Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.

Education grouped the fire, not just filled the ship.

6. Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.

Big minds discuss ideas, the average brain discusses events and the weak minds only talk about people.

7. To find yourself, think for yourself.

To find yourself, know how to think independently.

8. He không có nội dung với gì he có, sẽ không được sử dụng với một gì này sẽ LIKE để có.

People who are not satisfied with what he has will not be satisfied with what he will have.

9. Be slow to fall into friendship, but khi bạn trong, continue firm and constant.

Be very slow when starting a friendship but once you start, hold on firmly.

10. By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll become happy; If you get a bad, you'll become a philosopher.

Anyway, once married, if you get a gentle wife, you will be happy; otherwise, you will become a philosopher.

11. Sometimes you put walls, không thể lấy người dùng, nhưng để tìm thấy đủ xe để để gỡ bỏ chúng

Sometimes you set up walls not to separate people, but to see who cares enough to break it.

12. Let him who would move the world first move himself.

Let the man move himself before he can move the world.

13. The only good is knowledge and chỉ có người này là ignorance.

The only good thing is knowledge, the only evil person is indifference.

14. Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty.

Satisfied is the natural wealth, luxury is the artificial poverty.

15. Don't do to others if you do to you by others.

Don't treat others in a way that you know you'll be annoyed if others treat you the same way.

16. Every action has its pleasures and giá.

Every action that brings a sense of satisfaction has its price.

17. We cannot live better than in seeking to become better.

There is no way we can live better than when we are looking for ways to become better.

18. Prefer knowledge to wealth, for one is transitory, the other perpetual.

Choosing knowledge instead of wealth, for some people is just temporary, but for others it is forever.

19. Death may be the greatest of all blessings.

Death is probably the greatest grace of humankind.

20. Know thyself.

Know yourself.

Author: Sumaiya Kabir

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