5 reasons for new experiences create happiness, not material
If you ask anyone the question of what the ultimate goal in their life is, the answer to that question will be happy . Happiness is something that we all try to achieve. We believe that happiness comes when we own things like buying a nice house, getting married or making lots of money. In fact, for most people, money is a limited resource and the way we spend money is what brings happiness.
It is a completely wrong idea, that when there is more money we often feel happier. Many studies have found that: " Achieving a rich goal makes us happy but that joy will quickly pass away. The material possessions are always available and advanced technology develops, we often tend to send hard-earned money into the most advanced modern smartphones, computers and cars ".
5 reasons for new experiences create happiness, not material Picture 1
Given the choice between depositing money into physical or sending experiences, most people will choose to deposit money into the latest technology gadget because it will make them happier during the time period. long. After all, will a new phone last longer than a 3-week vacation in New Zealand? This may be wrong and here are 5 reasons why:
1. Adapt to items quickly
Have you ever bought something and felt extremely happy? You think that is the best thing in the world at that time, but will you still feel that way six months later? Definitely not. The problem lies in people being born to adapt to everything. Dr. Thomas Gilovich, a psychologist from Cornell University, has an in-depth study of the relationship between money and happiness. Thomas Gilovich discovered that the enemy of happiness is adaptation and we all easily get bored of everything, especially with the things we own without feeling about it. Dr. Gilovich's research finally found that the money to buy was happy but just a little.
2. Matter promotes comparison with others
You will less negatively compare your own experiences with others than when you buy material. Jealousy can be created through comparison of material wealth, leading to negative thoughts about others. The experience is not like that - many people tend to feel listening to other people about their experiences is very attractive. This is because it is difficult to quantify the value between any two experiences because they are personal. So jealousy and craving are not a big deal.
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3. Experience will create our character
What makes our character is not the car we run, the latest smartphone we have, or the fashionable wings in our wardrobe. Who we are is made up of the accumulation of things we see, the things we do and the places we have come. The recent purchase of the most modern iPhone is interesting, but it doesn't change who you are. Instead, going to Inca Trail in Peru or in New Zealand will enrich your living capital more than you know. Finally, sum up our own experiences.
4. Enjoy the experience of people other than their property
The shared experiences will connect us together. When talking to others about the technology items you have recently purchased, it may attract some listeners, but it will be possible for them to lose them after a while. Conversely, when talking about travel experiences and you will find people interested in listening to you more, interacting with you better and promoting similar stories. Finally, you will realize that it will not really connect with someone with an Apple watch, but finding someone who has come to your destination may be the beginning of a friendship.
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5. The experience will last longer
There is a misconception about material being longer than experience, like a concert or holiday, but this is not a single case for comparison. When we go through something, it exists for us for years and even life. This investment is much larger and the effects are also prolonged.
Planning is a big plus when it comes to experience. The excitement and excitement starts from the very beginning to plan a vacation or trip to a certain place and it lasts all the way to the experience and memories you will nurture. after. Dr. Gilovich also discovered that although the experience creates excitement while buying or calling something, it ultimately creates more impatience.
So think carefully about your investments. Happiness is not bought but there are many smart ways to spend money to make us happier in that life.
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