Studies have proven that money can buy happiness

With many researches and statistics of experts, they say: Money can be bought happily if you use it for the right purpose '

" Happiness can be bought with money ", this is an opinion that has caused a lot of controversy in human history. From the standpoint, many people agree, many people disagree with that idea. With many studies, the statistics of experts, they said: " Money can be bought happily if you use it for the right purpose ".

Currently there is not a right level of standard to be able to measure people 's happiness , people's happiness depends on the different levels they feel. According to research by Sandra C. Matz from University of Cambridgeu. The results show that happiness can come from your spending . It can be very normal things in life like eating, traveling, meeting friends . Or simply getting a good night's sleep after a day of tiring activity.

Studies have proven that money can buy happiness Picture 1Studies have proven that money can buy happiness Picture 1

1. Paying debts

Stress, pressure is the greatest enemy of happiness and especially financial insecurity is one of the most stressful causes, these problems will have negative effects over time. to your happiness. Instead of living in worries and fatigue of debt, the best way for you to be happy is to pay off your debts.

If you are going to have a large sum of money in the next month of pay, instead of thinking about how much to save, it's best to use it to pay off your debt and save money in the future. . Once you have paid off all your debts, you will have a sense of comfort, such as taking away your burden, making you much happier and happier.

2. Use money to experience life

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When the current life is too much pressure and fatigue, it is best to stay away from it and go somewhere for a while to relax. These trips will help you to have peace of mind and think about who you are, how you live and the opportunity to discover, love yourself more. In particular, you have the opportunity to explore new lands, witness firsthand the wonderful things of life that you have only seen before on TV.

3. Happiness from being able to help others

Studies have proven that money can buy happiness Picture 3Studies have proven that money can buy happiness Picture 3

According to a survey, most rich people often use their money to use for charity, after doing so, they not only receive the thanks but the most noble is the bud. laugh, human love for each other. Instead of giving people money directly, you can buy goods from street vendors in the cold winter, a small act that will make people feel extremely happy and appreciative.

4. Buy things that bring true happiness

Purchasing physical items is definitely nothing wrong, but you need to consider carefully before buying them and see if any items can give you true happiness. When you go shopping you will be excited when you own the item, but soon you will feel regretful when you have spent a large amount of money to buy it.

When shopping, you first need to consider the usability and usefulness of the measuring instrument, whether it really has to be the item that brings happiness and you really need it? For example, when you have to sit and work a lot, you can replace a more loving chair to make you feel comfortable when working, which is what gives you happiness.

Researchers call it a " relaxed principle ". Here is a list of items you can refer to this principle to be able to buy yourself happily:

  1. 8 hours for work: Office chair, computer, desk, monitor, mouse, keyboard .
  2. 2 hours of travel: car, motorbike, car accessories .
  3. 1 hour cooking: kitchen utensils, cooking ingredients.
  4. 3 hours of entertainment: TV, games, music
  5. 1 hour of reading: new books or iPad, Kindle
  6. 1 hour of exercise: treadmill, abdomen .

Studies have proven that money can buy happiness Picture 4Studies have proven that money can buy happiness Picture 4

5. Buy yourself for a lot of time

Money can be earned but time never comes back, just because you always love to earn money, you forget about life, interesting things of family, yourself. Just like your husband and wife often quarreled because of the problems of house cleaning for both of you with headaches and cracks, when you have money you can hire a maid and then the house is clean and neat. The spiritual shield is also more comfortable and you and your husband become happy again, family life is happy and no longer quarreling for errands, having time to rest and enjoy life.

6. Be careful with the pitfalls

In fact, you should not expect too much with the above mentioned things, be careful with the pitfalls and barriers in life because anything has its sides. The above things even the experts are not sure about buying a valuable item can bring you happiness right away. True happiness comes from things that are emotionally valuable. And remember that inner peace can never afford to buy.

Secondly, trust and do what you like, rather than listening to other people's preferences. Because when you follow other people 's will, you will be more sociable, but over time you will lose your liking and your assertiveness and never know what you like and must what.

The last thing is, do not use more money than what you earn. This is called the " inflation lifestyle " because when you spend too much, you will always fall into a state of always feeling short of money. Think back to life when you have not earned money, what makes you happy and try to keep it instead of exchanging money.
And I remember there was a saying: Money can't buy happiness forever but treat it as watering your happy garden.

Wish you happy!

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