10 great benefits of Matcha green tea you may not know yet

Check out some of the great benefits of Matcha green tea below that you may not know yet!

Japanese food culture is considered to be one of the most healthy cultures in the world. Matcha green tea has the same origin as sushi culture.This traditional Japanese drink has proven to bring many health benefits and that's why the market recently has been so much interested in Matcha green tea!

Literally Matcha means " tea powder ", a special green tea powder produced in Japan. To produce Matcha green tea is not just a sieve: First, tea leaves will be picked from tea trees in the shade, then taken to steam to prevent fermentation, drying and preservation Cold management to keep the color, flavor and texture of Matcha green tea.

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So do you know why Zen Buddhism Buddhist monks often live long and not bothered? One of their secrets is drinking Matcha green tea. Check out some of the great benefits of Matcha green tea below that you may not know yet!

1. Anti-aging

Matcha green tea is like other teas that contain antioxidants and counteract the negative effects of UV ultraviolet radiation, helping us retain youthful skin. Surprisingly, studies have demonstrated that a cup of Matcha green tea contains nutrients and antioxidants with 10 cups of regular green tea.

The chemicals present in Matcha tea are anti-inflammatory , oxidative and aging . People living in Okinawa, Japan have the largest average life expectancy in the world, in part because they regularly drink Matcha tea.

2. Detoxification

A few weeks before harvesting tea leaves, green tea trees are shaded from sunlight, increasing the production of chlorophyll.Chlorophyll not only makes Matcha tea a brilliant green color but also a great detoxifier.

Chlorophyll helps clean blood, maintains the alkalinity of blood and tissues by removing heavy metals, chemical toxins and hormonal disorders. Moreover, chlorophyll also helps prevent the combination of toxic substances with colon walls and pushes them out of the body.

3. Prevent cancer

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Catechin is thought to be able to prevent cancer . Of the catechins found in Matcha green tea, epigallocatechin gallate ( EGCG ) accounts for 60%, EGCG cleans dangerous free radicals in the body and is a very powerful anti-cancer agent.

Some studies have confirmed that Matcha polyphenols prevent the proliferation of malignant cancer cells and reduce the risk of developing other cancers, including colorectal cancer, cancer. Bladder cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. So why don't you try some recipes that use Matcha?

4. Lose weight

While Matcha green tea has almost no calories, the catechins found in Matcha green tea have a heat-producing property that promotes fat oxidation . Matcha green tea enhances metabolism to burn calories four times faster and reduces the formation of new fat cells.

A prominent study in 1999 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrated that drinking Matcha green tea increased the body's calorie burning rate from 8-10% to 43% of total daily energy consumption. Unlike many other diets, Matcha green tea helps to lose weight without side effects. [3 easy ways to lose weight for busy people]

5. Increase energy and stamina

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Samurai warriors drink Matcha green tea before fighting to increase energy, because of the energy-promoting properties found in tea. Matcha contains a special form of caffeine that provides energy without causing side effects.

This special caffeine form is Theophylline , which maintains energy levels in the body, helping the adrenal glands to function properly and maintain optimal levels of hormones. Drinking a cup of Matcha will increase your energy by 6 hours.

6. Spiritual relaxation

During meditation, Zen Buddhism Buddhist monks drink Matcha tea to keep calm and alert. By special harvesting process, Matcha green tea contains L-theanine amino acid 5 times more than regular green tea. L-theanine is a unique amino acid that has properties to relax, fight stress, anxiety, increase resistance and help increase alpha waves in the brain.

Alpha waves help relax without sleepiness and keep the mind in a state of alertness. Studies have found that L-theanine amino acids found in Matcha green tea inhibit nerve cell stimulation and provide a calming effect on the body. Besides, L-theanine also contributes to the production of dopamine and serotonin to enhance memory and promote concentration. [9 foods to help you improve your mood quickly]

7. Enhance immunity

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Various antioxidants, L-theanine, EGCG, and many other healthy substances are found in Matcha green tea, so Matcha is a powerful medicine that enhances the body's immune defense system. Catechins in Matcha have antibiotic properties that provide strength against different antigens.

Just one bowl of Matcha is enough to provide a significant amount of vitamin A and C, iron, potassium, calcium and protein to enhance overall health. Furthermore, researchers have found that nutrients in Matcha may be able to inhibit HIV attack on T-limpho cells in the human body.

8. Helps digestive system healthy

Matcha tea is known to help prevent intestinal infections and prevent the formation of tumors in the intestine. Besides, in Matcha contains a lot of fiber capable of reducing constipation and stabilizing blood sugar.

In addition, this green tea stimulates biological activities in the intestine. The catechins found in Matcha tea help prevent infections inside the intestine. Anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, and immune boosting properties of Matcha also contribute to effective anti-intestinal problems.

9. Reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels

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Scientists are not entirely sure how Matcha helps improve cholesterol levels, but regular Matcha green tea shows that LDL (bad) cholesterol levels decrease and increase HDL (good) cholesterol.

Matcha saponins prevent the absorption of cholesterol into the intestine. Regularly drinking Matcha for 2-3 weeks reduces creatinine levels in the blood, which increases HDL-cholesterol levels and reduces LDL-cholesterol and improves vascular function.

10. Protection from infectious diseases

The benefits of EGCG are not over yet because of its cancer prevention properties. EGCG is also effective in fighting fungi, bacteria and viruses. It has antibacterial effect on various pathogenic bacteria, including Candida albicans.

One study found that the ingredients in Matcha green tea actually fight off infectious diseases, including influenza A, hepatitis B and C, and genital herpes (genital herpes). Besides, the EGCG in Matcha activates white blood cells, greatly reducing infections of the liver, joints, gums, lungs and intestines. [Things to know about "Kombucha tea" - fermented tea]

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