Good news: Green tea is good for people with myelogenous disorders

A new medical compound that has just been found in green tea has many health benefits for patients suffering from myelogenous disorders receiving medical attention.

A new medical compound that has just been found in green tea has many health benefits for patients suffering from myelogenous disorders receiving medical attention.

Specifically, a group of US scientists has just announced that a compound found in green tea leaves has been discovered, scientific name is Epigallocatechine-3-gallate (EGCG) plays an important role, yes useful for those who are suffering from amyloidosis , causing myelosuppression and dangerous death. The main author of the study, Jan Bieschke of the University of Washington said in a statement.

Good news: Green tea is good for people with myelogenous disorders Picture 1Good news: Green tea is good for people with myelogenous disorders Picture 1
Before, Amyloidosis is a rare condition when a substance called amyloid accumulates in the body's organs. Amyloid is an abnormal protein, produced in the bone marrow, can reside in any tissue or organ.

Amyloidosis can affect different organs in different people, and there are many types of amyloid. Amyloidosis often affects the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, nervous system and digestive system. If serious illness can lead to marrow disorders, organ failure . and may be life-threatening.

To get this conclusion, the team extracted Epigallocatechine-3-gallate (EGCG) to work with the Amyloid harmful protein found in the marrow from the bodies of 9 patients suffering from Amyloidosis. Birth marrow . After that, take the test under light conditions and laboratory temperature .

Good news: Green tea is good for people with myelogenous disorders Picture 2Good news: Green tea is good for people with myelogenous disorders Picture 2

The results showed that when EGCG in green tea leaves reacted with Amyloid, this harmful protein was completely inhibited by the ability to regenerate and prevent Amyloid protein from spreading widely in the marrow. The presence of EGCG helps to reduce the effects of Amyloid on organs, improving the status of marrow disorders in a positive direction.

Good news: Green tea is good for people with myelogenous disorders Picture 3Good news: Green tea is good for people with myelogenous disorders Picture 3
Currently, the scientific team is continuing to study more intensively on Epigallocatechine-3-gallate (EGCG) in green tea leaves with bone marrow-related diseases .

This finding has just been published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

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