61% of those who choose Steve Jobs because he 'made a difference in improving people's lives or turning the world into a better place'. 85% of the voters for American television talk show Winfrey also gave a similar reason.
And 33% of those who choose executives for 'Apple' are ' his success in many areas ', perhaps at Apple and at Pixar animation studio.
Wealth and fame play a small role for voters aged 12 to 17 years. Only 4% of children at this age voted for Steve and 3% chose Winfrey.
' We live in a culture dominated by fame, so it's not surprising that teenagers admire famous entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey, who have built these brand based on their own personalities and products ', said Jack Kosakowski, president of Junior Achievement USA.
However, it is surprising that the number of votes for Facebook founder Zuckerberg is lower than expected. Some will think that the teenage vote for Zuckerberg will be accompanied by the explosive growth of Zuckerberg's social network.