Steve Jobs, the art of humanity, and the secret to achieving the goal
It has been 8 years since Steve Jobs - a legend of the technology world - broke up with humanity, but his name is constantly mentioned, honored every day by simply, the captain of Apple has have invaluable contributions to the development of humanity.
Technology village godfather Larry Ellison, Oracle CEO once said: 'There will be no one like Steve Jobs. We cannot become a special person like him. We are us and need to appreciate his greatness'. Steve Jobs a genius, this need not be debated. He inspired hundreds of thousands of people around the world, and one of us, even the most ordinary people, doesn't need to be too high to learn the precious things that Steve Jobs leave. So what is the art of 'humane mind' that has brought success to Steve Jobs, how do you achieve the goals you have set, and what can we learn from this genius leader? ? Let's find out now.
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Needless to say, anyone who is interested in the technology world knows that to get Apple and Pixar flying as far as it is now, Steve Jobs has faced numerous obstacles, even those The tough challenge led him to bet his career. But Jobs always has unique ways to create his own reality. Speaking of other guests, the legendary CEO is the master of the art of 'capturing people's hearts'. In it, one aspect that he almost never fails, is to convince people that his personal belief is really a right thing, and perhaps this sharp 'weapon' is The platform that helps Steve Jobs steer the Apple and Pixar boats to the shore is as successful today.
This sounds simple, but in fact, Steve Jobs had to use it, and use it smoothly in the 'golden ratio' of masterful tactics. tell your victory, especially in board meetings, or in debates with some of the executives of the most powerful companies in the world. Moreover, Jobs's opponents in most of these "wars" are not ordinary people, they are outstanding individuals in the technology world.
Here are a few stories of persuasive art, and the secret to achieving Steve Jobs's goals. These are all close examples taken from the life of the legendary CEO, who can teach you how to achieve what you want in life as well as your career.
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- Top 20 best inspirational quotes from the world's leading founders
Attach yourself to passion. People are often convinced by the powerful displays that come from emotion and passion.
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- Steve Jobs and 8 words "thunder" have become true in the technology world
Passion is an important part of every Steve Jobs decision, and you should also make this part of yourself. For example, in a sales process, sometimes you should turn yourself into a 'product'. In other words, you or the product you create should become the key to making buyers understand your idea and are willing to spend money to buy the idea.
Before Apple launched iTunes in 2001, Jobs met with dozens of top musicians hoping to convince record companies to collaborate with Apple in the launch of iTunes. One of the people Jobs aimed for was the famous trumpet player Wynton Marsalis.
Marsalis said Jobs had talked to him for more than two hours.
"He is a man of possessiveness. After an open talk, I began to look at Jobs in a completely different face, not entirely because of the successes Jobs had, but because I felt I find myself passionate about his passion ".
Besides, Steve Jobs has also made several times to give his ad group ideas with a strong passion and persuade them to work with similar passion to "ensure that almost every campaign The ads that the team deployed are filled with the emotion and passion of the CEO himself. " As a result, Apple's advertising campaigns, such as the "1984" and "iPod" campaigns have turned Apples into the cradle of inspiration, creativity and passion, not merely a publicity. Computer dry company.
Brutal honesty will help you build your own strength
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- Steve Jobs and the simple secret of making speeches come into people's hearts
When Steve Jobs returned to Apple for the second time in 1997, he immediately embarked on a "invigorating" for his brainchild who was showing signs of "chattering" after a long time of failure. work with products, and at the same time suffer from many competitive pressures, and it is important to have too little right direction.
Jobs summoned Apple's top employees to the auditorium. He wore shorts and sneakers, stood on the stage and asked people to show him "what's wrong here?".
After some murmur and bland reaction, Jobs decided to break that boring atmosphere: 'That's the product! So what's wrong with our products? ' Once again, whispers resurfaced. Jobs said loudly: 'Our products are completely absent. There are no charms in those boring machines anymore! '
What Steve Jobs wants to convey here is honesty, because sometimes, being so cruel, honest will help you build your own strength. People will buy the product, in other words, Jobs's idea because he is always passionate, and put his wholeheartedness into what he says, or the product he creates. Later, the CEO once said to his biographer: "I don't think I have given rough words to people, but if something is really bad, I want you to My staff must recognize it, in the most honest way, that's the job that I - not anyone else at Apple - has to do! speaking out, and I often rarely make mistakes with each of my statements, at Apple, we learn to be cruel to each other, and anyone can stand in front of me and tell me 'hey Steve, I think your other idea is ridiculous', and of course I also have the right to say the same thing to them in the face. What are the advantages that bring better things'.
Work hard, and others will respect you. Respect is the first step and also the most important to get what you want
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- Working as an engineer for 15 years at Apple, but when it comes to demoing Steve Jobs products like this
Steve Jobs is a man who possesses an amazingly good manners and ethics. Jobs told his biographer that when he returned to Apple in 1996, he worked from 7 am to 9 pm, every day was so regular, the reason that Jobs was still at that time. leadership and responsibility for both Pixar's activities. The CEO has worked tirelessly, to the point of suffering kidney stones. Of course Jobs himself does not encourage people to work to the point of forgetting his own health care, but his hard work and ethics have helped both companies overcome the difficult period. The effort of Steve Jobs is an example for employees to work harder and more seriously in their work, thereby creating the best products for customers, and they respect him for that.
'Disable' people with 'enticing' and flattering words
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- Steve Jobs defines object-oriented programming to make the world admire
Whether they're working for you or you're working for them, people are constantly looking for approvals for their actions, opinions, and we seem to be responding better to the friendly.
And if you continue to send those around you goodwill, they will eventually crave it from you. Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs has the following excerpt:
"Jobs can seduce and seduce people in the way he wants, and it seems that the captain of Apple likes to do the same. People like (former Apple CEO) Amelio and Sculley think that Steve Jobs is always giving them special goodwill and affection, that means Jobs loves and respects them, and Steve Jobs always knows how to get rid of the flattering, though not very sincere, for those who are hungry for However, Jobs can always seduce people he hates as easily as he can 'insult' people he loves with the most honest words. .
Always win for yourself the best ideas, take the time to think about a new idea with all possibilities. Today's thoughts may be very different from yesterday.
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- 13 famous inspirational lessons about life from Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs is also a human being, but as a human being, there will be times when he has to make mistakes, but he is the master at convincing people to believe in that mistake. So what is the miracle of Steve Jobs?
Jobs has always stood in a position, and even if your position is really better than his position, Jobs will not admit it: Steve Jobs will take your position as his own. he, and this will make you lose balance.
Bud Tribble, a former Mac engineer, talked about this in Steve Jobs's biography as follows:
"If Steve Jobs suddenly told you something horrible or great, that doesn't necessarily mean he will have to feel that way tomorrow. If you tell Steve Jobs a new idea. , he would often tell you that the idea was stupid, but then, if Jobs really liked it, exactly a week later, he would come back to see you and propose that idea again. Additional dimension, as if he was the one who thought it out '.
An example: When Apple decided to open a retail store chain for its products, retail vice president Ron Johnson came up with the idea of the "Genius Bar" counter, with the presence of People who are knowledgeable about Mac to provide support services for Apple customers and bring the best experience on their products (All you wonder, technical issues will be best served by Genius Bar staff at Apple Store. At first, Jobs called this idea a crazy thought and assumed that Apple had absolutely no necessary manpower on both the Genius Bar and the professional. However, after just one night of thinking, the next morning, Jobs called out Apple's own lawyer and asked him to quickly complete the registration procedures for the "Genius Bar" trademark.
After many years of operation, Genius Bar has proven its important role. A study has shown that up to 40% of Apple product owners have visited Genius Bar. 90% of them are very satisfied with the quality and service of Genius Bar. 88% of customers have free access to Genius Bar's service. This is one of the factors that make customers want to continue to stick with Apple products.
Make decisions quickly and decisively. You can (often) change the decision later
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- 9 tips for good presentations like Steve Jobs
When it comes to creating new products, Apple rarely considers in-depth market research, surveys and analysis. They also rarely take several months to make a big decision. Steve Jobs tends to be discouraged and quickly change decisions over time.
In the case of the first-generation iMac, Jobs immediately decided that Apple would release new computer models with the common 'rainbow' colors. And indeed when it came out, it was the new color of the iMac (at the time) that made the user very excited.
Jony Ive, Apple's design director, said "in many places, it can take a few months to make a decision. At Apple, Steve Jobs usually does the same thing in half an hour."
However, the late CEO is not always successful with his quick decision. Also on the first generation iMac, iMac engineer Jon Rubinstein tried to argue that the iMac should come with a CD reading tray, but Jobs didn't like the CD tray and he really wanted a high-end drive. On that particular decision, Jobs was wrong. Music recording could only be done on CD reading trays and when that trend began to bloom, the first generation iMacs were quickly left behind. But because Jobs made a quick decision, the first iMacs were shipped on time and earned the necessary profits. Apple's second-generation desktop computer was then accompanied by a CD drive that can extract and record music, which is also the factor Apple needs to launch the iTunes and iPod projects later.
Do not hesitate for a second in troubleshooting
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- Former employee compared Steve Jobs to Tim Cook, showing why Apple became boring
When Steve Jobs works with the Pixar team in the "Toy Story" project, this will be the first long film created entirely in 3D animation. However, the cowboy's first movie Woody was not shaped as originally planned and the character gradually turned into a fool, mainly through editing scripts handed down by Disney. But Jobs refused to let Disney, one of the world's largest animation production companies, ruin Pixar's original story.
" If something goes wrong, you can't ignore it and say you will fix it later. If you hesitate, you not only ruin your work, but also give the opponent the opportunity yourself ."
Jobs insisted that Disney had to "return the reins" to Pixar, and in the end, Woody became a very lovely and multidimensional character in "Toy Story", while Pixar continued to achieve great success.
Another example: When Steve Jobs was engrossed in the first Apple Store design project, his retail vice president Ron Johnson woke up in the middle of the night before an important meeting with shareholders would took place the next day by a thought: The way Apple organizes and organizes a chain of stores may very well have made a mistake. The company had previously organized store chains according to the type of product sold, but Johnson realized that Apple needed to reorganize its chain of stores in the direction of what customers might want to buy as well as their needs. they are for products.
Johnson immediately presented to Jobs about his concerns the next morning. And after an analysis, Apple's CEO told all the attendees that day that Ron Johnson's thinking was absolutely right, and they needed to redesign the whole layout, the way organizing their chain stores, which delayed the initial implementation of the plan for 3-4 months, but was the right decision. 'We only have one chance to correct this mistake,' Jobs said.
There are two ways to deal with people who have problems:
One is to force them to become more complete
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- The way that Steve Jobs created 'unlimited warriors' who do bosses must know
Jobs often sees the world in binary terms: "A person can be a hero or an idiot. A product can be great or it can be ridiculous ." Steve Jobs always wants Apple to return. to be a company of the best, 'A-class' employees, which means that the 'cave B' and 'C-rank' employees will always be eliminated if they don't try to turn themselves into an "A-rank" employee, and at the same time, Apple has a duty to direct them to the greatest enthusiasm and dedication, inspire them to constantly try, even push them (to some extent). to become 'A-class' employees.
Before Apple launched the Macintosh, one of the engineers tasked with making mice could easily move the cursor in all directions - not just up / down and left / right - telling Bill Atkinson, one of the cores. Apple 's first tablet, who is responsible for graphics development for the Mac, "has no way to build such a mouse model commercially." After Steve Jobs heard about this complaint during dinner, he immediately decided to dismiss the engineer. Bill Atkinson only knew about this lightning decision after arriving in the office the next morning, and was shocked. Another engineer was quickly replaced by Steve Jobs and the first sentence he told the late CEO was: 'I can build such a mouse model.'
Or 'stay away as soon as possible'
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- Network Science and the mystery behind the success of Steve Jobs
Jobs didn't like problems that were too complicated, especially if they required him to regulate or settle. As the biographer of Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson, once said: "Jobs will be silent and ignore situations that make him uncomfortable."
Jobs used this tactic extremely effectively in some cases: When Apple CEO Gil Amelio then asked what role he wanted to play in the company after he rejoined the Apple board through trade. NeXT acquisition - Jobs of course could not say "I want his position, Gil" - and he eventually chose to remain silent and limit his participation in Gil Amelio's work.
The strategy that Steve Jobs uses to achieve what he wants for 'problem people' sometimes is simply staying away from them as soon as possible.
Stab when the blade is sharp, and stab it hard
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Success often perceives people to be ignorant and thinks that they do not need to try any more, or as we often say 'oversleep in victory'. Steve Jobs certainly does not deny this. When the big bet on Pixar was paid off, and the company's first "Toy Story" earned great success with both critics and box office, Jobs decided to take the company. enter the stock market.
Investment bankers said the decision should not be implemented, especially after Pixar lost a sizable amount of capital in the previous five years. Even John Lasseter, the head of Pixar's creative team, told Jobs that he should wait until after Pixar's second film to achieve similar success should bring the company to market. stock market. But Jobs remained consistent with his thoughts.
"Steve persuaded me and said that the company needed cash so this entry into the stock market could benefit Pixar before renegotiating the deal with Disney," recalls John Lasseter.
And that's exactly what happened. Pixar held the IPO a week after "Toy Story" hit theaters, and it was a huge success: Pixar surpassed Netscape, becoming the largest IPO in 1995, and more importantly, this meant Pixar had No longer need to depend on Disney to fund their films. Suddenly, Disney, with the "flying" animation department in the victories, now needs a partnership with Pixar. The Mickey Mouse brand later realized this fact and paid $ 7.4 billion to get Pixar - making Jobs become Disney's largest shareholder, and keeping Pixar independent and rescuing the department. Disney's great animation after the deal.
Another example. Apple has come up from the plentiful zero to become the dominant smart phone market for nearly 10 years. And, once they have achieved the throne, the miserable opponents have been previously seemingly unbeatable names, including Research In Motion (RIM), Motorola, Sony and Nokia. . Most companies in this case will gradually "relax themselves". CEOs and senior managers will take the time to appear more on the cover of Fortune magazine, and to 'flower' about future plans. But Steve Jobs does not allow me to do so. When the whole world is worshiping you, you will be complacent and think that you should take a break, especially after a hard time with the battles in the market, but Apple does not. They still do not hesitate to plunge into a new confrontation with Samsung and Google. That is the operating philosophy of Steve Jobs.
When you hold the lever, use it
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- The truth about Steve Jobs: Is he a god or a pervert?
When Steve Jobs returned to Apple, it was a big event. The company that he had built up had lost the "magic" inherent since he left. Jobs insisted that he was just an "advisor" to Apple at the time, but insiders and knowledgeable of Apple knew he was in control of the company. Apple's then CEO, Gil Amelio, was almost entirely dependent on Steve Jobs for his vision and orientation.
Knowing the situation, at the first meeting after his return at Apple, Jobs used this new 'lever' to his advantage: He offered to convene a board meeting and love. May Apple adjust the value of its stock options to regain Apple's value in the market. At that time, his proposal was legitimate, but not considered a good business strategy, at least morally. But the Apple board has faltered at the idea, saying it will have to conduct a specific market research to assess the situation and is expected to take at least two months, Jobs immediately asked for the word. hold again:
"You brought me here to handle this mess, and now I realize that the problem lies in the key people, on the board. If you don't want to follow the proposed plan. I will not return to the company on Monday. In my career I have made thousands of important decisions even more difficult than this, and if you cannot support me in I plan to get out of here again and you can blame me, just tell the public that Steve is not ready for work. "
The Apple board was finally persuaded and approved according to the plan he gave. But Jobs didn't stop there: The next day, he asked all the board members to resign, "otherwise I will resign and not return next Monday." Steve Jobs wants that all board members have to leave, except Ed Woolard, and that's exactly what happened. By being able to choose his own board member at his discretion - Jobs naturally owned all of Apple's next projects, and as you know, this made the device great. such as iPad, iPhone, or iPod have the opportunity to come and bring great success for Apple.
Luôn đề cao sự hoàn hảo, không cho phép bản thân được lơ là với mục tiêu đã đề ra
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- Steve Jobs và hành trình đi tìm sức mạnh của trực giác
Steve Jobs cực ghét những người sẵn sàng gian lận hay 'ăn bớt' mọi thứ để cố gắng ra mắt sản phẩm đúng thời hạn và tiết kiệm ngân sách tối đa. Ông cho rằng đây là hành vi "kinh khủng về mặt đạo đức" đối với một nhà lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp. Tôn chỉ của Jobs đối với Apple là không bao giờ tìm cách đánh bại đối thủ thay cố gắng kiếm tiền bằng những hành vi trái với đạo đức kinh doanh, mà thay vào đó, 'hãy tạo ra những sản phẩm tốt nhất có thể' và đánh bại các đối thủ cạnh tranh cũng như thu về lợi nhuận từ chính sản phẩm đó . Có lẽ đây cũng là lý do tại sao Apple luôn được người dùng đánh giá cao đối với từng sản phẩm mà họ tung ra thị trường, đồng thời giúp họ nhận được sự tôn trọng của chính đối thủ và bước lên ngôi vương trong thế giới công nghệ một cách tâm phục khẩu phục.
Steve Jobs luôn đặt kỳ vọng rất cao đối với mỗi sản phẩm của mình:
- Khi Macintosh gặp vấn đề với việc khởi động quá chậm, Jobs đã 'làm khổ' đội ngũ kỹ sư chịu trách nhiệm về việc này, cho họ biết rằng đây có thể là vấn đề liên quan đến sự sống còn của Macintosh và họ sẽ phải có phương án khắc phục ngay lập tức.
- Ông đã làm việc với vô số nghệ sĩ nổi tiếng và công ty quảng cáo lớn để đảm bảo các chiến dịch quảng cáo của Apple mang lại cảm giác phù hợp với hiệu ứng hình ảnh và âm thanh được đồng bộ hóa hoàn hảo tối đa.
- Đối với các kỹ sư của iPod, vị thuyền trưởng Apple đã yêu cầu họ phải bằng mọi giá phải giúp cho iPod sở hữu khả năng truy cập vào bất kỳ chức năng nào trên trình phát nhạc chỉ bằng tối đa 3 lần nhấn nút nhằm mang lại trải nghiệm người dùng tốt hơn.
- Jobs muốn quy trình sản xuất cho tất cả các máy tính Apple sẽ phải được cắt giảm từ 4 tháng xuống còn 2 nhưng vẫn phải đảm bảo chất lượng, và cuối cùng họ cũng đã làm được.
Những ví dụ riêng lẻ trên nếu mới nghe qua nhiều người sẽ nghĩ Steve Jobs quá cầu toàn và có phần hơi 'độc đoán'. Nhưng khi kết hợp tất cả lại, Jobs gần như đã tạo dựng được một 'tôn giáo' tại Apple, tôn giáo của sự hoàn hảo. Không giống như nhiều công ty công nghệ khác, khách hàng đến và đi. Người dùng Apple gần như đều là các fan hâm mộ trung thành của thương hiệu mang logo quả táo cắn dở. Họ cảm thấy như Apple luôn biết cách đặt lợi ích của khách hàng lên hàng đầu và kết quả là họ sẵn sàng trả giá cao hơn cho những sản phẩm đó, đồng thời có tình cảm đặc biệt với nhà sản xuất.
"Steve đã tạo ra một thương hiệu mang hơi thở của phong cách sống duy nhất trong thế giới công nghệ. Có những chiếc xe hơi mà khi ngồi lên, ta luôn cảm thấy tự hào bởi nó mang trong mình một bề dày lịch sử, một phong cách sống, hay một tôn giáo riêng, các sản phẩm của Apple cũng vậy', Larry Ellison, CEO của Oracle nhận xét
Đừng để những gã ngốc ngáng đường bạn.
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- Steve Jobs thuyết phục Tim Cook gia nhập Apple như thế nào?
Trong suốt sự nghiệp của mình, Steve Jobs luôn nổi tiếng với 'biệt tài' phát hiện ra những 'tên ngốc' trong công việc. Chính 'năng khiếu' này đã giúp ông rất nhiều trong việc ngăn chặn những tên ngốc len lỏi trong công ty của mình. Jobs sẽ quét sạch tất cả 'bọn họ' cho đến khi không còn kẻ nào nữa. Bạn sẽ không bao giờ làm được việc này một cách hoàn hảo cả và Steve cũng vậy nhưng điều quan trọng là những tên ngốc sẽ bòn rút năng lượng từ bạn và những người giỏi nhất của công ty đang làm việc với bạn. Những tên ngốc này sẽ có các quyết định ngu ngốc, và cũng sẽ thuê những người còn ngốc hơn họ để làm việc cho mình, và đặc biệt, hõ sẽ chẳng bao giờ biết thay đổi bản thân và làm ra được những sản phẩm ra hồn. 'Hãy phát hiện và loại bỏ những tên ngốc, đừng để chúng bén rễ quanh bạn và kìm kẹp tham vọng vươn lên của bạn'.
Steve Jobs là một thiên tài công nghệ, bậc thầy về nghệ thuật lãnh đạo và hoạch định chiến lược. Tất nhiên không phải lúc nào các quyết định mà Jobs đưa ra đều hoàn hảo hay bạn có thể áp dụng được chúng vào tình huống của bản thân, thế nhưng chúng ta vẫn học hỏi được rất nhiều điều từ con người tài năng này. Cảm ơn Steve Jobs vì những đóng góp của ông cho nhân loại.
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- Steve Jobs and eight words of 'thunder' have come true in the technology world
- The way that Steve Jobs created 'unlimited warriors' who do bosses must know
- 20 most famous Steve Jobs inspirational sayings
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- Career lessons from Steve Jobs
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- Steve Jobs' philosophy of life
- The unprecedented sayings of Steve Jobs
- 9 tips for good presentations like Steve Jobs
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