To date, e-commerce has become a common development trend, even social networks like Facebook or Pinterest have integrated sales features to race in this area.
In a conference with the topic ' Steve Jobs: The Next Great thing ' was held in 1996, Apple co-founder talked about his vision for the development of the internet.
Steve Jobs has correctly predicted e-commerce since 1996 Picture 1
Excerpt from Steve Jobs 'speech during the seminar, the Wired news page said' The core nature of web and internet development in the future is commerce. Commercial centers on the internet will appear. It will help suppliers to access products directly and quickly to consumers '.
The Steve Jobs prophecy in 1996 became a reality, the core of technology companies that are involved in the internet today are e-commerce. If not online selling sites like Amazon, then advertising forms for product providers like Facebook and Google.
Or are payment services to support e-commerce like PayPal. All revolve around e-commerce.
Quote an interview from Steve Jobs with Wired's reporter:
Wired : According to you, are there any great opportunities that we can grasp in the future?
Steve Jobs : Who do you think will be the main beneficiaries of web and internet development? Who will get the most profit?
Wired : I think people have something in their hands . ( hesitant )
Steve Jobs : Something to sell.
Wired : You mean sharing?
Steve Jobs : No, something really for sale. It is commercial. Customers will no longer go to stores, they will buy what they need on the web.
Wired : What makes the internet such a great sales environment?
Steve Jobs : The Internet is an amazingly flat world. Large companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars to build stores and product distribution channels. But with the internet, that advantage is no longer available. Small companies will be no different from big guys, the same way to approach consumers.
Wired : So can the internet change the world economy, make it a different stage?
Steve Jobs : The Internet does not change the world economy, at least in the next 10 years. But it will boost the development of the economy. And you will find that the internet makes the whole world no longer distance, it connects everyone. The business of companies will have a little change to catch up. And it will certainly be a huge part of the economy.
Steve Jobs has correctly predicted e-commerce since 1996 Picture 2
Product experience is essential.
Steve Jobs's predictions were correct, although he did not predict the development of social networks. But the current social networks all follow the direction of e-commerce, in addition to publishing content.
However, stores built from brick and mortar are still the cornerstone of commerce, certainly irreplaceable. Although we are now buying more goods online than ever before, it is only a support tool and cannot replace the basic foundation of the world economy.
That is Apple's sales philosophy. Apple stores always give customers the most complete product experience before they agree to buy those products. Real experiences before buying are essential, e-commerce sites can't meet that.