11 secrets of Steve Jobs presentation
Through his talks and presentations, the late entrepreneur Steve Jobs inspired millions of people around the world, from aspiring young people to powerful leaders and entrepreneurs.
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Forbes magazine Carmine Gallo has spent many years studying the unique presentation skills of Steve Jobs. Through his talks and presentations, this entrepreneur has inspired millions of people around the world, from aspiring young people to powerful leaders and entrepreneurs.
Carmine Gallo outlined 11 skills that we can learn from a presentation of this business genius and technology.
1. Express passion
Steve Jobs is passionate about design, he really loves new products, and he expresses that passion through his signature black shirt."A dusty but elegant style" . He just said that he laughed all the way when he launched the iPhone for the first time. Jobs often uses words like 'great', 'amazing', 'elegant' , because he believes in it. Audience allows you to express your passion. If you're not interested in your idea, no one can feel it.
2. Short and effective title writing
Jobs uses a technique called 'Twitter-friendly', which points to a summary of the product that covers the entire key message he wants to bring to the audience. Immediately after launching the new phone, he was proud to assert immediately 'Today, Apple has invented the phone again' . Title, 'Apple reinvents the phone' is the only sentence on his presentation slide. He repeated this title many times throughout his presentation.
3. Always use rule # 3
Jobs understands that number 3 is one of the most powerful numbers in communication. The list of 3 things often stimulates curiosity rather than 2, and is much easier to remember than 22. Jobs divided his presentation into 3 parts. He talked about the function of a new iPhone iPod, the phone itself, and the ability to connect to the Internet.
Jobs also made a joke with the number 3. He stepped onto the podium and said: 'Today we introduce 3 breakthrough products. First, is a wide screen iPod with a touch screen. The second is an improved mobile phone. And the third is a breakthrough device for connecting information to the Internet. "
Finally, he said: 'These are not 3 separate devices, they are only 1, and we call it iPhone'.
4. Introduce "villain"
All great stories have a hero and a villain. Steve Jobs's presentation is no exception. Why does the world need a special mobile phone, manufactured by Apple? Jobs introduced us to the "villain" - the trouble of using mobile phones and the need to solve those problems.
'Ordinary phones don't have superior and difficult to use features. Smartphone is superior, but difficult to use. We want to create a different product than any existing phone, and it's extremely easy to use. And that's the iPhone , 'Jobs said.
5. Selling benefits
After exploiting the 'villain', Jobs introduced the hero: "The benefits such as the multi-dimensional touch interface, it's like a magic you don't need a magic wand to use. It is more accurate than any of the previous touchscreens, which will be neglected, which is extremely smart.You can touch multiple fingers on the screen at the same time, and we own it '.
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"People who know what they're saying won't need PowerPoint" - Steve Jobs
6. Create a simple slide with lots of photos
Each presentation slide only averages 40 words. In the first 3 minutes of the iPhone presentation, Steve Jobs uses a total of 19 words (21 words if including the date). Those words are also spread out across 12 slides.
7. Tell stories
Before launching the new phone, Jobs took the time to summarize Apple's history: 'In 1984, Apple introduced the first Macintosh computer. It not only changes Apple but also changes the entire computer industry. In 2001, we introduced the first iPod. It not only changes the way we listen to music but changes the whole entertainment industry. '
You can tell brand stories, customer stories or personal stories.
There was a funny moment when Jobs's assistant stopped connecting the screen to adjust the slide. After a few seconds of repair but not yet, Jobs stopped and told a funny story about how Steve Wozniak and he played pranks on other students in the school dorm. Woz has invented a device that can block TV signals and they use it to tease students who are watching Star Trek. After a while, the technical error was fixed and Jobs resumed his presentation.
8. Dedicated to preparation and practice
There is a myth about Steve Jobs' careful preparation. He practiced on stage for hours for several weeks before each launch of a product. He remembers every detail of each slide, and the result is a perfect presentation. People often tell themselves 'I'm not as fluent as Jobs' . In fact, Jobs himself was not born like that, hours of training helped him become the focus of a comfortable, natural way.
9. Don't look at the notes
The introduction of the iPhone lasts up to 80 minutes. But Jobs didn't look at the note once. He understood and covered the content of the presentation so much that he did not need to look at the note. However, in rehearsals, he used hidden main lists in places where the audience was out of sight. Those are the only notes he uses.
10. Always happy
The first time Jobs introduced the audience that Apple would launch a mobile phone. He said 'this is it!' but instead of launching the iPhone, the slide show shows the picture of an iPod with an old phone. Audience responded enthusiastically and Jobs was very pleased.
There were a lot of fun moments in the presentation, as the Job gave a photo of a map and introduced the iPhone's location detection feature. He found a nearby Starbucks and called. A female voice telephoned: 'Good morning, how can I help you?' . Jobs said, "Let me put 4,000 cups of lattes. No, I'm just kidding. Goodbye."
The audience was extremely interested in this joke.
11. Inspire the audience
Jobs likes to finish the talk with something inspiring. At the end of the iPhone presentation, he said: 'Last night I couldn't seem to close my eyes. I'm so excited about today. There's a saying from hockey player Wayne Gretzky that I really like. 'I will slide to where the ball rolled - not where it once was . ' We have been trying to do that at Apple since the beginning, and we will always be like that. "
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