Why does Windows RT have to get catastrophic failure?
In a technology world with a series of companies that are struggling and making losses, Microsoft can be proud that they are still one of the few profitable companies. In the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2013, they net profit of nearly 5 billion USD, a small number.
However, in that bright panorama, there is a product that almost everyone sees that it completely failed: Windows RT.
The most obvious demonstration of this failure is a loss of nearly $ 1 billion due to the Surface RT tablet , Microsoft's Windows RT tablet. A series of partners turned their backs when they stopped producing devices running this operating system, including Lenovo stopped producing Yoga 11S, or Asus said it would not launch new products running Windows RT anymore . What is the cause? makes Windows RT - the operating system once expected to help Microsoft overthrow the iPad to "die prematurely".
Lost partner
Why does Windows RT have to get catastrophic failure? Picture 1
When Microsoft launched the Surface RT tablet, Microsoft broke the philosophy: Developing only the operating system to provide hardware partners - computer manufacturing companies, not manufacturing hardware to avoid status "trampled" on their rights. Chairman Acer directly criticized Microsoft for breaking this traditional model and threatened to stop cooperating with the software giant, switching to another operating system.
The declaration of war on OEMs made Microsoft unintentionally isolated. There are not too many partners excited to produce devices running Windows RT. The number of manufactured devices can count on the fingertips like Lenovo's Yoga 11S (stopped production), Asus VivoTab RT, Dell's XPS 10 . With that fact, the failure of the operating system This is also understandable.
Why does Windows RT have to get catastrophic failure? Picture 2
When naming this operating system, it is clear that Microsoft wants to "rely on" Windows to attract users that the tablet running their operating system related to the operating system has dominated the computer market. for many decades.
However, when users "discovered" that Windows RT is not what they expected, could not run the applications they needed, did not install Photoshop . they were extremely depressed and "estranged". it. Unknowingly, the name call killed Windows RT from the beginning.
Why do I have to use Windows RT when with Windows 8 Pro (full Windows 8 version), can I run millions of old apps? In sales more than 1 million Surface that Microsoft sold, the main figure comes from the Surface Pro using Intel chips and running Windows 8. Dell, a tablet manufacturing partner running Microsoft Windows RT, said that their customers are not I know what Windows RT is.
Why does Windows RT have to get catastrophic failure? Picture 3
Once it is no longer focused on improving the user experience the way Apple has done with the iPad, it is clear that Microsoft has not given due attention to the Windows RT application store. Only 60,000 apps were released at the time of launch, Windows RT claimed its loss on its own when at the same time, the iPad had more than 400,000 applications.
The shortage is not only in quantity but also in quality. The Windows Store does not have the essential applications that the iPad has such as Facebook, Instagram, Gmail, Google Maps, Dropbox . Although with Windows 8.1 upgrade, this lack of smoking will be partially filled (with the application). Using Facebook, Instagram) but until that time, Windows RT had no app appeals compared to competitors.
In the iPad comparison ads with Surface, Microsoft emphasized that its operating system is capable of multitasking, compatible with Office files. However, when the replacement for Office on iPad is not missing, it is an advantage not large enough to help Windows RT stand out.
Why does Windows RT have to get catastrophic failure? Picture 4
While the app store is lacking and has no resilience, Microsoft has shaped the Surface RT running Windows RT as a product that competes directly with the iPad. However, when placing products for direct comparison, the Surface RT is even inferior to the iPad in many ways.
At the same price, the iPad is equipped with a high-resolution Retina display while the Surface RT still uses only 1366x768 pixel resolution screen. Although the memory of the Surface RT is larger than the iPad (32 GB versus the 16 GB of the iPad), in return, the operating system installed on this memory section takes up 17 GB and users only have 15 GB to store the data of I only. These comparisons also show Microsoft's tablet inferior to Apple's iPad.
Microsoft insisted on the Touch Cover accessory that came with the device, saying that this is a difference from the iPad when it gives users a better typing experience. But users have to spend another $ 100 to own it.
When Surface RT - A product can be considered "exemplary" , shaped for devices running Windows RT, proved to be inferior to rivals in many aspects, it is clear that other tablets run Windows RT from OEMs for Microsoft, also not attractive to users.
Why does Windows RT have to get catastrophic failure? Picture 5
Microsoft is learning by way of Apple in many ways, including "closing" the operating system, producing hardware itself . But there is a weapon that they still proved to be too inferior to "Apple Apples" : Distribution system. If Microsoft only focuses on distributing Surface RT in the US market, Apple has a chain of retail stores around the world with the number of stores up to about 400. This store chain has helped Apple easily disseminate products. products. Tens of billions of dollars in profits that Apple Store offers proves the power of Apple's distribution system.
Although Surface also has certain advantages, Microsoft did not find a way to popularize it to users like Apple did. With a mainstream product running Windows RT not known, the failure of the operating system is inevitable. Microsoft is also learning this model with a chain of real-world experience stores, but, to achieve scale like the Apple Store will definitely need a long time.
Perhaps the failure of Windows RT does not affect Microsoft's business so much. The software giant is well known for its multi-disciplinary business model. When a product fails, they have a profit from other products in return.
However, when the future of computing will be mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, developing an operating system for tablets like Windows RT will be something Microsoft must do. Improving the quality and quantity of applications, expanding the distribution system, finding ways to reduce selling prices . are problems that they must find ways to solve before letting iPad and Android tablet take up market share.
You should read it
- Windows 7 accounts for 99% of business computers
- HP Slate 500 compared to MacBook Air
- Microsoft still supports Windows RT despite being 'turned away' by firms.
- Free Windows 10 Product Key for Windows 10 Home, Education ,Pro
- Windows RT is dying?
- Instructions for activating Tablet Mode on Windows 10
- 2 ways to back up Product Key on Windows 10, 8 and 8.1
- The life cycle of Windows 7 is shorter than Windows XP
- Learn Windows 8 before BUILD
- Windows 8 is the most important product in Microsoft history
- How to find the Product key on Windows 8 or Windows 8.1?
- Windows operating system is 35 years old, everything you need to know about Windows
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