What is the risk of magnesium deficiency?
Magnesium is a trace element that is especially important for human health. Magnesium deficiency will certainly have a significant effect. So what are the effects? What are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency? Follow the article below to get the answer!
What is the risk of magnesium deficiency? Picture 1
The role of magnesium for health
- Preventing cramps for pregnant women : Obstetrics and gynecology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Linkonping University Hospital, Sweden conducted a 3-week trial in pregnant women. The results showed that magnesium has a significant effect on coping with the condition of helping pregnant women no pain and discomfort during pregnancy.
- Improve stress and anxiety disorders: Magnesium has great benefits for heart, brain, kidney health . it also helps prevent mineral deficiencies and chronic diseases. Every day 248mg of magnesium helps improve depression and anxiety disorders.
- Minimize the risk of type 2 diabetes: Magnesium has an impact on the metabolic hormone in the body. In some obese people, regular magnesium supplementation reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
- Reducing the risk of osteoporosis: Magnesium is essential to promote the absorption of calcium in the body, it increases bone mineral density while reducing the rate of fractures caused by osteoporosis.
- Improving memory in the elderly: Magnesium is considered an important intermediary to help control the density of synapses, improve cognitive abilities in the elderly.
- In addition, Magnesium also plays an active role in preventing the risk of kidney stones, reducing the risk of high blood pressure or reducing toxicity for patients during chemotherapy, radiation therapy .
It can be seen that magnesium's role is enormous. So what if the body is deficient in magnesium?
What are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency?
How is called lack of magnesium?
Normal magnesium levels range from 0.6 to 1.1 mmol / L (1.46 - 2.68 mg / dL), levels below 0.6 mmol / L (1.46 mg / dL) are diagnosed as Hypoglycemia, also known as magnesium deficiency.
What is the risk of magnesium deficiency? Picture 2
What is the daily intake of magnesium?
Infants (0 - 6 months): 30mg / day (at this time magnesium is provided through breast milk, so the mother must increase the intake of many foods containing magnesium)
- Children (7-11 months): 75mg / day
- Children (1-3 years): 80mg / day
- Children (4-8 years): 130mg / day
- Children (9-13 years): 240mg / day
- Youth (14 - 18 years old): 360 - 410mg / day
- Men (19 - 30 years old): 400mg / day
- Men (31 years and older): 420 mg / day
- Women (19-30 years): 310 mg / day
- Women (31 years and older): 320 mg / day
Who is most at risk of magnesium deficiency?
- People with gastrointestinal disease: People with intestinal irritability are less well absorbed than others.
- People often vomit, diarrhea: These two activities will cause Magie to be "eliminated" from the body
- People who are in the process of drug treatment: Diuretics, antibiotics and special medicines make the ability to absorb minerals of the digestive system limited.
- Elderly people: Because of poor absorption, consuming less food or an unhealthy digestive system, older people are at greater risk of magnesium deficiency than younger people.
- People with low levels of potassium and calcium in the blood: If you are deficient in both potassium and calcium, you are also at risk of magnesium deficiency.
In the absence of magnesium, your body will have symptoms such as:
- Muscle contraction, cramping: It plays a role in strengthening muscle function, so if your body lacks this mineral, it is easy to cause muscle contractions and cramps, especially at night. Deficiency in large amounts can lead to facial muscle twitching, muscle spasms, and cramping even during daytime activities.
- Frequent eye twitching: If you have frequent eye twitching, consider a magnesium deficiency.
- Abnormal heart rhythms: A lack of magnesium increases the irregular heartbeat because it causes the content of some nutrients like calcium in the blood to decrease.
- Tired body: The body needs magnesium to create adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) - a substance needed to create energy. When the body lacks magnesium, the energy will not be able to meet the daily needs leading to tired, tired body.
- Migraine: A study published in the European Journal for Nutraceutical Research shows that spraying on-site magnesium oil for 3 months improves the severity and frequency of migraine symptoms. So if you have migraines without a known reason, your body may be suffering from magnesium deficiency.
- Tinnitus: Tinnitus or the sensation of a ringing sensation in the ears are also common symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Long-term deficiency can cause serious damage to hearing
- There are also some manifestations such as: Difficulty sleeping, bored, often craving chocolate, encountering skin diseases
What is the risk of magnesium deficiency? Picture 3
Magnesium deficiency can cause illness?
Magnesium deficiency is just as dangerous as iron deficiency. Especially for the elderly due to an insecure diet, eat less, reduce the absorption of magnesium in the intestine, due to increased excretion of magnesium through the kidneys or use of some medicine in treatment.
Magnesium deficiency, even at low levels, can also cause conditions such as:
- Heart
- Arrhythmia
- Stroke
- Headache
- Disorders of muscle activity
- Dysmenorrhea, menstrual disorders
- Constipation or making women more "irritable" on red light days.
How to supplement magnesium?
If there are signs of magnesium deficiency, you should go to health facilities for examination and blood tests to know exactly your deficiency to take the appropriate supplements.
Magnesium supplementation can be done through:
- Add magnesium-rich foods to your daily diet such as actively using spinach, yogurt, bananas, avocados, dark chocolate, seaweed, etc.
- Or take a supplement containing magnesium.
Magnesium plays an important role, but excess or deficiency of magnesium causes health risks. To ensure a healthy body, you need to listen to regular health checkups so that you can detect them early and take the most positive action. I wish you always healthy!
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