What is Stalk? What is Facebook Stalk?

Stalk is a word that has many different meanings depending on the context. So in what sense is Stalk understood and which meaning is commonly used?

become a problem on social networks. We invite you to read the article below to get the answer, and then use the word Stalk in the right context.

What is Stalk?

Stalk is an English word with 2 meanings according to 2 types: verb and noun.

  1. If understood as a noun, stalk has many meanings such as tree trunk, flower stem, or tree-shaped decorations.
  2. If you understand stalk as a verb, it means to secretly follow, pursue, stalk, or chase someone.

For example:

  1. Sorry I stalked your Facebook - Sorry, I stalked your Facebook.
  2. The police had been stalking the woman for a week before they arrested her - The police had been stalking the woman for a week before they arrested her.

The word stalk is used quite commonly in the sense of following someone in both negative and positive senses as in the two examples above. With a negative meaning, stalk represents the act of monitoring someone's information and personal life without their consent. With a positive meaning, it will be for the case of police tracking criminals.

What is Stalk? What is Facebook Stalk? Picture 1What is Stalk? What is Facebook Stalk? Picture 1

Stalking someone today can happen on social networks, when someone constantly sends you messages, comments with extremely high frequency with inappropriate words or does not make you feel good. feel comfortable.

What is Facebook Stalk?

Previously, the Facebook online community created a tool StalkFace or Stalkscan to check information as well as public activities of another Facebook account.

Stalk Facebook is the act of accumulating information, continuously following someone on the social network Facebook, making them feel stressed and afraid. Such people are called Facebook stalkers.

What is Stalk? What is Facebook Stalk? Picture 2What is Stalk? What is Facebook Stalk? Picture 2

In real life, a stalker will follow other people by monitoring their social activities. As for Stalk Facebook, this person will use the internet, technology, or electronic devices to track the victim.

Unusual actions on social networks by Facebook stalkers to follow others include:

  1. Check your personal page
  2. Constantly sending you unnecessary messages and photos.
  3. Track all your social media activities.
  4. Invasion of personal life.
  5. Like and comment on all your photos.
  6. Make friends with your friends to find out more information about you.

How to stop Facebook Stalk

  1. Make your profile private, use privacy settings, accept friends 'wisely'.
  2. Do not share personal data, details related to login information or passwords such as maiden name, date of birth, anniversaries, phone number, home address, financial details or bank name , travel plans…
  3. Use privacy settings, Unfriend, block or add Facebook friends who make you feel uncomfortable to a restricted list so they can't see your profile and timeline, can't find your name Friend.
  4. Report online stalking
  5. If someone's stalking behavior goes beyond the limit, you can report it to Facebook or report it to the authorities.

Hopefully the above explanation has helped you understand what Stalk is and what Stalk Facebook is.

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