What is a FPS game?

We used to know FPS with the definition of frames per second (frames per second) an important term to indicate the smoothness of video, the more frames a game has, the smoother the picture. But besides the meaning of frames per second, FPS is also an extremely popular game genre.

We used to know FPS with the definition of frames per second (frames per second) an important term to indicate the smoothness of video, the more frames a game has, the smoother the picture. But besides the meaning of frames per second, FPS is also an extremely popular game genre.

What is a FPS game? Picture 1What is a FPS game? Picture 1

1. What is FPS game?

FPS (First Person Shooter) is a first-person shooter game genre. In this game genre, gamers can play the main character through the first perspective and help players have the most authentic experience.

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The first title of the FPS series was Battlezone, which was released in 1980 on the Atari console. The game takes players into a battle tank with the task of destroying all enemies on the battlefield. It is the new gaming experience that gives Battlezone a new style and is the inspiration for future games.

What is a FPS game? Picture 3What is a FPS game? Picture 3

2. Advantages and disadvantages of FPS games


When we experience FPS games, we feel the authenticity as being immersed in the characters in the game with an immediate view. This game genre is also quite simple with the main goal is usually "search and destroy", players can easily get acquainted after a few basic manipulation instructions. The FPS game also trains players the ability to respond quickly and respond well because the ability to aim and control the environment in the game is limited by visibility. Young gamers often play FPS games better than adults because of their quick reflexes and sharp eyes, easily detecting opponents in sight.

The weapons in the FPS game are quite diverse depending on the context of the game. With the ancient FPS war game products, users will be able to use melee weapons such as (ax, sword, knife, mace .) or bows and arrows. Modern FPS-themed FPS games will allow players to use a more extensive arsenal such as pistols, snipers, mortars . along with the ability to mod weapons (mount silencer, grenade launcher, long-range viewfinder .). For games that use magic skills, it is less made in the first view because of limited visibility and control than games using guns or melee weapons.

What is a FPS game? Picture 4What is a FPS game? Picture 4


With many advantages when talking about the FPS game series, besides that, we can see the disadvantages such as: limited visibility, frame rate which greatly affects the accuracy when playing games, especially for the game. shooter titles and some other restrictions.

Besides, we should not play FPS games for a long time because changing the frame, moving the continuous rotation angle will cause us dizziness, dizziness and headache. Therefore, gamers with poor health or vision problems will have difficulty playing FPS games.

Due to the perspective on the FPS game that simulates one's vision, we will be limited by the narrow viewing angle and when we play, we must be observant to detect the opponent in sight.

What is a FPS game? Picture 5What is a FPS game? Picture 5

3. Some good FPS games so far

- Doom: If Battlezone is the first FPS game to be released, Doom will be released later, but with a new color and inspiration for modern FPS game series. The guns in this game give players a new and attractive feeling with pretty graphics.

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- Half Life: For young people generation 8x - 9x, the game Half life is probably not too strange. With a unique way of playing and quite attractive storyline, Half life gives gamers an interesting and unforgettable experience.

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- Counter Strike: The FPS game taking the topic of the fight against terrorism is probably the best and most successful game in the FPS game village. The game is quite simple when dividing the player into two teams and each team can have more than 40 members. The main objective is that the two fighting teams and the team defeated will lose or the task force to rescue all hostages from terrorists is winning. Today, the updates for Counter Strike bring players more novel gameplay. Another interesting fact is that the professional tournament with this game is still held regularly and the prize for the winner is up to thousands of US dollars in real money.

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- Call of Duty: One of the monuments of the war FPS game line is probably Call of Duty. The game has a quite attractive storyline and suffocating situations that make players have extremely exciting moments. Version of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a game themed Modern Warfare Activision the most successful firms.

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Besides the good FPS games in the article, we still have a lot of names like Battlefield, Medal of Honor, Overwatch . have not been mentioned. And you, are you impressed with the FPS game series? If so, please recount your favorite experience in this game and post your comments at the bottom of the article!

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