Ways to help quit smartphone addiction

Some ways to help users solve smartphone addiction, please refer to them.

Smartphone addiction can cause many health problems such as poor sleep, even depressed mood or depression. Although many people know this, giving them up is not easy. Below are some ways to help users solve smartphone addiction, please refer to them.

Leave the phone out of the bedroom

Waking up and immediately looking at your smartphone is a mistake because if you accidentally start scrolling, it will be much harder to stop. So keep your phone out of the bedroom or at least away from the bed.

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Buy an alarm clock

Many people use their smartphone as an alarm clock, but when they pick it up, the natural next step is to turn it off and check messages, social networks, etc. So, use an alarm clock to limit usage. phone.

Change your morning routine

Many people have the habit of starting a new day by checking their phone and inevitably get carried away, unable to take their eyes off the screen. If so, it's time to change that habit. Start your morning by making coffee, eating breakfast or exercising. instead of reaching for your smartphone.

Monitor usage

Install an app that provides detailed data about phone usage, including the number of times we unlock our smartphone daily and the time we spend on the device, and then set a goal to reduce usage.

Turn off the phone

Turn off your smartphone for 30 minutes to get used to not touching your phone. Then, gradually increase it to 1 hour. to form the habit of not paying attention to the phone constantly and reducing the time spent on the phone.

Address the fear of missing out

Many people are afraid of missing out on an important news update or the latest social media post from a celebrity they care about, so they stick to their smartphones all day long. To quit smartphone addiction, users should learn to accept it. Go out and spend some quality time with friends and loved ones, those posts will still be there the next time you visit.

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Write diary

Keeping a diary about your smartphone addiction recovery process to record your efforts can also inspire you to quit your addiction and improve your mental health.

Use application limiters

Users can download an app that automatically limits screen time, then set the limit. 30 minutes is a good starting point. The application will automatically shut down when the limit is reached. Users can also set alerts and re-login limits.

Delete social media apps

Deleting social networking applications like Facebook, TikTok. is a drastic step but an option to consider if smartphone use gets out of control. This will help users open their phones less often.

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