Warning: Watching TV for too long can increase the risk of blood clots

Watching TV for too long can increase your risk of developing blood clots twice, according to a warning from researchers.

Watching TV for too long can increase your risk of developing blood clots twice, according to a warning from researchers.

The results show that the risk of thrombosis in the veins of the legs, arms, pelvis and lungs is called venous thromboembolism increased with television viewing time even when you are also physically active enough. .

Mary Cushman, Professor at the University of Vermont in Burlington said: " Watching television is usually not bad, but we often eat light and sit still for a long time while watching TV ."

Warning: Watching TV for too long can increase the risk of blood clots Picture 1Warning: Watching TV for too long can increase the risk of blood clots Picture 1

For the study, the team of scientists examined 15,158 middle-aged participants (45-64 years).

People who watch "very often" television are 1.7 times more likely to develop thrombosis than those who watch television at occasional or never-seen rates.

There are people who have had enough physical activity, but watching television "very often" has a 1.8 times higher risk than those who watch TV rarely or never.

Cushman said: "Think about how you can use your time to live a fuller and healthier life. You can put a treadmill or a bike ride in front of your TV. and just practice while watching '.

The results are presented at the 2017 American Heart Association Scientific Conference in California.

Previous studies have shown that long-term television viewing is linked to heart disease or arterial blockage.

Although venous thromboembolism is more common in people age 60 and older, today, it can occur at any age.

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