What is activated carbon?

Activated carbon is applied a lot in daily life. So what is activated carbon and the use of activated carbon?

Activated carbon is not a strange word for people, when you are easy to see in everyday life such as activated carbon masks, hoods using activated carbon filters, or water filters using coal filters active. It can be seen that activated carbon is used in many industries, or different fields. So what is activated carbon and how does it work?

Learn about activated carbon

Activated carbon also known as activated carbon is a product that is activated activated under a temperature of 950-1000 oC in anaerobic conditions. Activated carbon structure is porous, wide with large surface area and low density, about 1mg of activated carbon has an area of ​​more than 500m2.

Activated carbon is made from many raw materials, mainly from coconut shells and bamboo, some places are also made from rice husks, coal, wood, . The main effect of activated carbon is to absorb impurities and chemicals. substances, leaching, water filtration, retaining many impurities or heavy metals on the surface should be widely used in life.

What is activated carbon? Picture 1What is activated carbon? Picture 1

Activated carbon in life

Use activated carbon in health

Activated carbon is used as a preparation for use in cases of food poisoning, alcohol intoxication, overdose, diarrhea, indigestion and flatulence.

Activated carbon is also used to produce respirators, medical masks to filter dirt, bacteria from entering the respiratory tract.

Application in the environment

Carbon sequestration is used to remove contaminants from the air or from water, such as oil filters that filter drinking water like water filters, clean the air like a hood.

What is activated carbon? Picture 2What is activated carbon? Picture 2

Application of activated carbon in beauty

Some cosmetic brands use activated carbon to produce masks, cleansers, soaps, to absorb oily substances, dirt under the pores, to help skin strong and healthy.

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