Vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth

A new medical finding shows that the lack of Vitamin B12 in the mother's body during pregnancy is very high risk of premature birth and some other incalculable health consequences you may not know.

A new medical finding shows that the lack of Vitamin B12 in the mother's body during pregnancy is very high risk of premature birth and some other incalculable health consequences you may not know.

According to a study from scientists in London, UK, pregnant women who refuse to eat meat, dairy products or eggs are at risk of preterm birth. The main reason is that the mother's body is deficient in vitamin B12, a vitamin that is essential for the body, which is not our own body, but we have to supplement it from food like meat. , milk, eggs .

Vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth Picture 1Vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth Picture 1

" In countries with predominant vegetarian diets like India . the proportion of pregnant women with vitamin B12 deficiency may exceed two thirds' - Dr Tormod Rogne from Akershus University Hospital in Na Uy said in a statement.

'Low levels of vitamin B12 in pregnant women may not affect a baby's weight. However, it is associated with an increased risk of 21% preterm birth ' . Rogne added.

Vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth Picture 2Vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth Picture 2

Previously, premature babies before 37 weeks of pregnancy were the leading cause of death for children under 5 years of age worldwide because of the unreliable health implications that followed.

So, women who are deficient in Vitamin B12 may not use meat, milk, or eggs, so they should be replaced by foods that contain other similar vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth Picture 3Vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth Picture 3

In addition, low blood levels of vitamin B12 are closely related to child malnutrition later in life. Rogne said.

To reach this conclusion, the London team conducted online medical records research of 11,216 fetuses from 11 countries. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 not only causes women to give birth prematurely, but also causes anemia, or causes neurological disorders and even brain damage if the deficiency is in excess intensity.

This study has just been published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

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