The best Status talking about waiting in love

The best Status talking about waiting in love.

Waiting is never pleasant whether waiting for someone in love or waiting for something in life. Waiting always comes with a small hope, however, there are idiots who keep waiting for things far away in vain, no one understands the reason, and perhaps they themselves are not understand why I keep waiting like that. But . inherently love is that, being stupid, being silly, isn't it? And right after, invite you to take a look at the waiting status lines and the lines of quotations, the words about waiting and great hope and meaning. Perhaps through these waiting status lines you will find your heart will be somewhat more relieved, as well as better understand the feeling of waiting. Wish you have fun with the lines of quotations waiting and stt waiting for you!

1. Still know that, if love is big enough, waiting is just a way of emotional challenge, over time, what is truly sustainable will stay. But is there any stupid way to make people love burning hope, waiting so long?

2. Don't believe in romantic novels because we live in a real life, not in a fairytale world. And no one will wait for anyone .

3. A love that begins is difficult but ends easily because of the departure, because by not believing that no one can wait, because by calling 'far away from the heart' will take They go to two different worlds, including space time and love. Because the so-called unconfident for a good future for those who wait, they fear a hope placed on the waiting person will receive an extreme disappointment for the person they once loved. Why don't they believe that waiting is the best way to verify their own love?

The best Status talking about waiting in love Picture 1The best Status talking about waiting in love Picture 1

4. Hope love hidden deep in your heart finds love waiting for you in your dreams. May the smile you find tomorrow erase the pain of the past.

5. For thousands of years, anyone has loved each other without ever waiting for each other, in the long streets, in the sunset of the sunset, in the pouring rain, in the turmoil of life, in the peace of nostalgia.

6. Knowing that this life is not only an obsession of memories, knowing that the steps were not in the same direction, knowing that they lost each other forever but still love each other, still want to be together, still can't forget each other. Although knowing that waiting is painful, is tormenting the heart, tormenting memories but still waiting for each other, waiting for each other.

7. Sometimes people expect a lot from a person, but when the person responds, we are no longer eager to receive it. Because by the time of waiting, all responses become meaningless.

8. When waiting for so long in despair, five years and months pass, suddenly the expectation changes, not waiting for someone to return, but waiting for something to fade away .

9. Just waiting for it makes everyone feel tired, it is the most cruel thing to catch that waiting time.

10. Don't make someone wait too long, you! Waiting like something carved into people's hearts, chiseling out hope until it runs out, like something that abolishes all self-respect, patience, faith and love .

11. Sometimes people expect a lot from a person, but when people respond, we are not eager to receive it anymore. Because by the time of waiting, all responses become meaningless.

12. When waiting for so long in despair, the years go by, suddenly the wait changes, not waiting for someone to return, but waiting for something to fade.

13. Waiting alone has made everyone feel tired, it is the most cruel thing to catch that waiting time.

14. Don't make someone wait too long, you! Waiting like something carved into people's hearts, chiseling out hope until it runs out, like something that abolishes all self-respect, patience, faith and love .

15. If you love someone honestly, do not make them wait too long, because looking away, until we recognize it and then find it, we may never see them again.

16. 'I have been waiting for you, like flowers that have been waiting for the sun, like the wind looking for casuarina, like the sky looking forward to white

17. Waiting - in my eyes is an opportunity to identify the love that is growing in my heart, a challenge to help my love grow more and more and above all, love will take shape and the form of true love. Without it, I might still be mistaken for believing that a habit with someone is in love with that person.

18. Wait?

With sincere love, that's just a small thing

But if it is not love, it is not small


Love needs it like a visible form

If there is no waiting, where can love find challenges?


It is not a question of suffering or happiness

We still need to count between suffering and happiness, it is not love!

19. Waiting is inherently miserable. Trying to forget also hurts. But the worst pain is not knowing the choice so wait or should forget .

20. It turns out, even if you love deeply you don't have a beautiful ending.

Turns out, even if the price is paid, it is not necessarily paid off.

It turns out, even if you wait any longer, there will be no results.

21. One sentence I wait for you, I don't know how much courage, it needs a lot more courage than the three words I love you.

The best Status talking about waiting in love Picture 2The best Status talking about waiting in love Picture 2

22. I will not wait for a person, if one day he makes me die, I will definitely look for someone to replace. I am not a lover, I will not play love. Why do people have to suffer themselves?

23. Each of us alone is not enough to say how long does it matter and just loving each other is enough. That is deceiving my heart, and no one wants to put the heart on a path of adventure without seeing a stop.

24. Not love is not big enough, not long enough to hold each other's hand for the rest of the journey, but because we are putting ourselves together in a problem with no answer, forever just a sign question mark suspended. We choose to wait to love each other but do we know that it is also a way to hurt each other's heart?

25. Is there enough time for me to wait for you? I have asked my heart so many times just saying that, and then rely on it to love you, love quietly. I just said that waiting for you, why don't you tell me how long you wait for me? Or the time to wait for each other is an excuse to keep ourselves apart, a slow but distant distance.

26. Occasionally, every time I hear someone say "waiting so tired" I am a little confused. Do not know whether or not the wait. Have you ever waited for someone? Have you ever decided to wait for someone? Have you ever thought it foolish to wait for someone?

27. Waiting is not easy and waiting for someone to come to me when the shadow of the first person is too big is even more difficult. We love people, we accept them all just to hope one day when we are tired of the past, when we need a shoulder so that people will miss us, knowing it will take a long time. But when is it waiting? When do people realize that this girl seems to forget the world just by people. Blame yourself for being so weak and foolish to know that it is painful but keep your love in your heart.

The best Status talking about waiting in love Picture 3The best Status talking about waiting in love Picture 3

28. Have you ever been tired of waiting for someone? Have you ever been waiting for you to think that the person really deserves your wait? How much time of life lost in waiting? How many days have you been waiting for in total days of life? I also sometimes wrote down hundreds of questions for my waiting. Waiting.

29. We all don't have enough tolerance to say how long it doesn't matter and just loving each other is enough. That is deceiving my heart, and no one wants to put the heart on a path of adventure without seeing a stop.

30. Unconscious:

• I smile when I remember that day .

• The day when our heart starts to become throbbing .

• When I - Standing face to face with someone .

And - until today .

• My heart is still beating .

But now:

• When love .

• It has been a past with numerous patches .

• Each rhythm, every beat is a pain .

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