10 reasons why you never succeed

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In ' The greatest salesman in the world ' of OG Mandino , there is an important fact that has been raised:


" Among thousands of wise people there are two who define success in the same way, but failure is always said in the same way. Failure is caused by a person who is incapable of achieving any item. Any possible goal in life . "

While success is relatively subjective, its value can be quantified and non-quantified into money, and failure is a similar formula "one hundred people like one ." Here are 10 reasons why people often fail to reach their goals . Invite you to consult!

1. They are not aware of the value of time

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' Any successful entrepreneur knows time is more valuable than money .' - Richard Branson.

People who don't succeed often don't know how to value their time. They appear at all times, everywhere because they lack the ability to focus their time towards the goal. And as time goes by, they make new promises - something that will never work, simply because they don't care about spending the time needed to reach their destination.

Mastering time management skills, learning how to say no and determining the task to be completed is a step towards success in any area of ​​life.

2. They do not work towards their goals

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' It is not difficult to make decisions when you know the values ​​that are important to you .' - Roy Disney.

The more important the goal, the higher the position on the value scale, the more disciplined and self-disciplined it is. Unsuccessful people often confuse the busyness with productivity . They do a little bit but they do not involve their own values ​​and goals.

Keep a record of your goals, strategies and how to do them in the book to help find things that don't fit your path.

3. They are not willing to step forward

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" People often think that success in a field can compensate for failure in other areas, but is it really? The effect really needs balance ." - Stephen Covey

Your boss is very bad, you hate your current job but there is no reason to neglect and delay at work. You get paid to do that, so be nice.Life has cause and effect, you will enjoy it when you do .

Pursuing excellence in every situation is to show your own maturity and wisdom. Those who are unsuccessful accept poor grades and do not bother finding an effective way to help with learning. After all, being an elite student is not exactly how smart you are, but how carefully you plan and prepare. That makes you feel smarter and bring better results.

See also: 20 priceless things to be successful without you even thinking about it

4. Set limits for yourself

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' How do you think yourself is, you are .' - Oprah Winfrey

Unsuccessful people often say things like: " I'm not good at calculating ", " I really hate learning " and " I don't think I can run a successful business ". They set limits and excuses for their behavior but that actually only makes them work under the ability and target their goals just enough.

Ignore the thought that you only have the ability or the ability to limit a certain job. Stop thinking that you're not as smart as the person next to you. What this life needs of you is to maximize your ability for yourself and others.

5. They often find ways to blame

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' If you can't do well, at least make it look good .' - Bill Gates

There are people who always find reasons and argue that why they can't or why they shouldn't. Sometimes, they mistakenly believe this bad habit is " looking at reality ". They lack the creative ability and always seek ways to justify why they should not do something and they never dare to try.

The best remedy is to stop immediately when your mind starts to think of excuses and start working on it.

See also: Smart people who are not naturally born are smart but they must work hard to achieve it

6. Lack of community

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' You can easily assess a person's personality based on how they treat people who do not help them .' - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The unsuccessful people often lack the social wisdom. They often say things like: " Oh, at least I am honest " or " I am like that, do what I want to do ." They don't know how to behave with others and in many cases they often become arrogant with no reason. Obviously, no one likes a gossip, bragging, bragging or those who don't know how to say thank you for being praised. These behaviors are not and that is not what the right people should do.

Being nice and polite to your loved ones is easy but being kind and polite to someone you don't like or always disagree with - it's personality .

Communication skills are a skill that few people can master. The best way to test a person's personality is to see how he or she stands in line, how they handle Christmas lights and how they react when someone ruins expensive items.

7. Or dreaming fantasies

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' Just postponing until tomorrow things that are going to die you don't try to complete. '- Pablo Picasso

The funny thing is that most of us know and assert ourselves as a procrastinator. They don't feel ashamed of that. This has to do with their ignorance of time . They accepted the same life as before, living as if they had another life to spare.

They look around to see how people do and if all fails, they will press the ' next ' button, ' rewind ' or ' pause '. Understand that you have started to die right from the moment you were born. Be wise to realize that every day is a gift you owe to yourself to do your best in 24 hours, because today nobody promises what will happen tomorrow .

8. They do not act

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' Do something today, your future will be grateful for that .' - Les Brown

It is probably because this rule of life is so simple that people always overlook the degree of its extremely important influence. Unsuccessful people tend to think and leave a personal mark. They say it may sound very good and the dream looks great, but they lack the courage to step forward .

Stop dreaming about what is coming, dream not something bad but wake up, show and do something . End the " useless " coffee encounters and do something.

9. They cannot face difficulties

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' Stay in the sun without rain, then desert .' - Arabic proverbs

There is a shepherd boy, he is not a warrior and he is very small. He looked at the giant and said: ' I will knock and cut your head ' and that's exactly what you did.

The point here is that the magnitude of the difficulty is directly proportional to the ability of imagination and difficulty to be proportional to our weakness . Those who are unsuccessful do not understand this and they give up all too soon as things become uncomfortable and start difficult. They want roses without thorns, children without pain and a gold jar lying on the end of the rainbow without refusing to overcome the storm.

Overcoming challenges not only brings us closer to the goal but also turns us into people that we never imagined. Don't be afraid to overcome your fear and head to the new land, step outside the safe zone and challenge yourself.In the hardship courage will be formed . You will never know how strong you are if you don't have to fight and sometimes you may encounter failures, but at least your failure will prove to the giant that he is not as big as he thinks. .

10. Be concerned with everything

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' Because you are indifferent and neither hot nor cold, I will release you from your mouth .' - The Book of Revelation 3:16, the Bible.

Yes, there are people born who are neutral . They never have an opinion about anything, they cannot make decisions and are above normal ignorance. They cannot extend the smart and open conversation if it is not directly related to what they know.

They think that people should see life in the same way they do. They are indifferent to everything and do not support anything. They do not read books, do not practice ' formal knowledge ' and do not attempt to express themselves. Even if they don't reach the highest potential, it's okay because in the mysterious and miraculous world they still find a way to become boring. Indifference is a silent killer . Look for something that makes you passionate, even if you don't make money from it. Take advantage of your talents.

Those who can accomplish things are not as extraordinary as you think . They are quite normal and have almost nothing special but they have found a way to get their current place and stay there. They know how to master the ability to discipline and behave properly.

You may have too many things to accomplish and sometimes feel overwhelmed because there is not enough time. Put your phone down, take a break and don't care about other people's work, then you'll be surprised at your potential.

See also: 13 signs that you are "wasting" time in vain

Having fun!

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