The strange story of the British villagers celebrating birthday for a hole in the road

A British village held a birthday party for a two-year-old pit on the road hoping to receive the attention of the local government.

A British village held a birthday party for a two-year-old pit on the road hoping to receive the attention of the local government.

Specifically, according to information and photos posted on Twitter account Plumtree People, there is a shared photo of a birthday cake, located to the right of a small hole on the main road in Nottinghamshire village.

' This hole Plumtree celebrated 2 years of birth ' - The account was written.

The strange story of the British villagers celebrating birthday for a hole in the road Picture 1The strange story of the British villagers celebrating birthday for a hole in the road Picture 1

A resident named Vonnie Daykin, 56, told Nottingham Post that the hole has appeared since March 2015 and the hole has been deepening until now.

' I put a small cake with two candles next to the hole hoping the local authorities would pay attention and fix it. Because the pit is a danger for the driver, especially the bicycle driver, if you run into it, you will be very easy to lose your steering wheel, fall and hit the road. It is a danger for everyone ".

Daykin said she reported on the pit in September, 10 last year and the district council promised to repair the hole with thousands of other holes. However, everything has not been settled until now.

' This road needs to have a repair and repair of the holes, all year round I see this hole and it is the worst for the people around .'

The picture above has spread to the strong community and the Nottinghamshire City Council has taken over people's opinions and started to locate and details the hole.

I don't know when the hole will be fixed but the reaction from the Nottinghamshire City Council is a great thing. And not only this hole and many other pits, potholes also exist along this main road from the farm area to the school. - Twitter account Plumtree People wrote.

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