How to Breed Villagers in Minecraft
Breed villagers
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Find a village. Villages are often located at random locations on the map. Please be patient. You need to search for a while to see a village. It is found in plains, deserts, coniferous forests and deserts. Each village needs at least 2 villagers.
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Build structures to breed villagers (optional). This is not necessary when breeding villagers, but the structure will prevent them from wandering. Furthermore, they are also protected from aggressive mobs and raiders. You can choose any material to build the project. The building must be large enough for all the villagers you want to breed, along with the number of beds for each villager and their children.
Make sure all windows are fitted with glass or iron bars. Young children in the village can hide from holes in the building.
Do not build a door into the building. Villagers can open and close doors. To prevent them from escaping, you need to use a fence.
Now the villagers' occupations are determined by the nearby construction site. New villagers will be automatically assigned to the appropriate construction site in the village. If you want to assign certain occupations to new villagers, build a structure at least 48 blocks away from the nearest construction site to prevent automatic assignment.
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Create at least 3 beds and place them in the village or building. To breed villagers, you need beds for each person to be bred and their children. You need to create new beds for each bred villager. You can create a bed using a crafting table with 3 wool blocks and 3 wooden plank blocks.
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Place at least two villagers near each other. If you have built a structure, try to confine them to the structure and block the doors so they can't roam. You can move villagers by executing a walk command. This pushes them in the direction you want them to go. You can also use boats to move villagers, even when they are on land.
You can craft a ship using a crafting table with 1 shovel and 5 wooden plank blocks. Place the train on the ground and let the villagers walk onto the train. Once on the ship, they will stay there until you destroy the ship. Here's how to stop them from wandering around outside. You can board the ship with the villagers and row the boat to move the villagers. On land, boats move more slowly. You also need a level path leading to your destination. Once you and the villagers arrive, use your ax or hand to destroy the ship so the villagers can move freely.
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Prepare food for the villagers. Each resident has their own inventory to store items, such as food. To breed villagers, they need 3 loaves of bread, 12 carrots, 12 beets or 12 potatoes in their inventory. Luckily, you don't need to go far to find these items because they can all be found in the village.
Carrots: Carrots are grown by farmers in the village. You can harvest carrots from the garden once they are large enough. Carrots are large enough when the green leaf at the top has grown to its full length and the orange end is sticking out of the ground.
Potatoes: Potatoes are also grown by farmers in the village. You can harvest potatoes in the garden. Potatoes are large enough when the leaves grow high where you have removed them. However, sometimes you will encounter poisonous potatoes - often unusable.
Beetroot: Beetroot is also grown by farmers in the village. However, unlike potatoes and carrots, you can't grow your own beets to get more beets. You need to sow beet seeds to grow beets, and this will take up more space in your inventory. You can harvest beets and beet seeds from the garden. The beetroot is large enough when you see the leaves and red part of the beetroot sticking out of the ground.
Bread: You can buy bread from villagers or make your own using a crafting table with 3 bushels of wheat. Sometimes you can also find bread in chests in the village. Wheat is grown in the garden by farmers in the village. You can harvest the wheat when it has grown tall and turned light brown. Cut wheat that can be harvested to produce bushels of wheat.
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Give food to the villagers. To do this, simply leave the food on the ground next to them. When villagers pass by, food will be added to their inventory. When two inhabitants near each other have enough food in their behavior, they will be willing to breed. You can drop items by equipping them and pressing the "Q" key or the drop button on the controller. Click on the item in your inventory and remove it.
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Wait for the villagers to breed. Breeding takes place when two villagers face each other and hearts appear around them. A small villager will appear. You need to wait about 20 minutes for the small villager to become an adult.
Breeding villagers in version 1.14 and earlier
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Find a village. Villages are often located at many random locations in the game world. Each village needs at least 2 villagers. Please be patient. Finding villages is often not easy. You need to search for a while to see a village. Use the map you got when you started the game to see where you are.
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Build more doors in the village. Villagers will breed when the total number of villagers is 35% less than the number of doors in the village. A valid door is a door with one side leading to a room with a roof, and the other side leading to the outside.
To build a valid door, all you need is a door with one side that has a block on top.
To increase the number of doors in the village, you can build a building with multiple doors.
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Build gardens for villagers. The villagers love farming. Most villages already have a few gardens. You can build more gardens so people are willing to propagate them. To build a garden, you need to find an area with good lighting and dig a trench next to the soil block and pour water into the trench. The next thing is to use a hoe to loosen the soil. You can sow seeds or grow vegetables in the dirt blocks, or allow people to do this themselves.
You can also throw food to the villagers. Villagers will be willing to breed when they have 3 bread, 12 carrots or 12 potatoes in their inventory.
To make bread, select the crafting table and place three wheat stalks in any row in the 3x3 square. The only thing left is to drag the bread into your inventory.
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Trade with villagers. This is a simple way to make villagers want to breed. Each villager has many items that they want to trade in exchange for other items. Trade with a certain villager multiple times to unlock new items that the villager can trade. You will trade with that villager until a new trade appears. Continuous trading has a 1 in 5 chance of making the villagers willing to breed again. Small green dots appear when people are willing to breed.
A willingness to breed will not automatically cause a villager to find a spouse. Two villagers willing to breed must be near each other. Trading with villagers will make them more willing to breed.
Wait for the villagers to breed. When two or more villagers near each other are willing to breed, they will do so automatically. Breeding takes place when two villagers face each other and hearts appear around them. A small villager will appear. It takes about 20 minutes for a small villager to become an adult.
After breeding, the villagers will no longer be willing to do this and must be influenced to breed again.
Create beds for villagers
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Prepare material. To create a bed, you need 3 blocks of wooden boards and 3 blocks of wool. You also need a crafting table. Follow these steps to get the materials you need:
Wooden planks: To get wood, you need to climb a tree and use your hands (or an ax) to chop the tree trunk until the trunk blocks fall off and become small logs. The next thing is to go over the wooden block to pick it up. Open the crafting menu and create wooden plank blocks from wood.
Wool: You can get wool by killing sheep or using shears - scissors are usually made from two iron bars in the crafting table.
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Create a crafting table. To create a crafting table, you will open the crafting menu and place 4 wooden plank blocks in the crafting frame to the right of the character. The next thing is to drag the crafting table into the inventory.
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Place the crafting table and open it. To place a crafting table, place it in the bar below the menu and equip it. Place the crafting table by aiming at the area you want, then right-click or left-click to place it.
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Fabrication of beds. To craft the bed, you will open the crafting table, and place three wool blocks in the top row of the 3x3 crafting frame. Next, place 3 wooden blocks in the middle row below the wool blocks. The last thing is to drag the bed into the luggage.
You can also make colored beds with dyes.
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Set the bed. To place the bed, you will place it on the equipment bar. Navigate to where you want to place the bed, and right-click or press the left switch to place the bed where you want it.
Build a house in the village
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Prepare construction materials. You can build houses in the village using any materials you want. Not all materials require tools to harvest or mine, but these tools help shorten the time. Let's learn how to make tools in Minecraft to understand how to craft them. Here are common materials and how to get them:
Soil: Soil is found everywhere. To get soil, you just need to use your hands (or shovel) to dig until the soil block breaks up and forms a small block of soil. Go over the small block of dirt to pick it up.
Wooden planks: To get wood, you will climb a tree and use your hands (or an ax) to chop the tree trunk until the trunk block falls off and forms a small block of wood. The next thing is to go over the wooden block to pick it up. Open the crafting menu and create wooden plank blocks from wooden blocks.
Cobblestone: Cobblestone is harder (and more resistant to explosions). To dig cobblestone, you first need to craft a pickaxe. Equip the pickaxe from the menu. Use the pickaxe to dig rock blocks in caves or around the mountainside.
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Choose place. Make sure the location you choose is in the village. The game sets the center of the village as the average coordinates of all doors in the village. The outer extent of the villages is 32 blocks from the center or the door furthest from the center, whichever is farther.
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Construction works. Use the construction materials you prepare to build the exterior of the house or building. It can be any shape you want as long as it has a translucent block on top that serves as a roof. The gap must be at least 3 blocks high so villagers (and players) have space to move inside. Create a space 2 blocks high on the wall to make a door.
To build a building, you need to place construction materials in the equipment bar below your inventory. Highlight materials in that bar to proceed with equipping. Aim at the location where you want to place building materials, then right-click (or press the left switch) to place each block. Let's learn how to build in Minecraft to see how it's done.
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Build and place the crafting table. The crafting table is created using 4 wooden plank blocks in the crafting menu. Once you set up a crafting table, you place it anywhere in the game world.
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Use the crafting table to create doors. To create a door, select the crafting table and place 6 wooden plank blocks in the 3x3 frame in the crafting table. The next thing is to pull the door to the crafting table.
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Install doors into the building. To install the door into the building, you will place it in the equipment bar and click to select the place where you want to install the door. Next, navigate to the area where you want to install the door, and right-click (or press the left switch on the controller) to install the door. The more doors a village has, the more villagers will want to breed.
Villagers can find the door 16 blocks horizontally from them, and 3 blocks above, or 5 blocks below, the village's ground level. A valid door must have a higher number of opaque blocks within 5 blocks on one side of the door (inside) than on the other side (outside).
Trade with villagers
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Choose villagers. To select villagers, you need to stand in front of them and aim at them. Right-click or press the left switch on the controller. This opens the inventory window.
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Check the villagers' inventory. The space above the window shows what the villagers want to sell. The box in the lower left corner of the window shows what the villagers want to buy. You must have the item they want in your inventory to start the transaction.
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Select the item you want to buy. To select an item, you will click or push the confirmation button on the controller. The item you want to trade will be automatically moved out of your inventory, and the item you want to buy will be placed in your inventory.
Villagers only have one or two items the first time you trade with them. The more purchases they make, the more items they will have to sell.
Build gardens for villagers
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Dig for cobblestone, coal and iron ore. All of these materials were found in the cave. You need a pickaxe to dig them. Learn how to make tools in Minecraft to learn how to make pickaxes and other tools.
The gray stone block looks like real stone. You will use a pickaxe to dig cobblestone from stone blocks.
The cinder block looks like a block of stone with black dots. Use a pickaxe to dig coal from coal blocks.
The block of iron ore looks like a block of rock with yellow dots on it. You can use a stone pickaxe or sturdier tool to dig for iron ore.
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Create and place crafting tables. The crafting table is created using 4 wooden plank blocks in the crafting menu. Once you create a crafting table, place it anywhere in the game world.
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Create and place a furnace. To create a furnace, you need to select a crafting table and place 8 cobblestone blocks on all sides of the 3x3 frame. Drag the furnace to the equipment bar below the inventory. Place the furnace on that bar and proceed with equipping. Aim at the area where you want to place the furnace and right-click (or press the left switch) to place it.
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Use the furnace to melt iron. To smelt iron ore, you will select the furnace and place coal in the fuel section (the section below the fire icon). Next, place the iron ore block in the section above the fire. Wait a few minutes for the iron melting to complete. Once the iron ore is melted, select the furnace and pull the iron bars from the right box and place them in your inventory.
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Use the crafting table to create crates. You need to select the crafting table and place the iron block in the middle left box, middle right box and lower middle box of the 3x3 frame. The remaining thing is to drag the box into the inventory.
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Find a well-lit place in the village. You need to find a well-lit area in the village, and is about 5x10 blocks of land.
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Dig a trench in the middle of the garden. You can use your hands (or a shovel) to dig a trench in the middle of the garden. The trench should only be about 1 block deep.
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Use the bucket to collect water. Place the crate in the equipment bar. The next thing is to find the nearest water source and use a bucket to get water. Equip the barrel and click on the water area to fill the barrel with water.
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Pour water into the trench. After collecting water, you will return to the garden where you have dug a trench and pour water into it. Equip the water tank and click on the empty slot to fill it with water. You will need to do this a few times to fill the trench with water.
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Use the crafting table to create a pickaxe. You need to select the crafting table and place the two sticks in the middle box and the bottom middle box of the 3x3 frame. Next, place two blocks of wooden planks, cobblestones, iron bars or diamonds in the upper middle box and the left middle box. Drag the hoe into the war.
Two sticks are crafted from wooden plank blocks in the crafting menu.
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Prepare materials for planting. Carrots, potatoes, wheat seeds, beets, cocoa beans, melons and pumpkins can all be planted and grown.
Carrots, potatoes, beets and wheat seeds can be harvested from gardens available in the village. You can also get wheat seeds by plucking tall grass.
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Use the hoe to loosen the soil in the garden. Place the pickaxe in the equipment bar below your inventory and equip it. Use a hoe to loosen two sections of soil on both sides of the trench that has been filled with water.
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Sowing agricultural products. After cultivating the soil, you need to place agricultural products in the equipment bar and plant them in groups by right-clicking or pressing the left switch on the controller. Wait a few days for the agricultural products to grow.
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Agricultural harvest. Once the agricultural products are large enough, you will click or press the right switch to harvest them.
Villagers often harvest agricultural products for you, and plant new crops in gardens you build for them.
If the villager has 3 bread, 12 carrots, 12 potatoes or 12 beets in their inventory, they will be willing to breed.
To create bread, you need to select the crafting table and place three wheat stalks in any row in the 3x3 frame. The next thing is to drag the bread into the inventory.
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