The most brutal bird in the world, specializing in eating the brains of its prey to survive

The great tit (Parus Major) found in some regions of Asia and North Africa is known as the most brutal bird in the world because it does not eat meat but specializes in eating the brains of its prey to survive, humans. We have to call it 'Zoombie bird'.

The most brutal bird in the world, specializing in eating the brains of its prey to survive Picture 1The most brutal bird in the world, specializing in eating the brains of its prey to survive Picture 1

The large titmouse has a gentle and lovely appearance with smooth feathers and two white streaks on its cheeks. Their food is mainly insects and small grass seeds. However, food becomes extremely scarce in winter and the titmouse cannot find enough food to feed itself and its young. To have enough food and survive, the great tit is forced to choose the extremely violent solution of killing other birds and their own species to eat.

With a savage killing instinct and an extremely powerful weapon, a beak as hard as steel, the titmouse will tear apart the brains of its prey and enjoy it deliciously. They do not eat meat but choose the brain because it is soft, easy to digest and rich in energy.

The most brutal bird in the world, specializing in eating the brains of its prey to survive Picture 2The most brutal bird in the world, specializing in eating the brains of its prey to survive Picture 2

Great tits can hear the ultrasonic sounds emitted by bats. So, one of the prey of the great tit is a species of cave bat. They often wait at cave entrances to catch a few unfortunate bats.

In addition to bats, great tits also hunt other birds and their own species.

One of the reasons the great tit has become such a bloodthirsty killer is that the seasons are becoming harsher and longer due to climate change.

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