The health warning behind the 'wink' that everyone thinks is premonition

Many people believe that, if suddenly blinking or twitching their eyes, it is a spiritual premonition that predicts the future, possibly about having fun or sorrow. In fact, winking is a warning sign of many serious health problems.

Many people believe that, if suddenly blinking or twitching their eyes, it is a spiritual premonition that predicts the future, possibly about having fun or sorrow. In fact, winking is a warning sign of many serious health problems.

According to doctors, the cause of blinking or twitching eyes is because the muscles in the eyelid move or contract unnaturally. This phenomenon occurs suddenly and disappears after a few seconds.

The health warning behind the 'wink' that everyone thinks is premonition Picture 1The health warning behind the 'wink' that everyone thinks is premonition Picture 1

But if you have this phenomenon, it is a sign that you have one or all of the following issues:

1. Lack of sleep

When you sleep less, your eye muscles are always stretched to maintain activity that causes eye twitching. So, if you are winking, you should maintain a good sleep routine, sleep well, avoid staying up all night.

2. Dry eyes, eye muscle strain

The health warning behind the 'wink' that everyone thinks is premonition Picture 2The health warning behind the 'wink' that everyone thinks is premonition Picture 2

On average, the human eye blinks 12 - 18 times in 1 minute, each flash, the tears are released covering the surface of the eye.

When working too much in front of a computer and wearing contact lenses for a long time, your eyes will fall into dryness, fatigue, and eye strain. At that time, the dry eye will produce more reflexes of tears, while making the right eye stretch to operate, thereby causing eye muscles to jerk.

To protect your eyes when you have to sit in front of your eyes for a long time, experts recommend applying the 20-20-20 rule to help your eyes rest and relax: that's after 20 minutes of working with the computer. , look at an object for 20 seconds at a distance of 20 feet.

3. Caffeine

High levels of caffeine can cause eyelids to contract. So when the eyelid jerks more than usual, check the amount of caffeine your body consumes during the day.

4. Stressed

The health warning behind the 'wink' that everyone thinks is premonition Picture 3The health warning behind the 'wink' that everyone thinks is premonition Picture 3

The eye machine is a general sign that warns you of high-level stress. When stressed, eye muscles are prone to fatigue, leading to a mild shock to signal the body - the eye part, the mind needs to rest.

5. Lack of essential nutrition in the body

The cause of eye seizures may be that your body has certain nutritional deficiencies such as magnesium, which are vital for strengthening muscle function in the body.

Therefore, if eye jerks continuously, you should supplement magnesium rich foods such as oats, rice, wheat, cocoa powder, almonds .

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