The French inventor successfully passed the Manche Strait with hoverboard flying board, speed 170km / h
The French inventor Franky Zapata has recently successfully crossed the English Channel between France and England on a hoverboard jet Flyboard Air. In the total journey of 35.4km from Sangatte, France and to Dover, England, Zapata only takes 22 minutes and reaches a speed of 170km / h. Previously, this inventor had failed the test at the end of last July.
Franky Zapata said, this machine was created three years ago.
According to The Guardian, the journey does not last long, every 10 minutes Zapata has to land at milestones to refuel.
The French inventor successfully passed the Manche Strait with hoverboard flying board, speed 170km / h Picture 1
Zapata's Flyboard AirPods is a board equipped with four turbo engines and has an incredible balance mechanism, allowing people to fly in the air for a certain amount of time. This hoverboard has a maximum weight of about 102kg and the current operating time is just over 10 minutes.

In April 2016, Zapata flew on this hoverboard and moved the longest distance up to 2.2km. This achievement has been recognized by Guinness Records.
Zapata confirmed, Flyboard Air is capable of bringing people to a height of about 3km and moving at a speed of over 150km.
Please follow Zapata's excellent performance when successfully passing the Manche Strait with a flyboard Air Flyboard in the video below.
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