Image of the restoration of the demon toad.
Based on that fossil record, researchers at the University of Adelaide, Australia have reconstructed the anatomical features of demon toads. Accordingly, this toad is up to half a meter long, weighs more than 4.5 kg and has super strong bite force.
Today's descendants are the Ceratophrys frog, which has a 4.5 cm wide head and horns, so-called horn frogs. The researchers measured the bite force in this frog. The results showed that they had quite impressive bite force of up to 30 newtons and were not easily released.
Thanks to strong jaw muscles and strong muscle forces, the frog species Ceratophrys often catches large animals across their bodies like other frogs, snakes and mice.
According to research results, demon toads with anatomical characteristics are very similar to modern horn frogs and have strong bite force comparable to today's wolves and tigers, up to 2,200 newtons. With this bite force, demon toads can easily hunt small immature dinosaurs.