Testing computer science knowledge, doing little for fun (part 8)

The series of computer science quiz questions covers many areas with a set of 4 answers and answers at the bottom of the page.

The series of computer science quiz questions covers many areas with a set of 4 answers and answers at the bottom of the page.After section 7, Network Administrator continues to introduce section 8. Let's try to see how many answers you can answer?

  1. What is the usual IC chip of a computer?
    1. The silver
    2. Aluminum
    3. Copper
    4. Silicon
  2. What does Excel's formula form?
    1. Algebra and function operators
    2. Only from functions
    3. Only from algebra operators
    4. Only from icons
  3. Where is not a special software in MS Office?
    1. Office Art
    2. Clip Art
    3. Word Art
    4. Paint Art
  4. What type of file cannot be navigated by Clip Art?
    1. AVI
    2. BMP
    3. WAV
    4. MP3
  5. What is the connection between an HTML file and another HTML file?
    1. Hyperlink
    2. Connection link
    3. Symbol
    4. All the answers above
  6. From any toolbar you can change the table style
    1. Format
    2. Signboard
    3. Recipe
    4. Clipboard
  7. Who is the founder of Wikileaks
    1. Evans Williams
    2. Jack Dorsey
    3. Julian Assange
    4. Noah Glass
  8. What is the full name of the .pst format?
    1. Portable Storage Table
    2. Personal System Table
    3. Personal Storage Table
    4. Portable System Table
  9. What is the software system used to build, maintain, and give access to the database?
    1. CPU
    2. DASD
    3. CAI
    4. DBMS
  10. How many characters does ASCII now have?
    1. sixty four
    2. 128
    3. 256
    4. 382
  11. What is the limited number of characters in a tweet on Twitter?
    1. 110
    2. 120
    3. 140
    4. 280
  12. On a Windows-based personal computer, what is the Ctrl + Alt + Delete combination used for?
    1. Turn off a software
    2. Restart the operating system
    3. Set pixels and screen brightness
    4. Both answers A and B
  13. Which of the following represents the decimal 23 in binary?
    1. 01011
    2. 10111
    3. 10011
    4. 11011
  14. In MS Word, when you want to send a message to 100 recipients, if you want to add the address of each recipient, we use:
    1. Embedding
    2. Mail-Merge
    3. Letters Code
    4. Hyperlink
  15. You activate a 'box' in MS Excel with:
    1. Press Tab
    2. Click on that box
    3. Press the arrow key
    4. All the answers above


1. D
2 A
3. D
4. D
5. A 6. B
7. C
8. C
9. D
10. B
11. D
12. D
13. B
14. B
15. D

Note: Question 11, previously the largest number of characters of a tweet was 140, Twitter then doubled in late 2017.

  1. Testing computer science knowledge, doing little for fun (part 9)
  2. Testing computer science knowledge, doing little for fun (part 6)
  3. Testing computer science knowledge, doing little for fun (part 3)
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