Testing computer science knowledge, doing a little fun (part 13)

The series of computer science quiz questions covers many areas with a set of 4 answers and answers at the bottom of the page.

The series of computer science quiz questions covers many areas with a set of 4 answers and answers at the bottom of the page.After section 12, Network Administrator continues to introduce section 13. Let's try to see how many sentences you can answer?

  1. The speed of the cache memory in the computer is slower than the speed of .
    1. RAM
    2. ROM
    3. HDD
    4. Register in the CPU
  2. What is a compiler?
    1. Combination of computer hardware
    2. Software translation software has been written in machine language into high-level languages
    3. Software translation software has been written in high-level languages ​​into machine language
    4. Combination of computer hardware and software
  3. What is the full written BCD?
    1. Decimal Coded Bit
    2. Binary Coded Decimal
    3. Bit Coded Digit
    4. Binary Coded Digit
  4. What is the script and memory address in RAM stored?
    1. Binary numbers
    2. Decimal
    3. Octal number
    4. Parity bit
  5. What is the unique computer on the network?
    1. Memory address
    2. Email address
    3. IP address
    4. Virtual address
  6. On the Internet, what is the transfer from one website to another?
    1. Upload
    2. Download
    3. Search
    4. Browsing
  7. What is the output printed with a computer via a paper printer?
    1. Virtual version
    2. Hard copy
    3. Soft copy
    4. No answer right
  8. Where are documents, documents, movies . stored on?
    1. Print server
    2. Multimedia server
    3. Web server
    4. File server
  9. Which activity is performed on RAM?
    1. Just write
    2. Just read
    3. Both reading and writing
    4. Depends on the user
  10. What is the result of the data processing process?
    1. Software
    2. Data
    3. System
    4. Information
  11. What is DNS stands for?
    1. Domain Name System
    2. Dynamic Name System
    3. Distributed Name System
    4. Data name System
  12. What activities are not done by the computer?
    1. Control
    2. Output output
    3. Understand
    4. Enter input
  13. Directory on the operating system based on the structure .
    1. Double path
    2. Queue
    3. Branched tree
    4. Chart
  14. What is hyperlinking?
    1. Used to save web pages
    2. Used to link web pages
    3. The path is sensitive to users
    4. No answer right


1. D
2 C
3. B
4. A
5. C 6. D
7. B
8. D
10. D 11. A
12. C
13. C
14. B
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