Testing computer science knowledge, doing little for fun (part 1)

Check your computer knowledge with this series of quiz questions on this computer science topic.

Computer science is a fairly wide field, including many sub-sections and knowledge is also deeply unpredictable. It's hard to clap your chest with confidence that this is a thorough understanding of computer science, right?

What we know is just a small drop of water in the ocean, but accumulating many drops of water is still useful in life and work, rather than no drops.

Therefore, TipsMake.com collected a series of basic multiple choice questions about computer science. Please check your computer knowledge with the first part of the quiz series on this topic.


  1. Who programmed the first computer game 'Spacewar!' 1962?
    1. Steave Russell
    2. Konard Zuse
    3. Alan Emtage
    4. Tim Berners-Lee
  2. Who is the father of supercomputers?
    1. David J. Brown
    2. Gene Amdahl
    3. Adam Dunkels
    4. Seymour Cray
  3. Who created the C programming language?
    1. Ken Thompson
    2. Dennis Ritchie
    3. Robin Milner
    4. Frieder Nake
  4. What year was NASSCOM established (National Association of Software and Services Companies)?
    1. 1988
    2. 1997
    3. 1993
    4. 1882
  5. Who is the father of the Internet?
    1. Alan Perlis
    2. Jean E. Sammuet
    3. Vint Cerf
    4. Steve Lawrence
  6. Where is the first high-level programming language?
    1. C
    2. COBOL
    3. FORTRAN
    4. C ++
  7. Where is the first word processing application?
    1. MS Word
    2. Apple i Work
    3. Sun StartOffice
    4. WordStar
  8. What is India's fastest supercomputer at the present time?
    1. Aaditya
    2. SAGA-220
    3. SahasraT
    4. HP Apollo 6000
  9. When was the first supercomputer of India PARAM 8000?
    1. 1988
    2. 1991
    3. 1995
    4. 1982
  10. Who developed the Java programming language?
    1. James Gosling
    2. Douglas Engelbart
    3. Edmund M. Clarke
    4. James D. Foley
  11. Where is the dynamic memory on the computer system?
    1. Hard Drive
    2. RAM
    3. ROM
    4. Optical drive
  12. One terabyte (1TB) is equal to?
    1. 1028GB
    2. 2012GB
    3. 1000GB
    4. 1024GB
  13. Who was the first to develop a QWERTY keyboard on computers and phones?
    1. Raphael Finkel
    2. Wim Ebbinkhuijsen
    3. Shafi Goldwasser
    4. Christopher Latham Sholes
  14. Where is the operating system developed and used by Apple Inc?
    1. Windows
    2. Android
    3. iOS
    4. UNIX
  15. Which operating system Linus Torvalds developed?
    1. Windows
    2. Mac OS
    3. UNIX
    4. Linux


  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C

6. C
7. D
8. C
9. B
10. A

11. B
12. D
13. D
14. C
15. D

See more:

  1. Testing computer science knowledge, doing little for fun (part 2)
  2. 25 multiple choice Windows Command Prompt questions
  3. eQuiz - Multiple choice test on Java Swing Practice - Part 2
  4. eQuiz - Multiple choice test on SQL
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