Microsoft Excel Test P9
The following network administrator will send you to read multiple choice questions about Excel, invite you to test your knowledge. The set of questions consists of 10 sentences, 4 answers each to choose from.
- Question 1. To close (turn off) the open workbook, please indicate how in the ways below do not respond to this?
- Go to the File menu, select Close
- Go to the File menu, select Exit
- Go to the File menu, select Quit
- Click on the close icon (x) in the upper right corner of the window
- Question 2. In MS Excel, if you want to ask the program for help about something, you choose one of the following items
- Go to the Help menu, select Microsoft Excel Help
- Go to the Help menu, select About Microsoft Excel
- Go to the Tools menu, select Help
- Go to the Edit menu, select Guide
- Question 3. To select non-contiguous areas in the spreadsheet, which key should you use?
- Alt
- Shift
- Ctrl and Shift
- Ctrl
- Question 4. You have blackened a row in Excel. Which of the following commands allows you to insert a row in the position above the selected row.
- Go to the Insert menu, select Rows
- Go to the Insert menu, select Cells
- Go to the Insert menu, select Columns
- Go to the Insert menu, select Object
- Question 5. To select all cells on the worksheet with the key combination:
- Press Ctrl + A
- Press Ctrl + All
- Press Ctrl + Alt + Space
- Both first and third ways are fine
- Question 6. If the competitor has a score of 5 or more, the competitor is classified as a Achievement, otherwise if the score is less than 5, he / she will not be ranked. In your opinion, which of the following formulas correctly represents this (Assuming that cell G6 contains test scores)?
- = IF (G6> = 5, "Reach") ELSE ("Failed")
- IF (G6 <5, "Failure", "Pass")
- IF (G6 = <5, "Reach", "Failed")
- IF (G6> 5, "Reach", "Failed")
- Question 7. Which of the following statements is correct:
- Spreadsheets can have up to 256 columns. The columns are ordered by letters A, B, C, . Z, AA, AB, AC .
- Spreadsheets can be up to 512 columns. The columns are numbered sequentially numbered from A, B, ., Y, Z, AA, AB, AC .
- The spreadsheet consists of 24 columns and 10 lines, of which 24 columns correspond to 24 letters and 10 lines are 10 existing values
- The spreadsheet has only 24 columns. The columns are numbered from A, B, ., Y, Z
- Question 8. Which of the following values will be entered for cell D8 when you click on the right corner under cell D7 and drag down the boxes D8, D9, D10 to apply the same formula of cell D7:
Microsoft Excel Test P9 Picture 1
- 200
- 240
- 144
- 0
- Question 9. Know that salary = basic salary * coefficient. To calculate each person's salary, you must enter the formula in cell D7
Microsoft Excel Test P9 Picture 2
- = C7 * D3
- = $ C7 * D3
- = C7 * $ D $ 3
- = $ C $ 7 * $ D $ 3
- Question 10. To quickly see the "excellent" graders you black out the entire area containing the data you need to see and then use which of the following tools:
- Go to the Tools menu, select Quick view, select the "excellent" level.
- Go to the Data menu, select Validation
- Go to View menu, select "excellent" level
- Go to the Data menu, select Filter - Autofilter
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