Summary of the hottest technology news from May 1, 2015
Website guessing age through Microsoft portraits, 5 pitfalls popular on the Internet, Vietnamese people can start watching YouTube offline or Facebook Messenger rolling milestone over 1 million calls after only 2 days . are news, tips are most interested in the week
1- Technology of guessing age through photos of
Summary of the hottest technology news from May 1, 2015 Picture 1
Over the past few days, there have been millions of photos uploaded to to guess the age and gender of the person in the picture. Most people know that the results are not completely accurate (at the age of guess). Many people are "judged" older than their actual age, others are younger. Of course, there are also cases where Microsoft Face API technology correctly guesses.See details
2- 5 most popular pitfalls on the Internet
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The Internet has become an indispensable part of everyday life. We go online to contact friends, find information, online transactions . And it is so common that the Internet is also full of dangers for users.See details
3- Vietnamese users can watch YouTube offline from today
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YouTube Offline is an exciting new feature that allows users to watch YouTube videos even without an Internet connection. YouTube information sent to the Vietnamese media also said that this feature is especially useful, especially in case the Internet is fluttering due to being " bitten by a shark ". See details
4- It's possible to download the Office 2016 beta
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Recently, Microsoft has allowed users to download and try a free trial version of Office 2016 Office Preview called Office 2016 Public Preview. This new version of Office has been improved by Microsoft, a cloud feature that allows users to save and edit data online. Along with that, this version of Office also supports many users to edit documents at the same time in real time mode.See details
5- 30 most influential characters in the Internet
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US President Barack Obama, PewDieDie player, singer Taylor Swift or 'Miss Kim super third' Kim Kardashian are listed as the most influential people on Internet for Time magazine.See details
6- 5 useful tips for iPhone users
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With Apple phones, you can quickly save offline maps, schedule off music, flash LED flashes when notifications or manual exposure compensation when taking photos.See details
7- Why is it better to contribute to Facebook than to make Google?
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According to new data, PayScale said that Facebook is at the top of the list of the 50 best companies in the US, surpassing Google. Clearly, both tech giants are great places to work but why is Facebook better than Google?See details
8- Good looking website to follow Microsoft's age guessing service
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Http:// age guessing tool that US giant "software" launched earlier this month created a fever in the Internet user community. Following the attraction from Microsoft, the famous dating app Lulu has developed a website that allows gentlemen to check their " handsome " level. See details
9- Facebook Messenger rolled over 1 million calls after only 2 days
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Just released for more than a week, but the statistics show that Facebook Messenger video calling feature has been well received by users. The company said that in the first two days alone, there were more than 1 million video calls via Facebook Messenger.See details
10- See the process of changing the logo of 15 tech giants
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Technology is constantly changing, evolving over time, so even the most cultivated tech giants must constantly change to keep up with the time and keep their position in the industry.See details
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