Summary of Cheat GTA code

Summary of Cheat GTA code. Rockstar's GTA is the game line that is so famous in the world, if you are a game enthusiast, it is certainly no stranger. GTA has been in development since 1997 and so far it has 15 different versions, new friends

Rockstar's GTA is the game line that is so famous in the world, if you are a game enthusiast, it is certainly no stranger. GTA was developed in 1997 and so far it has 15 different versions, the latest friend is GTA5. In the development process, the most famous versions are GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreads or GTA IV version. A special feature in this game is that we can insert the Cheat codes to become hegemony in the game, this is the point that makes gamers enjoy this game. However, cheat codes in games are often difficult to remember because they are often quite long strings of letters, so to help readers can use these cheat codes at any time when needed, in this article TipsMake. vn will synthesize all code in different GTA versions.Please refer.

Summary of Cheat GTA code Picture 1Summary of Cheat GTA code Picture 1

1. Summary of cheat codes in GTA Vice City

Command weapons in GTA Vice City

  1. THUGSTOOLS : Own all level 1 weapons
  2. PROFESSIONALTOOLS : All tier 2 weapons (professional weapons).
  3. NUTTERTOOLS : All level 3 weapons (heavy weapons).
  4. ASPIRINE : Full health
  5. GESUNDHEIT : Increases blood
  6. IFIWEREARICHMAN : Increase money
  8. GUNSGUNSGUNS : Filling the gun
  9. FANNYMAGNET : Women follow you
  10. YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE : More crimes (increased wanted level)
  11. LEAVEMEALONE : Confession (all wanted)

Command to change the appearance of the outside

  2. PROGRAMMER : Arms and thin legs
  3. STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP : Randomly change clothes (no face)
  4. CERTAINDEATH : Tommy smokes
  5. HOPINGIRL : Pedestrians can get into your car.
  6. CHEATSHAVEBEENCRACKED : Playing in the shape of Ricardo Diaz
  7. LOOKLIKELANCE : Play in the shape of Vance
  8. MYSONISALAWYER : Playing in the shape of Rosenberg
  9. LOOKLIKEHILARY : Play as King Hilary
  10. ROCKANDROLLMAN - Play as Jezz Torent
  11. WELOVEOURDICK : Playing in the shape of a gay hand
  12. ONEARMEDBANDIT : Playing in the shape of Phil Cassidy
  13. IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY : Playing in the shape of Sonny Forelli
  14. FOXYLITTLETHING : Playing in the shape of Mercedes

Summary of Cheat GTA code Picture 2Summary of Cheat GTA code Picture 2

Vehicle commands in Vice City

  1. PANZER : Tanks
  2. GIVEUSATANK : Transformed into a tank
  3. TRAVELINSTYLE : The old Bloodring 1
  4. GETTHEREQUICKLY : Old Bloodring 2
  5. GETTHEREFAST : The Saber Turbo
  8. THELASTRIDE : Funerals
  9. ROCKANDROLLCAR : Limo cars
  10. RUBBISHCAR : Trashmaster Car (Garbage Truck)
  11. BETTERTHANWALKING : Caddy cars (used in golf courses)
  12. LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS : Sports cars have big wheels
  13. AIRSHIP : Boats can fly
  14. BIGBANG : All vehicles around you explode
  15. MIAMITRAFFIC : Making traffic chaos
  16. AHAIRDRESSERSCAR : All transported by pink car
  17. IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK : Bring all transported by car
  18. COMEFLYWITHME : Vehicles can fly
  19. GRIPISEVERYTHING : Better brakes
  20. GREENLIGHT : All traffic lights turn green
  21. SEAWAYS : Vehicles can walk on water
  22. WHEELSAREALLINEED : Wheels of some vehicles will be invisible
  23. CHITTYCITTYBB : Reduced gravity
  24. LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS : Sports cars with large tires
  25. ILIKEDRESSINGUP : Change clothes
  26. CORNERSLIKEMAD : Turn the car better

Summary of Cheat GTA code Picture 3Summary of Cheat GTA code Picture 3

Weather command

  1. ALOVELYDAY : The weather is nice
  2. APLEASANTDAY : Light cloud
  3. ABITDRIEG : Mostly cloudy
  4. CANTSEEATHING : There is fog
  5. CATSANDDOGS : Rainstorm

Some other commands

  1. LIFEISPASSINGMEBY : The game clock will run faster
  2. YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE : Increase wanted level
  3. LEAVEMEALONE : Cancel wanted command
  4. TIMEFLIESWHENYOU : Speed ​​up the game
  5. BOOOOORING : Reduce the speed in the game
  6. WEAPONSFORALL : Crazy people
  7. CHASESTAT : See wanted statistics
  8. ONSPEED : The speed of activities in the game will be faster
  9. BOOOOOORING : Speed ​​of activities in the game will be slower
  10. FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT : People in the city fight
  11. ITSALLGOINGMAAAD : Everyone fights
  12. NOBODYLIKESME : People will attack and find ways to kill you
  13. OURGODGIVENRIGHTTOBEARARMS : Everyone has a weapon
  14. CHICKSWITHGUNS : Girls would have guns with them
  15. MOREPOLICEPLEASE : Increasing police
  16. NOPOLICEPLEASE : Reduce the police

2. Summary of cheat codes in GTA San Andreas

Summary of Cheat GTA code Picture 4Summary of Cheat GTA code Picture 4

  1. AEDUWNV : Not hungry
  2. AEZAKMI : Always not wanted
  3. AFPHULTL : Ninja Theme
  4. AFSNMSMW : Boats can fly
  5. AFZLLQLL : Sunny day
  6. AIYPWZQP : Equip Parachute
  7. AIWPRTON : Get a tank
  8. AJLOJYQY : People fight each other and get possession of the Golf Club
  9. AKJJYGLC : Get a 4-wheel motorcycle
  10. ALNSFMZO : The sky is overcast
  11. AMOMHRER : Containerized vehicles
  12. AQTBCODX : Get the car
  13. ASBHGRB : You will see the Elvis brand everywhere
  14. ASNAEB : Clear all wanted levels
  15. AUIFRVQS : It was raining
  16. BAGOWPG : Unknown
  17. BAGUVIX : Blood and infinite health
  18. BGKGTJH : All cars turn money circulating on the street
  19. BGLUAWML : People attack you with weapons, Rocket
  20. BMTPWHR : Unknown but can be said to equip the vehicles on the road
  21. BSXSGGC : The vehicle will appear in its original state
  22. BTCDBCB : Becomes fat
  23. CIKGCGX : Party on the beach
  24. COXEFGU : All cars are equipped with Nitro
  25. CFVFGMJ : Fog
  26. CPKTNWT : All surrounding vehicles exploded
  27. CVWKXAM : Unlimited Oxygen
  28. FOOOXFT : Everyone is armed
  29. NCSGDAG : Use turns of guns
  30. XICWMD : Stealth car
  31. JYSDSOD : Become an athlete
  32. OGXSDAG : All attention is directed at you
  33. EHIBXQS : Attract the children
  34. LFGMHAL : The jump is very high
  35. IAVENJQ : Punch of a thousand pounds
  36. OFVIAC : The sky turns orange at 21:00
  37. PGGOMOY : Hugging or controlling everything
  38. LLQPFBN : "Pink" traffic
  39. SJMAHPE : Recruiting brothers (using 9mm)
  40. ZSOXFSQ : Recruiting brothers (Using Rockets)
  41. THGLOJ : Limiting traffic accidents
  42. IOJUFZN : Riot Mode (violent)
  43. CWJXUOC : Sandstorm
  44. LJSPQK : 6 stars for the wanted level
  45. KVGYZQK : Becoming thin
  46. LIYOAAY : Slow down the Game Speed
  47. BEKKNQV : Girls will follow you
  48. JCNRUAD : Touch and explode
  49. CQZIJMB : Get the Bloodring Banger car
  50. RZHSUEW : Get a golf cart

Summary of Cheat GTA code Picture 5Summary of Cheat GTA code Picture 5

  1. EEGCYXT : Do the bulldozer
  2. OHDUDE : Been an army plane
  3. JUMPJET : Was the plane .
  4. AGBDLCID : Being off-road cars
  5. PDNEJOH : Racing car 96
  6. VPJTQWV : Racing 07
  7. JQNTDMH : Being a pickup truck
  8. KRIJEBR : Get 3-compartment car
  9. URKQSRK : Was aircraft
  10. UBHYZHQ : Get the garbage truck
  11. KGGGDKP : Getting wind boat
  12. SZCMAWO : Suicide
  13. VKYPQCF : All taxis are equipped with Nitrous, L3 Bunny Hop
  14. FVTMNBZ : All Country Vehicles circulating
  15. GUSNHDE : Only high-speed vehicles traveling on the road
  16. ICIKPYH : 1 sunny day
  17. MGHXYRM : Storm
  18. LXGIWYL : Level 1 weapon, Thug's Tools
  19. KJKSZPJ : Level 2 weapon, Professional Tools
  20. UZUMYMW : Level 3 weapon, Nutter Tools
  21. YLTEICZ : Drivers who become aggressive always want to cause trouble
  22. ZEIIVG : All the green lights are on
  23. XJVSNAJ : Always Midnight (around 12 pm)
  24. IOWDLAC : Black traffic
  25. RIPAZHA : The car can fly
  26. YSOHNUL : Speed ​​up the clock faster
  27. PPGWJHT : Speed ​​up the Game
  28. OUIQDMW : Use all weapons while driving
  29. PRIEBJ : Funhouse Theme
  30. MROEMZH : Gangster bands are everywhere
  31. MROEMZH : The names of the party girls will disrupt and manage all the streets
  32. YECGAA : Equipped with Jetpack
  33. HESOYAM : Health, Armor and $ 250k
  34. JHJOECW : Huge Bunny Hop
  35. OSRBLHH : Increase wanted level to 2 stars
  36. WANRLTW : Unlimited bullets without reload

3. Summary of cheat codes in GTA III

  1. Gunsgunsguns: All weapons
  2. Ifiwerearichman: Increase money
  3. Gesundheit: Full of blood
  4. Morepoliceplease: Increase wanted level
  5. Nopoliceplease: Reduce wanted level
  6. Bangbangbang: Destroying all cars
  7. Ilikedressingup: Change clothes
  1. Itsallgoingmaaad: The pedestrians go crazy
  2. Nobodylikesme: All pedestrians attack you
  3. Weaponsforall: Pedestrians fighting
  4. Timeflieswhenyou: Increase the speed in the game
  5. Madweather: Time in the game becomes very fast
  6. Boooooring: Play games faster (Reduce speed in the game)
  7. Turtoise: Full armor
  8. Skincancerforme: The weather is nice
  9. Ilikescotland: It's cloudy
  1. Ilovescotland: It's raining
  2. Peasoup: Weather fog
  3. Anicesetofwheels: Stealth wheels
  4. Chittychittybb: Flying cars
  5. Cornerslikemad: Improve driving skills
  6. Nastylimbscheat: Gore mode
  7. Giveusatank: Call a tank (Rhino)

4. Summary of cheat codes in GTA IV

Summary of Cheat GTA code Picture 6Summary of Cheat GTA code Picture 6

  1. 4825550100: Blood and weapon orders
  2. 3625550010: Blood and armor orders
  3. 4685550100: Weapon (advanced)
  4. 4685550150: Weapons (rudimentary)
  5. 2675550100: removal order (delete stars)
  6. 2675550150: 1-point increment order (1-star increment code)
  7. 3595550100: Annihilator helicopter command
  8. 9385550100: Jetmax boat order
  9. 2275550142: order of the Cognoscenti car
  10. 2275550175: order of Comet cars
  11. 2275550100: Ordering cars FIB Buffalo
  12. 2275550160: SuperGT sports car command
  13. 2275550147: order of Turismo cars
  14. 2275550142: order of Cognoscenti cars
  15. 2275550168: order a Super GT car
  16. 6255550100: motorbike order NRG-900
  17. 6255550150: Sanchez motorcycle order
  18. 4685550100: change weather order (choose from 8 different weather types)

5. Summary of cheat codes in GTA V

Summary of Cheat GTA code Picture 7Summary of Cheat GTA code Picture 7

Character command code

  1. Turtle: Full of health and armor.
  2. Hoptoit: Super high jump.
  3. Gotgills: Swim faster.
  4. Painkiller: Immortal for 5 minutes.
  5. Lawyerup: Reduce wanted level to 1 level.
  6. Fugitive: Increase wanted level up 1 level.
  7. Catchme: Run faster.
  8. Powerup: Physical recovery immediately.
  9. Incendiary: Fire bullets.
  10. Toolup: Provides additional weapons and ammunition.
  11. Highex: Bullets explode.
  12. Slowmo: Slow motion mode.
  13. Skyfall: Appears in midair for skydiving.
  14. Deadeye: The Slow Motion effect of aiming x4.
  15. TBA: Super high jump / Quick swim / Please complete ammunition.
  16. Liquor: Drunk mode.

Code for vehicles and vehicles

  1. Holein1: Call the golf cart.
  2. Flyspray: Call the lawn mower.
  3. Bandit: Immediately there BMX car.
  4. Buzzoff: There is a small combat helicopter.
  5. Comet: Immediately racing cars.
  6. Vinewood: There is a Limo.
  7. Skydive: Have an umbrella and press the X button to use.
  8. Rocket: Have a PCJ-600 motorcycle right away.
  9. Rapidgt: Immediately Rapid GT sports car racing.
  10. Offroad: Immediately Sanchez terrain racing.
  11. Barnstorm: Call the plane for a stunt.
  12. Trashed: Call the garbage truck.
  13. Deathcar: There is a Duke O'Death.
  14. Bubbles: Call now Kraken Sub.
  15. Extint: Immediately call Dodo aircraft.

Some other code

  1. Snowday: Smooth road effect.
  2. Floater: Reduce gravity.
  3. Makeitrain: Change the weather.
  4. Hothands: Punch and kill.
  5. Jrtalent: Director mode (players create their own short films using the cast of characters in Story Mode, public figures .).

Above has gathered for you all cheat codes in the hottest GTA game versions today. Hope you will find the article useful, thanks for watching.

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