Students are expelled for using keyloggers to correct scores

The University of Kansas fired a student by installing keylogger and hacking the school's score system to change its grades.

The University of Kansas fired a student by installing keylogger and hacking the school's score system to change its grades.

KU did not reveal the name of the student, only saying that the keyboard monitor was installed on a computer in the hall. This student collected data from this device and turned all F points into points A. Professors said the incident was not detected if the student was not too greedy and corrected too much.

Buy items online to make tracking devices

The device that this student uses is a keyboard tracking tool that anyone can buy on Amazon or eBay for only about $ 20. KU management board is also very angry because of the way to manage when the incident happened at the end of spring but it was not until 2 weeks before they discovered it.

Students are expelled for using keyloggers to correct scores Picture 1Students are expelled for using keyloggers to correct scores Picture 1
Device to monitor computers and hack points

The same incident happened

This is not the first time a student hacked to change scores. In 2015, a Louisiana high school also suspended 45 students for hacking the school's scoring system. The same hack took place in other countries like China. The Technology School in Haifa, Israel fired a student in March due to hacking professor's email seeking information to increase scores.

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