Strange weather phenomena can only be seen in the universe

The vast universe contains countless mysteries that people cannot discover. In which there are extremely strange phenomena that we cannot see on Earth like glass storms, crystal rain or mercury clouds, super heat waves ...

The vast universe contains countless mysteries that people cannot discover. In which there are extremely strange phenomena that we cannot see on Earth like glass storms, crystal rain or mercury clouds, super heat waves .

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1. Glass storm

Located 63 light-years from Earth, planet HD 189733b is known as a replica of Jupiter, but has many times more extreme weather conditions. It seems that no object can exist on the planet's surface because the temperature can reach 980 degrees Celsius and the wind is always 6,400 km / h.

Strange weather phenomena can only be seen in the universe Picture 1Strange weather phenomena can only be seen in the universe Picture 1

Even rock is evaporated on this planet, estimated by HD 189733b to lose about 600 million kilograms of mass per second.

Due to extreme conditions, scientists could not clearly see what was happening on the surface of HD 189733b, although the distance from the planet to Earth was not far away.

To know what's going on on this planet, scientists had to use indirect tracking through HD 189733b's reflected light on its stars. They found that the planet also has a green atmosphere similar to ours but moves continuously like a giant storm with the main components being silicate glass fragments, when reflecting Face light. Heaven makes it green like Earth.

2. Mercury cloud

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Alpha Andromedae, also known as Alpheratz, is the brightest star in the constellation Andromeda and it is also the only star discovered to have a system of weather similar to Earth.

When observing Alpha Andromedae, scientists discovered a change in the mercury concentration on the surface of this star and it was a time-shift, similar to the movement of the atmosphere. and clouds on Earth.

According to scientists, there are extremely special, mercury-like clouds that move over time that exist on this star. But the reason for the formation and regular movement of these mercury clouds is still a mystery to scientists. Because this star does not exist magnetic field, it is necessary to have the same phenomenon as above.

3. Crystal rain

Strange weather phenomena can only be seen in the universe Picture 3Strange weather phenomena can only be seen in the universe Picture 3

Crystal rain is an extremely interesting phenomenon that only appears in the universe.

HOPS-68 is a star with a similar structure to the Sun when it was first formed, 1,350 light-years from Earth. Around this star there exists a cloud of gas dust that is composed mainly of green olivine crystals (a rock on Earth made of iron and magnesium).

Because these clouds of gas are quite cold (about -170 degrees Celsius), the olivine crystals condense into small particles and fall like a miraculous blue crystal rain.

Thanks to NASA's Spitzer space telescope, scientists have observed this interesting phenomenon. Previously, they also discovered similar crystals in comets of the Earth's periphery. According to scientists, these types of gemstones can be formed in the early stages of the solar system, when comets bombard the planets during cooling.

4. Super heat wave

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The HD 80606b is a 'hot Jupiter' about four times bigger than the original we know.

The surface of this planet has the largest and sudden changes in thermal radiation compared to all other planets that scientists have observed. In just a few hours the planet's surface temperature doubles from 500 degrees C to over 1,000 degrees Celsius.
This temperature change causes unexpected radiation explosions. Just an explosion can generate surface wind up to 17,000 km / h and super-heat waves cover the entire planet. Wind and fire will cover the entire planet, so no object can approach.

5. Whirlpool from school

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This unusual form of weather occurs in the righteous stars like the Sun. Each magnetic tornado of 5 times the size of the Earth, is composed of gas and plasma with temperatures up to 2 million degrees Celsius and winds blowing 300,000 km / h.

The first tornado recorded by high-resolution cameras was placed on NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory in 2011.

6. Rain of sand and molten iron

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Long dwarf stars are burning objects, but are not large enough to sustain fusion reactions like stars, so they cool down gradually. When viewed under infrared telescopes, they looked like the embers of the embers were gone.

But in a relatively short period, brown dwarfs seem to be brighter when they lose heat. The main reason is because the clouds surround it. According to scientists, brown dwarfs, which are dimmer than the sun at least 25,000 times, still have a temperature of about 1,720 degrees Celsius. That terrible temperature.

In the process of star cooling, these gases condense in the atmosphere, forming liquid droplets, forming clouds like Earth.

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