Multiple choice questions about Photoshop P8
Photoshop is a complete software for handling professional digital images, containing the latest tools to work with images and new opportunities to implement creative ideas that can improve significantly. tells productivity. The following article will help you learn about this software through multiple-choice questions. Let's start.
- Question 1: The Colorize option in Hue / Saturation command makes sense
- This option allows you to focus on changing the image areas with luminance
- This option allows the image to be converted to the current foreground color hue and still ensures brightness for each pixel
- This option allows images to automatically adjust the color balance in images
- This option specifies the range of color ranges to be selected instead
- Question 2: The Edit / Fill command allows to fill the color of the image area as the color of
- Foreground Color
- Background Color
- Pattern
- All answers
- Question 3: Which of the following statements is wrong in adjusting Brush brush strokes
- Angle is the angle of deviation from the horizontal of the ellipse brush length
- Roundness is the roundness of the brush head
- Spacing is the distance between the brush heads in a stroke
- Master Diameter is a selection of soft brush strokes
- Question 4: Navigator palette used to
- Zoom in, zoom out the image view area
- Manage colors in images
- Use to select fill colors
- Use to align Layer
- Question 5: If you want to link the layers into a group, which one of the following commands do you use:
- Select the layers then press Ctrl + H
- Select the layers then press Ctrl + J
- Select the layers then press Ctrl + G
- Select the layers then press Ctrl + P
- Question 6: Which of the following statements is correct when using Layer / Merge Down command (Ctrl + E)
- Combine all into 1 layer
- Merge the layer into the Layer below
- Include layers to show the eyes
- All three answers are wrong
- Question 7: In Photoshop the Deselect command has a shortcut key CTRL + D; The Reselect command has a shortcut:
- CTRL + Shift + D
- CTRL + R
- CTRL + Shift + R
- CTRL + G
- Question 8: Warning that the currently selected color does not print means:
- The color that is selected when printing the printer has a color deviation
- Color is selected when printing the printer to white
- Color is selected when printing the printer to black
- Unclear
- Question 9: Which of the following effects is used to make a border for a photo?
- Drop Shadow
- Inner Glow
- Outer Glow
- Bevel and EmBoss
- Question 10: Bitmap image has another name
- Vector Image
- Raster Image
- Both a and b are correct
- A and B are wrong
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