Scientists create machines that can read your mind, up to 70% accurate

We just think about it, the computer already knows what you're going to say, it sounds fictitious like in fiction films. But soon, that will become a reality.

We just think about it, the computer already knows what you're going to say, it sounds fictitious like in fiction films. But soon, that will become a reality.

Scientists have created a computer program that controls our brain behavior, filtering out activities directly related to the words used, thereby predicting the sentence that the brain is conducting " production ". According to the research report, the system predicts a standard rate of up to 70%.

Scientists create machines that can read your mind, up to 70% accurate Picture 1Scientists create machines that can read your mind, up to 70% accurate Picture 1

Scientists use a plus bonus imaging machine to capture brain scans from 14 volunteers. Each person is given 240 different sentences. Scientists will then use the computer system to find certain structures associated with words that often appear in sentences. From there, they built a " neurological dictionary " based on photographs of the brain.

From this "dictionary", scientists can make the analytical system take small groups in a big sentence, and then from those elements build other possible sentences.

Scientists create machines that can read your mind, up to 70% accurate Picture 2Scientists create machines that can read your mind, up to 70% accurate Picture 2
Brain shots will be the research data of the speech prediction system.

For example, the word " coffee " in the experiment has 65 different meanings that affect brain feedback.

Professor Rajeev Raizada, a researcher on brain activity at the University of Rochester, said: " Coffee has a distinctive color, smell and you can drink it. Coffee also makes you feel a feeling. strange feeling, the word 'coffee' itself has physical, psychological and social aspects. "

To create a system that predicts sentences, researchers have asked volunteers what they associate with reading 242 special words, with their own characteristics such as color, taste, and sound. , time .

Scientists create machines that can read your mind, up to 70% accurate Picture 3Scientists create machines that can read your mind, up to 70% accurate Picture 3
Typical brain states refer to the word "play".

By testing many words with certain shades, researchers have gained many unique experiences as well as certain emotions to find certain activities of the brain when it comes to words. Specifically.

Since then, they have been able to attach the brain activity of specific words and can predict a whole new sentence based on those brain activities.

According to Dr. Andrew Anderson, a researcher at the University of Rochester, the head of the research project, in the future this technology can help people with stroke, stroke, people with inability to communicate, speech Speech can be communicated. " We found that the system can predict the subject's brain behavior, of course it's impossible to predict perfectly, but obviously it's better than we guessed."

The technology is not yet ready for use, but in the near future, scientists hope patients who cannot communicate will be able to talk to others through a computer.

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