Russian Hacker calls for attacks on Georgia

Security yesterday (August 12) officially denied information that attacks targeted Georgia's website in recent times.

Security yesterday (August 12) officially rejected the claim that recent attacks on Georgia's website have been carried out by Russia's most famous hacker network.

Instead, security experts say it seems that the recent attacks were triggered by volunteer hackers and those who owned Russia's big BOTNET network and organized the implementation.

" There is no need for any center to control these objects to mobilize themselves to call each other, disseminate goals, attack methods and build detailed attack plans. Anyone can join ," Dancho Danchev - a Bulgarian security researcher - said.

Danchev and some colleagues have found some evidence that volunteer hackers and some cybercriminals own the BOTNET networks - or networks of PCs that have been hijacked by them - Behind the attacks "knocked out" many Georgia websites recently.

Russian Hacker calls for attacks on Georgia Picture 1Russian Hacker calls for attacks on Georgia Picture 1 Kimberly Zenz, senior threat analyst with iDefense Labs, said many attacks began with an article calling for help to make an electronic battle against Georgia on a hacker blog. .

But there is a fact that security experts are really surprised. That is, even though it only calls for unorganized mobilization, the hackers participating in this offensive campaign coordinate with each other extremely closely, organizing a very regular, concentrated force. public goals are clearly defined.

" We have a very long list of Georgian government agencies that have been widely distributed in Russian forums ," Danchev said. " Not only that, but Russian hackers also distribute DDoS distributed denial-of-service attack tools, as well as listing very clearly which websites have SQL Injection errors to support each other in organizing attacks ."

" For volunteer hackers, it is the most effective method of cooperation ," said Zenz. " Just writing the tutorials on your personal or forum blog is that hackers can guide countless other people to accomplish their goals. But we think there must still be someone behind everything. all this . "

Danchev expert also confirmed this. Obviously, the collaboration among hackers is only voluntary but also very complicated and complicated. It's complicated enough to carry out a major DDoS attack targeting one of the most famous forums in the hacker world in Georgia. But the attack did not achieve the desired results.

In contrast, Georgia hackers quickly organized counter-attacks. " Even with denial-of-service attacks, Georgian hackers have also taken down a number of Russian service websites. For example, RIA Novosti, " said Danchev.


Zenz said the Georgia offensive was just one of the clear examples of what would have to happen if the war took place in the present era. " The war is not only happening in real life but also in the virtual world ."

Russian Hacker is also famous as patriots. " Whenever a military conflict with another country occurs, Russian hackers are also ready to enter the organization to attack the enemy's electronic network ," Danchev said.

However, security circles also constantly monitor hackers' activities. " It can be said that the world security community is trying to grasp every dark corner of hacker underground. Meanwhile hackers today have also learned how to take advantage of the majority to organize attacks as well as cleverly combining techniques to enhance the effectiveness of offensive campaigns ".

It can be said that electronic warfare is an unavoidable thing in the Internet era like today. Hackers see the organization of these offensive campaigns as a means for them to show their patriotism.

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