Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future

According to consulting firm Cognizant, within 10 to 15 years, 12% of jobs in the US will be replaced by machines but there will be 21 million jobs created by new technologies.

Robots are slowly robbing our current job. But don't be pessimistic because they themselves will create new jobs from new technologies.

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According to consulting firm Cognizant, within 10 to 15 years, 12% of jobs in the US will be replaced by machines but there will be 21 million jobs created by new technologies.

Below is a list of 20 jobs that can be created by robots that will appear in the future, including some pretty fictional listening work but some other jobs are simply a development of the tools. the current popular.

1. Detective data

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 1Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 1

Currently, many companies attach great importance to understanding information from data of people who have or will buy products. In the future, this work will go a little further, data detectives will analyze data from IoT devices, mesh networks, neural networks . of users to provide businesses and organizations need A clear view of the database.

2. Make friends with the elderly

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 2Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 2

In the future, when human life is increasing thanks to the advancement of medical technology, the number of elderly people is higher than ever. But this elderly person needs to talk to someone. At that time, walking with old people, listening to them confide in everything will become a professional job.

3. AR journey builder specialist (enhanced virtual reality)

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 3Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 3

The AR journey builder is the one who writes, designs and builds a journey in the AR world for users to experience. They are the ones who open the entertainment world to experience in the future.

4. Expert urban analysis

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 4Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 4

In the future, smart cities and cities rely on a wide range of sensors to collect data and keep services such as energy and garbage collection active. And if a sensor tracks the city broken, it needs to be repaired and that is the job of a smart urban analyst.

5. AI sales staff

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 5Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 5

In the near future, AI (artificial intelligence) cannot sell its own labor. Therefore, companies that provide AI computing services will be born and they need salespeople looking for customers to use AI.

6. Health care technician supported by AI

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 6Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 6

In the future, patients will not need to go to the hospital for medical examination because thanks to the support of AI, health care technicians will come to diagnose them.

7. Personal data broker

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 7Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 7

In the future, service providers like Facebook will no longer be able to sell user data, but users will sell their personal data. Meanwhile, transactions will be more convenient with the help of a personal data broker.

8. Fitness counselor

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 8Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 8

Unfortunately, in the future the world population will become increasingly obese. People are becoming lazy, so they will be equipped with a bracelet that connects with a fitness advisor, who encourages and offers helpful advice on exercise.

9. The highway operator

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 9Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 9

Self-driving cars and drones will be the main means of transportation of people in the future. At that time, to ensure that all vehicles are effectively managed, each highway will require a moderator.

10. Employees recruit according to genetics

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 10Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 10

Future employers need to ensure that their workforce is the best genetically inherited person that others do not have.

11. Information technology instructors

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 11Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 11

This work is a combination of IT operations and the company's general strategy to create a self-service IT platform. The IT instructor will be responsible for assisting the company in building IT systems and training employees to use it for their work.

12. Digital tailor

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 12Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 12

Tailors in the future will have customer data collection equipment to know their exact measurements. As a result, garment products will surely satisfy customers, reducing the return rate.

13. Financial consultant

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 13Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 13

Bitcoin and virtual currencies will gradually replace cash in the future. Meanwhile, security is extremely important, the ability to 'leak money' occurs very high. Therefore, we will need the help of financial counselors to track all digital transactions and optimize financial resources.

14. Genetic Director Director

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 14Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 14

Thanks to DNA analysis and CRISPR correction technology, people can improve genes at will. Biotech companies will create new drugs to meet those needs of people. And the genomic director will be responsible for creating a marketing strategy and bringing those drugs to consumers.

15. Personal memory manager

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 15Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 15

In the future, people will live longer and at some point their memory will not be lucid anymore. Therefore, the personal memory manager will be responsible for working with customers to create their own virtual world by simulating the past events of patients. In addition, this person will also be responsible for managing part of the temporary memory that customers want after having dementia.

16. Production management

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 16Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 16

In the future, people and machines will cooperate with each other in the production process. The manager will have to find the strengths and weaknesses of both people and machines, then combine them to get the most productive production team.

17. Analyst of Quantum Machine Learning process

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 17Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 17

This work is responsible for faster and more efficient real-world business problems by combining quantum information processing with Machine Learing processes. The ultimate goal is to create a smart system that can learn from the available data.

18. Computer expansion specialist

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 18Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 18

Fortune magazine has predicted this work in the future. Computer expansion experts will be responsible for upgrading the internet infrastructure of companies into an advanced computing system to expand the space and processing capacity for the huge amount of data me

19. Head of trust

Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 19Robots take away their current jobs, but they also create 20 new jobs in the future Picture 19

In the future, investors will be closely linked and require organizations and companies to operate more transparently. But, underground virtual money transactions have also grown and expanded more than ever. Therefore, trusted employees will be responsible for eliminating doubts and demonstrating to investors that their money is used for clean, safe and profitable operations.

20. Managing and supervising company rules

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The task of the internal supervisor is to ensure that all employees strictly follow the rules of the company and that all sources of indirect expenditures must be commensurate with the value of the shareholders. For example, when a company prioritizes the rights of workers first, the internal supervisor will have to check and monitor all working conditions of the entire company.

See more: If you have 8 skills, you will never be afraid of robbing your job

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