Removing 502 glue on the skin is extremely simple
The 502 Adhesive is a high-adhesive adhesive, suitable for use on surfaces such as iron, wood or household items. However, in the process of using carelessly, you let the glue stick to the skin area such as hands, eyes or floor, making you extremely uncomfortable, if you do not know how to handle easily lead to bulging, skin peeling cause pain . To avoid the danger of 502 sticky skin, here are some simple and safe tips you need to know:
1. Natural treatment when sticking with 502 glue
Removing 502 glue on the skin is extremely simple Picture 1
Mix a little warm water, then put the soap in the bowl of water and just put your hand in this soap and soak it for about 10 minutes until the glue is soft, then just gently remove the glue. stick on that finger. In addition, to help the glue quickly peel off, you can also add this mixture a little vinegar. Moderate immersion to remove the 502 adhesive layer from the hand.
2. How to deal with Acetone
Removing 502 glue on the skin is extremely simple Picture 2
Acetone is a nail cleanser, often used to remove nail polish and toenail. The effect of Acetone in this case is to soften the cyanoacrylate in the adhesive. You only need to use a bottle of water to wash this nail a little bit of cotton and rub lightly on the sticky skin, you will see that white glue will slowly disappear.
Note : Acetone should not be used when your skin has an open wound.
3. Use wind oil vials
Removing 502 glue on the skin is extremely simple Picture 3
Using wind oil is also a way to get rid of this nasty glue, you just need to apply a little bit of wind oil directly to the sticky skin and rub a little bit to make it work for you.
4. Use sandpaper / file
Removing 502 glue on the skin is extremely simple Picture 4
This method is only suitable for use when these stains stick on clothes or shoes, . If you rub directly on the skin, it can cause skin scratches, damage to the skin. In case of lots of 502 glue on the skin, you can put your hands in warm water and rub on a pumice stone.
5. How to deal with 502 glue with butter
Removing 502 glue on the skin is extremely simple Picture 5
For people with sensitive skin, you can use margarine to clean this adhesive area. This approach is extremely simple. Apply a layer of butter over the sticky glue. Do this until the 502 glue layer is soft and washable.
6. Salt also helps you clean the glue
Removing 502 glue on the skin is extremely simple Picture 6
Salt is a certain spice that every home has in his family's kitchen. You only need to add 2 tablespoons of salt to your hands, add a little water to make a paste, then gently rub the area of the skin that is pulling for about 30 seconds. Perform until the glue is removed.
7. In case of glue sticking to the eyes
Removing 502 glue on the skin is extremely simple Picture 7
The eye is a rather sensitive area of the skin so if we are not careful, it can lead to damage to the cornea, which can damage our vision later. So, when glue sticks to your eyes, soak a soft towel in warm water and gently wipe the eye area. Then apply the gauze and then go to the doctor. Try not to open your eyes during this process.
8. Handling when glue sticks to the lips
Removing 502 glue on the skin is extremely simple Picture 8
When glue sticks to your lips, you should take a bowl of warm water and soak your lips in it. Saliva is capable of making the 502 glue expand, so use your hand to lightly place the adhesive lip area, it will automatically inflate.
9. Use gasoline or clean oil to remove the glue
Removing 502 glue on the skin is extremely simple Picture 9
There is also another simple way, suitable for men, that is to pour some clean oil or gasoline on the sticky 502 hand part, then you will easily remove the glue. However, after doing this, you should wash your hands with soapy water to avoid the unpleasant smell of gasoline and oil.
10. Self-adhesive glue
Removing 502 glue on the skin is extremely simple Picture 10
If you . don't want to do anything and don't care if your hands are glued or not, then there's only a way to wait after a while it will peel itself off. If you can wait, then the waiting time will be about 280-320 hours!
Above are some ways to handle when sticking 502 glue you can apply during use.
Hope you are succesful.
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